Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

Noticing the now-crying girl next to him, Metus stared at her. "Why is water coming from there?" he sincerely asked, curious as to why anyone would want water to come out of their eyes. Eona did seem a bit frightened, so he smiled and reassured her that the evil Russians would not be able to get her. "Do not worry, kleines Mädchen, I will scare them away if they come," he grinned at the thought of getting to use his true form to scare the 'bad guys', picturing them running away to their mothers. "and I will not let the evil people of the Union of Space Soviet Russians get to you!"
Umbra felt like fainting when the man began to transform. 'Oh no...' He didn't like where this was going. He was going to die. This school would be responsible for his death. He only made it passed day one! How could he just die on the second day!?

Umbra watched as his roommate appeared. He was glad someone had stepped in, but seeing her other form was making him nervous. He looked at the man, desperate to quell his anger. "What can I do to a-apologize?"

The four female genies suddenly appeared with a purple smoke, they stood protectively in front of their master. "B****, please!" The genies said in sync, a whole truckload of magic pouring out from each of them. There was so much magic in the air that you could practically see it! The first busty genie had conjured up a very scary looking trident, jewels adorned the golden staff, powerful magic surrounded the genies.

Sure, a genie wouldn't be able to take on a sawarineko, but four genies however...
Eona wiped her tears away and nodded, still feeling very scared of the space Russians. The kraken had met a Russian monster before, he was very large and jolly! But, these ugly guppy Russians sounded so mean! A light shiver went down Eona's spine as she stood up-

And banged her head on the table. The kraken was still under the wooden thing when she tried to stand up. That's going to leave a bump! The kraken rubbed her head, doing her best to numb the pain. After that, Eona crawled out of under the table, remembering not to hit her head this time.
(AHAHAHAH I died at the "B*tch please" xD )

"Nyaa-ha-ha-ha!" Black let out a cat-like giggle towards the crazy glowing women, her ears folded back. She didn't have enough energy to face all four yet. Besides, Black was covered in those disgusting rags called "clothes". She couldn't fight in clothes! Black stood up, glaring at the sphinx.

"Mistress isn't allowed to fight on these grounds. And neither is your master." She shot a threatening look at the genie. "But. I will fight for her if you try to hurt my toys." Black mewed playfully, she hadn't had a good fight in ages and now she was finally out. Maybe, she could take full control just this once? Surely Mistress wouldn't be too angry. Black's eyes turned into crimson slits as she waited for their decision.
(Sorry if I don't reply to someone's post if they interacted with me, There's a lot of pages)

Junko walked into the library. She was shocked at the sight of the four genies and the sawarineko. "Oh," she said, beginning to back out of the door, "Sorry if I'm disturbing something. I'll be on my way."
Ajax scoffed at the other monster, completely ignoring the other cat creature as his genies tended to the almost naked woman. The sphinx was already fully transformed into his real appearance, about 20 meters tall with large golden paws whose claws sticked out completely. Reaching over the genies and sawarineko, Ajax used the tip of his claw to pick the tiny commoner off of the ground and bring him face to face.

"What's your name, little scum?" The sphinx asked, looking a little calmer than before. The anger in Ajax seemed to fade ever so slightly. "Tell me so I kno what to put on your tombstone!" Ajax roared in the other monster's face, you could almost see the sound waves the giant cat gave off. The rage in Ajax's heart multiplied by ten fold. The anger was now plainly evident on the sphinx's face.
Metus stood up while still under the table as well, resulting in him bumping his head too. He didn't mind the pain, though; it simply meant he was alive. As soon as he was fully out, he was grabbed by the back of his shirt and dragged out of the library, protesting the whole time. "Y-You can't do... this!" He shouted as she threw him out for being 'too loud' and 'disrupting the learning environment", "You're ju-just an evil soviet!" The tall lady simply scoffed at Metus' remarks, and slammed the door shut. He lay there, on the ground, muttering curses at the librarian for being mean to him. He was only telling the story of his life, after all. Since she was a bad guy, he could pull a prank on her! "Yeah," he thought aloud, "everybody loves pranks on bad guys." Becoming his true form, Metus slid through the door with ease. The shadowy figure took advantage of his ability to become near-transparent, and snuck up behind the lady known as the librarian. Putting a small tack on her chair, he ran over to Eona, telling her to "watch this."

To make a long story short, the librarian sat on it, and when questioning the students who did it, they all blamed Metus. She sentenced him to detention and threw him out, for the second time.
((Psh! Who needs clothing anyway? And Umbra, I just can't use his name yet because Ajax doesn't know it))

The genies frowned at the sawarineko, knowing that they would get seperated from their master if they did choose to fight this female monster. But, if this lady took one step to getting near their Ajax, she was as dead as a slice of tuna in a kraken's mouth.

One of the women backed off ever so slightly, putting her magical aura away but kept her trained eye on the sawarineko. "One move, and you're dead meat."
Raven looked up. Oh yaay, someone might've made a mistake.

"Err... Hi?"

'Wow, I'm surprised he survi- Oh I'm not mentally connected to him, am I?'

After thinking that, she looked at him with a stern look. Well, at least she might make her first friend in like... Years, right? Right Raven...

Eona giggled softly at the librarian's misfortune. What a stuffy old lady. The kraken suddenly pictured all the swords that were pointed at her back in the 13th Century and frowned deeply. Those swords had hurt, cutting through her skin and baring the kraken's flesh. Eona shivered once more before shaking her head to remove the scary memories.

Hurrying after Metus, Eona didn't want to be left alone for the evil Russians to dissect her! The ugly guppies dissected a lot of things, poking around at the poor thing's insides. The kraken stood by Metus and hid an amused smile from what had happened back in the library. "Was what you used a sword for ants?"

((Hey everyone, when are we going to eat breakfast? I think that would be a great opportunity for everyone to get to know each other :3))
Lucien sighed mentally when the girl said something to him, "Hey... you're not busy, are you?" he asked, hoping he wasn't interrupting her.

(That's quite the idea, and without it everyone would starve so it's a brilliant idea)
((Now that I think about it...WHEN AM I GOING TO EAT BREAKFAST?!?! I only had a little salad for dinner and I'm starving!))
Umbra held back a scream as he was lifted into the air. Everything felt like it was going in slow motion. He could practically hear the stereotypical song about flying in the back of his mind. He prayed that the large man didn't drop him.

He struggled to answer when he asked his name. "U-Umbra!" The man seemed a bit calmer. Maybe he wasn't going to die after all! 'T-Tombstone? No!' He didn't want to be buried underground! It was dark down there!
(Agreed! ^w^)

The sawarineko let out a cat-like yowel and smirked at the genie. Hitagi pushed her way back through, eyes and hair back to normal color but cat ears still prominent. "Let him go, what did he ever do to you?" The regular Hitagi had mustered up enough strength to speak to such a frightening creature and she even surprised herself in what she did.

She went with her rash decision, standing frim and clenching her fists. Her face as cold as ice, her eyes hiding her true fear. The hair on her ears ruffled as she spat her words at the sphinx. "You're no higher then him in this place. Don't speak to anyone that way." Her voice firm, no hint of emotion whatsoever. I liked it better when I was watching..
((I'm down with that, we should totally go get some food! Food is good for ya!))

Glancing up at the clock nearby, Metus returned to his 'normal' form, as to avoid any more trouble. Noticing it was about the time of day when most people got breakfast, he grabbed his new friend's arm and started running off into the hallways. "Eona," he started as he was searching the halls for somewhere to get food, "do you know where the foods are?" He stopped in his tracks and innocently smiled at Eona. He was getting pretty hungry.

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