Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

Nessa looked over in surprise as that Hitagi girl from earlier came over to sit next to her.

"Hello again." Nessa said, smiling, she was relieved that someone she knew had voluntarily sat next to her.

"So, why don't we start off where we left off?" Nessa said, quickly falling back into her old rhythm, "What's your favorite.... food. That seems fitting, considering that we're in a cafeteria."
After waiting in the line for what seemed like the length of time it would take a snail to travel a light year (A.K.A a long time), Lucien took his food and sat next to Raven, "Why does everyone scoot away from you like that?" he asked his new friend.
"Sausage!" Metus said happily, answering both Nessa and Eona's questions. Like many Germans he had known, sausage was 'the best food'. As a child, Metus used to steal people's sausage, as nobody would ever sell anything to a shadow, and he had always preferred it over souls, like the other Angst Schatten used to eat. "Its so meaty, and good, and stuff. Want some?" He held some in front of Eona. "Es ist gut (It is good)!"
"That's good," Junko said, taking the other mouse and drizzling its blood over the salad like dressing, "I Don't get to eat like this often, so this is a real treat." She pulled out a fork and started to eat her salad.
"I scare them..." She snapped her fingers. "Just like that." After swallowing a bite of food, she faced him. "Either that, or they know about me..." She chuckled.

Silly nerdz.

Raven ate the last of her bacon, and when she realized she had no more bacon... She freaked. "Where did my bacon goooo?! NOOOOOOO!" After experiencing drama, she just grabbed her fork and began to eat her eggs and mashed potatoes.
"I-I..." She veered her eyes up at Nessa, tears welling up in them. She was so overwhelmed with anger she could only cry. Hitagi was shocked at her own tears as she felt one slide down her cheek, she hadn't cried in 400 years.

All she could do was stare back up at Nessa. "I-I'm sorry I..I'm just not having a good day." She whimpered and gave a little sniff. Trying to change the subject she whimpered out an answer to the question. "I like ramen." Hitagi blushed, she was embarrassed that she let someone see her cry.
(In case you forgot what it looks like, this is Umbra's true form.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.d7b197f011b3c2571015aec9a00e2211.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4895" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.d7b197f011b3c2571015aec9a00e2211.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Eona stared at the meat for a moment, she never really ate meat, but she was willing to try. "Sure...?" The kraken opened her mouth and took the piece of sausage off of Metus's fork, chewing it slowly. It was...a little spicy...Mixed with...something.. It was a funny mixture of food, but, somehow, it worked. "It's...good." A little smile formed on Eona's face as she quickly switched Metus's sausage and her still living salmon. "I like these...sausages." The kraken giggled at the plural word, sausages is a funny word.

"Do you like salmon?" Eona gestured to the salmon on Metus's plate, a bright smile on her face as she stabbed her fork into it's head, ceasing its endless flopping around. The kraken didn't know if the other monster ate raw seafood, she hoped he wouldn't get salmonella from it.
Lucien ate his food rather slowly holding a knife in one hand and a fork in the other, cutting up all the food and eating the smaller chunks. Just like he did at home. He turned to watch his friend freak over having no more bacon left and giggled a little, "How can anyone find you scary?" he asked as she began to eat the eggs and mashed potatoes.
"Well.. If you know the music genre of dubstep and any genre in that category... I use it to scare people.. And when they've gone crazy.. I kill them."

The end.

One of her favorite stories of all time. Person goes loco, then the evil Cyber robot kills them. Yippeee!
Lucien nodded, "Oh I see. I do find dubstep very irritating and if I was forced to listen to it non stop I would kill myself before you got the chance," he said jokingly, although it was true he didn't like dubstep.
"My kind, Angst Schatten or Fear Shadows in your language," Metus sadly smiled at the the girl with her plates full of fish, "we're kind of allergic to sea creatures." He picked up more of his sausage and shoved it into his mouth, eating it all in one bite. "And maple, but that's 'cause of the evil space machines sending lasers down on Earth to make us allergic to the stuff." Laughing, he noticed how Eona was eating it raw. This made him laugh even more.
Sedrian picked up a tray and filled it with whatever he felt like eating, he looked around and found an empty table with no one at it. He approached that table and plopped his tray onto the table, and began eating his food. He scanned the surrounding area to make sure no one was watching him. He pulled out a couple of blood capsules and stuffed it in his food so that when he bit into the food, he would receive blood.
"How unfortunate..." She chuckled once more before emptying her tray of scarps and set the tray on the rack... Then she went towards the table once more. and was extremely bored. Nothing to do here...

(Brb for awhile gaiz. :brb:)
"Oh," Eona's face flushed with embarrassment. "Sorry." Taking the salmon off his plate, the kraken bit into the fish, wondering how someone could be allergic to such a yummy taste. That's when she realized something. "You can't eat sushi?!" The kraken stood up in horror, her eyebrows furrowed slightly and her jaw dropped. "Poor, poor, Metus. You'll never witness the great taste of fish." Patting Metus's head softly, Eona sat back down in her seat, continuing to pretty much vacuum up the raw seafood.

"How about you, Junko? Do you like fish?" Eona shoved a live flounder in Junko's face, an innocent smile on her lips. The flounder flopped around, trying to get out of the death grip the kraken had on it, in process, the fish slapped Junko in the face multiple times. 
Ajax froze in shock when the guy disappeared, a sudden fear overwhelmed the sphinx as he couldn't move his body. The beast was completely frozen, only able to move his eyes to try and look behind him. If only Ajax knew it was not a good idea of a juvenile sphinx to face a full grown shadow.
Lucien smiled at her comment and waited for her to return, while she was away he noticed some people were giving him looks that said 'are you crazy' which he guessed were because he was friends with the dubstep monster. 'Hey, Lul-Lucien, I wonder how that fight it going? Why not ditch the techno-freak and go see some real action! Unless it's boring monsters then don't bother going... I wonder who it is fighting?' the alternate personality began to ramble.
The shadows scattered into a mist and began to reform. When Umbra's body reconstructed, he was as tall as the room could handle. A Shadow possessed no physical form, they were comprised entirely of darkness. They could change their bodies however they pleased.

The large Umbra grabbed the Sphinx and began to coil around his body like a snake. When every limb was constricted by the Shadow, he brought him down to the floor. This was a good way to an the fight. Nobody got hurt and the Sphinx was simply restrained.
((If only you knew, Lucien...if only you knew.. xD This is going to be so bad for Ajax's ego. Haha!))

Ajax growled as he tried to break the Shadow's restriction off of him, but, even if he did, the sphinx wouldn't be able to do anything because his body always froze right before the Shadow made his move. The beast continued to struggle against the dark ropes, a survival instinct that just made the restriction tighter.

Finally, the sphinx went unconscious from the lack of air, the Shadow had wrapped himself around the beast. Oh, would Ajax be pissed when he awoke.
Umbra released Ajax and reformed back on the ground, back to his normal size. The darkness came off his body, his true form dissappearing. "I-I'm sorry!" He didn't mean to make him pass out! He just tried to make him calm down! This wasn't good, not one bit.

He felt bad for what he had done and picked up Ajax. He didn't want him to wake up here. He took him outside and placed him under a shady tree. Umbra let out a sigh and leaned against the wood. "Why do these things always happen to me? I bet he's gonna kill me when he wakes up." Umbra's eyes began to close as he let out a yawn. He wasn't used to his true form yet, so he felt exhausted. He would rest for just a little bit.
(Getting slapped in the face is Junko's least favourite activity)

"It's o-" Junko said, being interrupted by the fish slapping her in the face,

"Is that supposed to happen?" She asked, looking at the fish, "I mean, I eat fish quite a bit, I'm a stream spirit so fish is pretty good to me."
Sedrian continued eating away from everyone else, while he did enjoy it when he was left alone, he hated being ignored because it made him think that the people in the school didn't think he was good enough to interact with, he was strange that way.
Noah was in a tree as a spider resting when he notices two others come. One was carrying the other. As Noah peered at them he realizes the unconscious one was a sphinx. The other person (Umbra) sits down and closes his eyes. Noah lowers himself from a thread of spider silk a few feet above the two of them peering wondering what had happened.
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"Something is ticking my mind.." How odd. Nothing like this has ever happened. Well, until now at least. "Is someone here to piss me off...?" She asked, scanning the room as their heads shifted away from her gaze.

Tee Hee.

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