Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

paipai900 said:
((You know, I think all the sea monsters should meet up and create a little club. xD ))
((They totally should. They'd be a gang. But not a scary gang. They'd be one of those gangs that break into song and snap their fingers while walking.))
((Oh mah gawd. We have to do that!~ Although Eona isn't as good as Melody, she can still sing! WE MUST DO A SCENE OF THAT, OKAY?! :D ))
TheKaosophile said:
(Like the Sharks?)
((exactly like the Sharks.))

paipai900 said:
((Oh mah gawd. We have to do that!~ Although Eona isn't as good as Melody, she can still sing! WE MUST DO A SCENE OF THAT, OKAY?! :D ))
((Oh my God, with the help of Eli, they could form an amazing band. /shot. ))
(That is The. Best. Idea. Ever. We need to do that. xD You guys are amazing. @ElegantRed, here's Melody's response~)

Melody frowned at Ansgar saying what he was, she had no clue what it was, she went through her mental dictionary and couldn't find any matches - it wasn't even upon the flash cards Lark had used to teach her things.

"Nokken? What's that?" She asked, after thinking about it for a few minutes and still not sure about what it was. It was a pretty word though, it flowed in Melody's mind even better than pool.

Pool. Uh-oh, I asked this boy what a pool was, now I'm asking about this Nokken thing... I'm probably annoying the poor boy. Melody thought, wondering if her lack of knowledge on all these land things was apparent, she didn't want to emberass herself too much in front of her friend.

"I'm a Siren." Melody said, repeating the word Lark had used to describe what she and Melody and the others were, when Lark had said they were 'different' from lots of other people. 
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TheKaosophile said:
((EVERYONE WOULD. I mean, Ansgar and Melody both are designed to lure people to their deaths.

...people would have no choice but to stop by and listen.

*cackles evilly* ))
((Oh mah gawd. YESH!))


"....laser eyes...?" the kraken frowned in confusion for a moment, trying to process what the will-o-wisp was saying. "...THAT WOULD BE SO COOL!!" Eona's face lit up in excitement, wondering if maybe she could get laser eyes! There was such thing as laser eye surgery...maybe she should get that?
ElegantRed said:
((EVERYONE WOULD. I mean, Ansgar and Melody both are designed to lure people to their deaths.
...people would have no choice but to stop by and listen.

*cackles evilly* ))
(As is Eli with his will, that's what I meant, nobody would walk PAST)

"Do you know anybody with laser eyes? or maybe one of your non laser eyes friends knows someone!" 
(Eli actually knows A lot, but not much of it interests him enough to remember) 
(Transferring to phone and probably going to sleep soon, I have an early day tomorrow)
((Eona's still really stupid. She has a doughnut shaped brain with her esophagus running in the middle of it.))


"I...I don't think so...?" the kraken's voice went high as she was unsure of her answer. Maybe she did know someone with laser eyes? They just didn't show them. Shrugging it off, Eona then began to ponder if anyone else knew someone who had laser eyes as she began sculpting the basic snowman shape to be like Ajax's.
"I want to meet your friends anyway, a few of them seem really nice, " Eli said, flicking through browsed memories from Eona "Who's this one? He seems to show up a lot" Eli said, creating a willo'wisp containing an image of Chrys. "Not from a long time ago, just more recessively... recently!" 
(Yeah, he went there)
((oh snap. xD Oh, no you didn't! I think this would be a good time for sassy kraken Hafgufa! But, nah!~))


Feeling a little startled from the image of Chrys, Eona shot Eli a cheeky grin and proudly stated, "That's Chrys! He's one of my good friends!" Giggling softly at a few of the memories she and Chrys had made over the past few months, Eona's face suddenly flushed red when she came to the memory that had just happened half an hour ago. "Yup...just a friend.." Clearing her throat, the kraken softly shook her head and looked up at Eli, a little smile on her lips. "So....you're a...floaty lighty thingy?" Eona didn't know the word for the monster before her, she, well, was kind of new here on land.
"I'm a Wisp, what is... Chrys doing in that memory? Its a very strong one for some raisin... reason?" Eli said, "I've seen it before, but what is it?"
TheKaosophile said:
"I'm a Wisp, what is... Chrys doing in that memory? Its a very strong one for some raisin... reason?" Eli said, "I've seen it before, but what is it?"
(*gets some popcorn* this should be good xD )

The kraken tilted her head to the side in confusion. "What is what?" Keeping her eyes on the Snow Ajax, slowly sculpting in the shape of his eyes. Eona had put a lot of effort into this snowman, but what was really comical about it was that his face was a little lopsided. The right side was a lot higher than the left side, making is look a lot like something Pablo Picasso would make. Hey, I'm an artist! Eona thought, trying to distract herself from Eli's words.
"This," eli said grabbing her hand and pressing a razzmatazz willowisp into it, sending hundreds of memories of kisses flooding her donut-shaped mind

(There is no escape)
((Oh me oh my. xD ))


Eona blushed furiously as the images were sent into her head, causing her to punch herself in the stomach to avert her thoughts to the pain. "It....it was just an accident, he said..." The kraken cleared her throat and clutched her stomach, wondering why she had to hit herself so hard. "He, he said it was just an accident..." Staring at the ground like it had all the answers to the universe, Eona's face got even more red from embarrassment. She could already feel little droplets of tears welling up in her eyes.
Eli started crying from empathy, he hugged her (insubstantially), and they cried together

(Thats all i can think of for tonight, see you(sort of) tommirow


After being hugged by the will-o-wisp, Eona then pulled away from the boy and sent him a little smile, one that didn't reach her eyes. Quickly speed walking away, Eona quickly entered the school once more and tried to stop the tears that were falling from her eyes. What is wrong with me? Eona asked herself as she randomly opened a door and sneaked inside the room. Finding the pool, Eona quickly head into the girl's changeroom.

Curling up into a little ball, Eona tucked her head in between her knees and wondered what she should say to Chrys. Maybe, Eona actually liked the kiss, maybe...she wanted more..? Shaking her head to rid hersel of the thoughts, Eona was so sure that she and Chrys were just friends, she was a kraken after all, seven hundred years under the sea. A few more years of solitude wouldn't hurt, would it?

The boy blinked, before saying, "A Nokken is..." He trailed off, unsure of how to describe what he was. To him, he was simply who he was, and he was a Nokken, according to the people who lived near his lake. He'd never even come close to meeting someone similar to him. Ansgar pursed his lips, before saying, "A Nokken is what I am...?"

Obviously rather confused, Ansgar's face brightened up when he recalled having heard tales from Viking sailors about Nokkens-- ones that weren't him! "We live in the water! Some people say that we are not good, but... We love water... And music..."

He trailed off, with a small frown, before smiling brightly yet again, almost as if someone had flipped a switch. He knew about Sirens! "You are a sirene! That is why you sing, yes?"

((If you haven't noticed already, I occasionally sprinkle in Danish when it comes to Ansgar speaking, so if a word looks like I spelled it wrong, I either did, or it's in Danish. xD @Nanashi ))
Melody was at first confused by Ansgar's initial response, but smiled as he gave her the explanation.

"Your kind love water and music? You can't be bad, then!" Melody said, water and music were both great things, things she herself loved, and things her own kind loved - well, the water part was debatable, as most only loved the water because of the ships of young sailors, just waiting to be enchanted, it brought them. Melody liked it for different reasons, though, she liked water because she liked the feel of it, she liked swimming, and she liked music not because she could use her singing as a tool, a weapon, but because of how happy it made her to sing.

"I think it's why I sing, all the sirens used to sing, so I think it's something most of my kind does." Melody said, smiling to herself at the memories she had of singing with her own kind. She remembered what Lark had said about singing, and frowned for a moment. Lark had warned her, before she arrived at the school, to only sing if she was in her human form, if she sang once she was in her true form, bad things could happen. Melody wondered what bad things would happen. Telling her not to was like forbidding a young child to do something, it only enticed them to do it more. She uncatalogued the idea away in her mind for later, remembering to find out what would happen if she sang in her true form.

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