Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

"I see." Frau breathed flipping his blonde hair out of his face. "And do you have feelings?" Why was he engaging in conversation with this creature, being surrounded by humans his whole life and inside a church no less it was only obvious he would have no idea what this was.

{can I see his cherrie?}
AR-E25 nodded, it was feeling many feelings right now, some it didn't really like, but others it enjoyed very much, especially enjoyment, "I can feel feelings. Can you?" It asked.

Frau nearly jumped back. "And what do I look like to you?" He questioned looking at himself to be sure he was in his human form, pinkish pale skin covered his fingers and arms, under his gloves and long sleeves.

{even the Stig runs away from Persio... You filled it out when you joined the thread...? His skelly, character chart, cherrie.}
CoyotyZephyrWolf said:
Frau nearly jumped back. "And what do I look like to you?" He questioned looking at himself to be sure he was in his human form, pinkish pale skin covered his fingers and arms, under his gloves and long sleeves.
{even the Stig runs away from Persio... You filled it out when you joined the thread...? His skelly, character chart, cherrie.}
(page 25 http://www.rpnation.com/index.php?threads/highschool-of-a-thousand-terrors-sign-up.13047/page-25
(But now AR only has 1 arm, right prowlzerz?)
"Hmmmmm," it said, carefully examining the boy for a while until it had decided on what the boy looked like, "This!" It said as it became an almost identical copy of the boy. Of course it was all based off what AR-E25 could see so it couldn't get the genes perfect and of course, it did not have enough atoms for both arms. So it was a one armed copy of the boy, "Except you have two arms!" It informed the boy as it restructured itself to look like what it normally looked like, twiddling its right pretend cat ear only since it didn't have a left arm to reach up and twiddle its left pretend cat ear.

(What episode of Top Gear is that?)
{Dunno a new one just came on and my attention spam became about as reliable as a goldfish. I am watching a human become a Lamborghini hood ornament.}

Frau this time did jump back then looked at the AR. "Huh, not to bad." He said blinking his eyes. "I don't look half bad looking." He was not clearly talking about the clone of himself and how awesome the precision was for the robot to look like him.
(It's not a robot xD )

AR-E25 laughed at what the boy was saying, but it wasn't sure what it should say, so it just stood there kind of awkwardly.
(Hello? anybody there? what if I showed you some feels-hurting lulz?
{I has no idea... I should probably leave I'm not focusing on RP.... xD }

Frau blinked a moment and then pulled away. "Alright you can stop looking like me now." He would rather himself not be duplicated in anyway, people have told him there was enough him in the world, plus if this AR could duplicate his appearance whose to say if he could duplicate his power or not.
Spire slept sitting down with her forehead pressed against a pile of books, a cup of tea next to her arms which were folded on the table. Her face slipping off the stack, she faceplanted on the table, waking suddenly and spilling her tea. "Who...?" She rubbed her eyes sleepily, glancing around.
(Yep I'm here.)

Chiaki ran up to the school building, the cold snow crunching beneath his paws. His first day..it would be a day he wouldn't soon forget. He had come here of his own choice, after seeing the horror at the human school he used to attend. His best friend in the world now attended this school, and Chiaki knew how unstable his emotions were. He was determined to find Flynn and catch up after the time they had spent apart. He sprinted through the halls in his okami form, slipping on the tiles occasionally, and bumping into students as he passed.
(Mordaedel so NOW you show up, AFTER AR ditched Spire xD )

AR-E25 shook its head around and started looking at random things, "Sorry," it said as it watched a piece of snow drop to the ground.
Now bored with talking about the scratches, Eli left Eona in the snow, following a new trail of someone remembering something "Happy, but... scared too? How?"
(( xP Well sooooREEE. I've been busy. Plus, I was trying to deal with a different role-play... The people there I'd known at least eight months, and I considered them some of my best friends, and it felt like I'd known them better than my friends in real life... but things got screwed up pretty bad, might've been my fault... anyway.))

Spire mopped up the tea with one of the books, concealing the liquid in the pages. Tossing it behind her, the book disappeared. Where is everyone? she thought in the back of her mind, staggering to her feet. Pulling on her coat even though she didn't need it, she flung open the door and sauntered outside, her footsteps not even making prints in the snow.
{Ah... Only Coyoty is in a manga of mine xD Frau belongs to a Japanese writer with a fascination wit Germany, I met him when I was in Germany. I am using his character at his expense because... I figured, why not!? And actually I have to go... My mum is taking me somewhere and it requires a plane...}
Eli bumped into the phantom, surprised that he actually bumped into someone, then "AAAAAAaaaaagh!" Eli screamed "Y- you've been hurt!" he said to the phantom girl

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