Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

(On an unrelated note, if any of you know Roosterteeth's Red vs. Blue, read all of Elisedd's lines in Caboose's voice for ten times the hilarity) 

CoyotyZephyrWolf said:
{there's Frau... There will most always be Frau. xD gods this is so funny saying his name!!!!}
(Doesn't that mean woman?)
((I memorized the first nine numbers of pi two years ago and can still remember it off the top of my head!~ 3.14159265 :D ))


The kraken's head snapped up to look at the man in shock and horror. "They...there....there was an invitation...?" Eona seemed to pale if her cheeks weren't already rosy from the cold. "You must tell me more about this....invitation..." Leaning in closer to the man, Eona's eyes widened in horror as the cut on her cheek had already stopped bleeding. "The fate of the world depends on us now..."
Prowlzerz said:
(Where's Frau? I can count in Roman numerals, is that interesting?)
(You can tell people you can count in arabic numerals, the average american will have no f***ing clue what you really mean)
(Eli is just a boy, not a man)

"I... I don't... fate? Oh, yeah fate... I... totally know what... that means, let me just..." Eli said, closing his eyes and concentrating

I'm too young to die!

Scratches are just when you scrape yourself on something, and normally they bleed. They're not something that can plan a revolution, they don't have minds or anything. It's just a reaction your skin has


"I'm Eli, Eona!"
(That's cool Kaso~


Looking outside AR-E25 saw snow falling from the sky, while most people would have thought 'ooh snow!' AR-E25 thought it must be cold outside. It stepped outside and its suspicions were confirmed when the warm air from its breath reacted with the cold air around it. It saw a boy playing in the snow and decided to talk to him, "Hello," it said when it got close enough.

{it's talking to Frau by the way]
(C/D there. Pi all of it! I can't believe I had to actually rearrange that in my head and didn't just know it ._. I think the fact I was miming moving an equation around is stranger...)
Prowlzerz said:
(C/D there. Pi all of it! I can't believe I had to actually rearrange that in my head and didn't just know it ._. I think the fact I was miming moving an equation around is stranger...)
(no, actually I move them around all the time, it's just how we think and visualize the changes)
{I can hardly believe you people actually watched that....}

Frau turned to the AR-E25 and could not help but tap it's err-- forehead. "Ma'am are you classified as human?" He asked sounding rude right off the bat.

{what exactly is AR-E25?}
(No it's weird because I don't normal mime. I tend to visualise it in my head and do it all there.)
{~Takes a car and verbally abuses it, finds out its your best mates car. Decides to drop another horrible car on it, also your best mates car~ Uh, mates, there's been an accident with your cars.}
(so I now have a tab open to the early pages of this thread for Eli to grab memories from)

Prowlzerz said:
(No it's weird because I don't normal mime. I tend to visualise it in my head and do it all there.)
(Well, then, that's something interesting)
CoyotyZephyrWolf said:
{~Takes a car and verbally abuses it, finds out its your best mates car. Decides to drop another horrible car on it, also your best mates car~ Uh, mates, there's been an accident with your cars.}
(An experiment)

AR-E25 shook its head, "No I am... A monster," it said, feeling proud of itself for remembering to call itself a monster like it had been told to.
TheKaosophile said:
(so I now have a tab open to the early pages of this thread for Eli to grab memories from)
(I noticed that in your last post with the scratches, I was like wait that happened in the first page or so. xD )

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