Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

{My school offers German! xD okay could not type that without laughing my arse off!!!! I thin of I am not mistaking you just got told red...}
{Ahhhhhhh! Yeah, well I'm homeschooled and my my mum is German and teaches me in German so.... Yeah.... But I am taking philosophy this year...}
TheKaosophile said:
(Porque? Espanol es una lingua muy linda, su opinion esta incorrecto))
((Esta bien, pero prefiero algunos otros. Ya he aprendido un poco, pero no es solo mi primera opcion. *shrugs violently* ))
((My dad's Russian, but beyond really basic foods and stuff, he never bothered to teach me anything, really. xD Which annoys me, since Russian is also an awesome language! ))
{I am homeschooled because as a middle schooled I was thrown into high school and now I am taking collage level courses. Which reminds me, I need to be off for a bit, ah, be right back.}
TheKaosophile said:
(I'll assume the "ya he" was "yo se")
((... Again, Spanish wouldn't have been my first choice, so I'm fAR from fluent. But yeah, that was a pretty bad mistake, sorry. *backflips out of the internet* ))
(It's okay, I probably would have preferred Russian or German as well, but my school doesn't offer those, and I chose Spanish because it's closest to English. YAY LAZINESS. Oh, shut up Prowlzerz, you're british, at least your country isn't famous for anorexia AND obesity)
{NEERMIND FINNISHED IT! Ah I'm sorry Prwlerz... I can become.. Uh uninteresting... Might have to call some people though.. A few stars, first I would have to call my mum, ask her to fly me to USA and ten ask my other mum to take me back... On second thought can I just stay where I am?}
((Pfft, Prowlzerz, be thankful you don't live in a state that up until like five years ago was basically meth capital of America. :I ))

TheKaosophile said:
(All these people speak of snow... I live in California; I've seen more hail than snow)
((I feel you. In Southern Oregon if we get snow it lasts for like, an hour before melting. xD ))
{ALL YOU PEOPLE SPEAK OF SNOW!!!! I ISED TO BREATHE SNOW! I lived in Alaska for a year of my life... I have moved a lot...}
(Speaking of where everyone lives, red, you and I are in the same time zone, where is everyone else, red and I are GMT - 8 hours)
(Britain is the fattest place in Europe. This worries me because Britain is an island and one day we ain't gonna fit on this island xD )
((And, of course, I wasn't getting any alerts. Does anyone feel that this is a little deja vu? xD And....I live in CANADA!! :D Land of the free polar bears, and home of the brave moose! And I like everything :P ))


The girl suddenly stopped declaring her doom, grabbed the man's shoulders and looked him straight into the eye. "I think...they are planning...an invasion...!" Eona whispered sullenly, her blue eyes darkening at the thought. Putting a finger to her lips, Eona gestured to keep it a secret. "They can hear us right now!" The kraken suddenly fell back into the snow and curled up into a little ball.
(they should try drowning someone sometime *looks at @paipai900 as she types this* :P @ElegantRed here's your reply ^-^ @TheKaosophile I live in Ohio, it's 8:05 PM here )

Melody smiled at the boy's response as she folded her knees up to her chest and then rested her chin on them, looking at the water for a minute before replying, feeling the familiar peace that she felt whenever she focused on water come over her, making her reluctant to turn her head and respond to Ansgar.

"Thank you! We'll be good friends." Melody said, hoping that was true - this boy seemed nice enough, and he had liked her humming, he seemed like a good person, and she was happy he had accepted her offer of friendship.

Melody wondered what kind of monster Ansgar was, she didn't know many monsters, but the few mythical ones she knew - like dragon - didn't seem to fit well with her. Since they were all monsters here, she wondered if it would be bad form if she asked him. She finally decided it wouldn't be too impolite to ask.

"What kind of monster are you?" She asked, then cringed at the bluntness of her question. "You don't need to tell me, if you don't want!" She hurriedly added.
{okay I am taking my mums offer now... I'm moving... It is said that where I live that we drink more wine in I forget how much time a week I think then the average Brit will in one year....}
(Is anybody's character free? I've got a character they can talk to~ I'm trying to think of interesting things about where I live.... I hate 98.67% of everyone who lives here... Maybe that's interesting?)
Eli got down on hands and knees to look at the girl "Really? Has it happened before? I don't remember an invitation, and I'm usually really good at remembering things" he said "Really, though, what's a scratch?"

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