Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP


"Ah! I spent some time out of water as well." Ansgar commented. Being out of the water carried along a feeling of guilt for the Nokken, who spent most of his time not in the lake playing his violin in an attempt to find friends. He wasn't particularly good at making friends, but he assumed he could make friends at Ishika high. He was sure his new friends would know how to breathe under water!

The boy followed Melody, always a few steps behind her as he observed their surrounding areas. He had a scowl present on face from frustration. Finding a body of water had never been remotely difficult before! The scowl dissipated, however, upon hearing Melody's humming. "You have a beautiful... Humming voice."


"Ah." She nodded once. Flynn was the boy she had seen passed out earlier, right? Winnie was remarkably bad with putting faces to names and vice versa. She closed her book and slid it to another side of the table where she was sitting. Moving a strand of chestnut brown hair behind her ear, she nodded, "Indeed. I was quite surprised to see someone who seemed relatively similar to me."

At Noah's question, she shrugged, "I only call myself a Jorogumo because all of the spider 'monsters' in my family are female. Jorogumo are only known to be female, and as far as I know, the average one is not a demon." She chuckled a bit humorlessly, "Although, my father was a demon, so I suppose I am one as well. We're mainly carnivorous... Although, we certainly can eat vegetables, we just do not gain anything from it. All things considered, we're hardly interesting."
"Thank you~" Melody said happily, although she found herself stopping her humming, embarrassed he had noticed it, which was odd, because normally Melody didn't get embarrassed, especially not over her singing... she'd been singing for over six centuries, and never once stopped because of something someone said before.

Although, she also hadn't spoken to many males before... hmm, that could be part of the reason, she decided, continuing running down hallways, until she opened a door and saw a familiar sight, but it didn't smell like the ocean.

She frowned, wrinkling up her nose.

"I might have found this... pool. But it doesn't smell like any water I've ever smelled before." She said.

(That's the chlorine smell, btw c:)
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paipai900 said:
((Whale...what to do now...? I'm just going to have Eona do....stuff))

She does stuff.
(You could have her realize Chrys is gone, and you haven't even given him his Christmas present)
TheKaosophile said:
(You could have her realize Chrys is gone, and you haven't even given him his Christmas present)
((I could, but I can't just have her be all like, "HOLY FISHTAILS!! CHRYSSIE IS GONE!! OH NOSE!!" for no reason. So, I'm just going to wait for a bit. :3))
Noah nods at Winnie. 'Well since I attend Ishika High, I haven't really eaten much. Even though my diet is supposed to be comprised of humans, I seek supplement from other animals." Noah crawls down onto the table. "Can you turn into a spider as well? Not a big one, but a small one." Noah asks.
((Can you imagine if Melody sang and Ansgar played his violin? They're both supposed to lure people with their music... They'd be unstoppable! xD ))


The boy smiled, "I know good music when I hear it." And indeed, Ansgar recognized Melody's humming as 'good music'. She had nice pitch, and the notes were clear and strong, yet... There was something more in her voice. Something pleasant and inviting. Ansgar wondered what sort of monster Melody was.

When Melody paused at the end of the hallway and opened a door, Ansgar took notice and ran after her, excited to get to the fabled 'pool'. Ansgar had already started to take off his jacket in anticipation when he ran into the large space that housed the pool. When he arrived, a strong scent entered his nostrils, and he grimaced. "Ugh... This... It is not a lake." It didn't smell of algae... It smelled wrong. Still, Water was water. Cautiously, Ansgar approached the pool, and dipped his hand in it. "It... Feels okay."


"You can't get animals here?" Winnie blinked, hoping that she would at least have access to some animal organs. A liver, a tongue... They usually made a nice snack for the girl, but if she could get a whole animal... At Noah's question, she shook her head, "No... Not an actual spider. Just... Something that I'm afraid humans will never be able to accept."

Winnie pursed her lips for a moment, before asking, "When you transform... Do other spiders-- non-demon spiders-- follow you around?"
Noah looks at her with a curious look. "Well for your first question, they do have animals around, and I do eat them. However when I say i haven't eaten, I mean eaten what I am supposed to consume, humans. 2nd, regular spiders do tend to follow me around. Whether I am in my spider form or not." Noah says as his regular human head manifests on his spider body. "I think it would be better manners If I spoke to you regular face to face."

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(oh my gosh, that would be amazing xD think of all the people they could drown~)

"Yes you do." Melody said, she wasn't the most humble of people, and since her species was known for their singing abilities, she found no problem in admitting that she thought she had good music abilities.

Melody cautiously followed Ansgar to the pool after he said it felt okay, she neeled at the edge and looked at it for a moment, before following Ansgar's example and dipping a finger in it. It did feel okay, it felt like water, something Melody had missed. She grinned at the water, like it was an old friend, like Eona, and continued her humming happily, she had been a bit homesick for the ocean, although she would never admit that to anyone, when you lived somehwhere for a handful of centuries, it was hard to just forget about it, and this helped cure her homesickness.

She was about to pull at the laces of the sneakers Lark had insisted on her wearing, and then take off the accompanying pair of socks, and dip her feet into the water, but she quickly set her hands back down at her side and thought better of it - she was already having enough trouble keeping in her human form, if was in contact with water for too long, she might lose control and transform into her true from, and she didn't want to scare away Ansgar. When she had transformed in the store dressing room last week, and then come out to show Lark her clothes, Lark had quickly ushered her back into the dressing room, as, in Lark's words, spoken gently, like always, 'Don't do that yet, wait until you can control it.' And Melody was going to try to listen to her and not transform until she could control it better - at the store, it had taken her a long time to change back to a human, what if that happened here, at this school? Her friends might not like her anymore...


She looked up at Ansgar suddenly, as something occurred to her.

"Will you be my friend?" She asked him.
Elisedd Belenus walked onto the Ishika High campus, looking around at the trees dotting the courtyard

"Pretty" he said absentmindedly, though, from now on, absentmindedly can be assumed. He walked through the front doors, literally through the doors, he wasn't all that good at keeping his human form, he wandered the halls aimlessly, following student after student, each one forgetting what they were doing at the time. until he stumbled upon a dorm room that held residual memories that reminded him of the forest, "Birdie!" he said and entered the room to look through the new memories he had obtained.

(Note, a good 15% of the words that I, the narrator, have used or will use are not understood by this character) 
(And thus, my character still doesn't have a roommate, it's just a different character in the same room)
(Hello all~)

Flynn awoke to a call from his best friend from his old school. "Whoa whoa...slow down...what...wait really?....No way!! When?!....really?...I can't wait!" He said to the person on the other side of the line, excited by what they were saying. 
(Is anyone even on right now?)

The nurse had been absent for some time as she somehow managed to punch herself in the face and knock herself out, but fear not she's now back and she had someone in her infirmary, "Hello, love. What's yer issue?" she asked the guy in her infirmary.
(Sweet, there're people now)

Eli was sitting in the dorm that he wandered into, looking through memories, when he felt a burst of residual memories, so he followed it to the source, a room labeled

"Infernal? That's a funny word" He said and walked through the door, remembering to open it this time 
(It said "Infirmary", in case you didn't get that... Have I mentioned this boy is an idiot?)
((I guess I'll join then... :3))


Wandering aimlessly around the school, the kraken sighed, feeling that Christmas was now a little boring. All the fun had calmed down and Eona didn't have anything to do. Glancing up at the sky, a small smile grew on the young woman's face when she saw fluffy white dots fall from it. Heaven's dandruff! Filled with glee, Eona ran out into the snow and giggled softly as she fell down into the soft white ground, loving the coldness of the snow.
( xD poor child)

The nurse's eyes jumped from the patient to the newcomer, "And what are YOU requiring?" she asked the child that just walked into the infirmary.
"Re... choir... ing? What's that mean?" Eli's pale blue eyes shifted to Flynn "Happy," he said "You're very happy, or... you were very happy? I always get those messed up."
{Everyone seems to love snow... Perhaps I have been living in the wrong country for too long. ~Up here everyone points at me and laughs for liking snowflakes~ yup I'm the mental child. Also. PAI GET YOUR BUTT ON SKYPE! One more thing. Guys a member of this roleplay was thinking about dropping, now I managed to convince this person that it would not be advised but they wanted to drop out for being ignored and just wanted to leave without a single word to anyone! Guys now I know this is an upbeat roleplay but may I please extend my personal request to ask you to notice when someone brings a Christmas tree into the party and lights it on fire because they have a huge pyro addiction? Or even when they are simply roleplaying?

Actually I lied, sorry I know that's bad I'll ground myself later, but I need to know where Frau can come in during all the commotion. He is a protector to technically a guardian, I guess he was accepted NO ONE messaged me telling me otherwise even though I asked for a teacher position... So... Help? I know no one can help me mentally so don't bother trying jus help with these problems!? Thankiess guys! PAI BUTT ON SKYPE NOW!}

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