Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

Nessa looked up as Chrys stepped into the infirmary, and stood up once she saw it who it was.

"Hi!" She told him, quietly, in case anyone in the infirmary was asleep as she walked over to him. Although she had initially not liked Chrys much - at all -, he had grown on her, and now she was rather good friends with him, and didn't dislike him at all anymore. At least, most of the time.
(Ok that is what we are going with. Since Winnie is new, I am going to interact with her.)

Noah was crawling through the ventilation system as a spider once again looking for the girl that he met earlier. It was nice to see another spider-oriented monster. After a while Noah finally finds Winnie and crawls out of the vent. "Hello there. We met earlier." Noah says to her trying to start up a conversation.
"Hey, Nessa, I just wanted to say... well, not goodbye, I hate goodbyes, just... so long" Chrys said, averting his eyes from hers "I have some things to do" Chrys said, and before Nessa could say anything else, he was gone.
(And suddenly lightbulbs! But i need to create, submit, and have another character approved before i could start this whole idea i have now. Going with the excitable okami.)
Nessa stared open-mouthed at the door after Chrys left, wondering where he was going, and what he was doing. What stuff did he have to do? These were all questions Nessa wanted to ask, but Chrys was already gone.
(Ah but that can actually wait till tomorrow now that i think about it....yus! I no longer have to idle!)

Flynn lay in the infirmary bed, under about 4 layers of blankets. How long had he been out..? Too long according to the others. But that didn't really answer his question. He let out a small sneeze, a sound similar to a sneezing puppy. Suddenly his cell phone began to ring. Who was calling him at this hour..?
(Haha? o-o) 
(Can we just say that Ayra and Coyoty/Zephyr went to the infirmary? Ayra has Mana Exhaustion)
{ I was kidding, sure, sorry i was working on responding to you... xD And for the record Zephyr is fine, he does not need to be mentioned unless he is a human... pervert that he is... which reminds me Frau got accepted, I think...}
(So...i think i should get some sleep. I have to get up early tomorrow, and since my idea for Flynn requires some effort, and Im on mobile, i should just get off for the night.)
((Sorry for kind of poofing!))


Ansgar nodded once, "Ja, I live in the water." He smiled. The way he worded it, one could easily take it to mean he was simply indicating that he spent a lot of time in the water, however, for a long time, he really did live in the water. He missed his lake in Denmark. It was far more peaceful there... But the Nokken thought it better to learn to socialize with humans.

The boy was about to respond to Melody when he was grabbed by her and dragged inside. He awkwardly pulled his hand away and put it in one of his pockets. He'd never cared much for being touched. After a few moments of examining his surroundings, he remarked, "If I were a 'pool'... I would be in a bigger hallway than this."


Winnie sat in the library, reading a Shakespeare play to herself. She hadn't fully appreciated the brilliant mind that the playwright was until long after his death, that was, with the exception of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'. Winnie had always appreciated the play, and how realistic it was. Of course, all the humans dismissed it as mere fantasy. Smirking to herself as she immersed herself in the mishaps of Hermia and Lysander, she was surprised to see a spider crawl out of the air vents.

She likely would have attempted to strike up a one-sided conversation with the spider, even if it had been an ordinary arachnid. Much to her surprise, the spider talked first. A small smile tugged at her lips, and she raised an eyebrow, attempting to reassert her superior image she tried to maintain, "Ah, Noah, was it? Hello."
(Thank you. Heads up though, I'm making twins for the Graduates Rp and they are open for relationships if anyone wants them.)
"I lived in the water too! Well, not in it, normally I stayed on the rocks, but often I would go swimming!" Melody said, she noticed the boy pulled his hand away quickly, but shrugged, it was the least weird thing someone here had done.

"I agree. Maybe the pool is down here?" Melody wondered, running ahead, running down the hallway like a small child, humming to herself as she did so, an eerie lullaby, the humming version of one of the songs she used to use to enchant sailors, although she was using it strictly for music now, she'd missed music.

As she ran and hummed, she would open random doors, but even after a few minutes of this, she couldn't find the pool.

"There are so many hallways in this place!" She called to Ansgar, slowing down as they approached another hallway - this school was very big.
Noah smiles politely at Winnie. "Yes. Flynn is in the infirmary so I decided to take this moment of peace to come visit you. Not a lot of spider-like monsters in this school so it's nice to meet you." Noah said. He knew that the peace never would stay. After all, this school was for monsters. "Anyways, I am interested in your family species. A Jorogumo you said. Do you care to tell me about it? Or you would rather not talk about family. You seemed a little tense on the subject last time we met."

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