Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

(( @Nico ))


Winnie walked around campus, bundled up in warm clothing. She hated winter. She hated this school. She hated her parents for sending her to this school. Spiders weren't supposed to be outside in cold weather, and as far as Winnie was concerned, real spiders were lucky. Sure, she could make webs, she could do everything a regular spider could do, except hibernate during winter. Or die. Quite frankly, the idea of death was more appealing than learning to be 'normal' and how to deal with humans. Deal with them? Just a few hundred years ago, she'd eaten them.

The girl continued through the campus, paying little attention to anything but her thoughts. That was, until she saw a boy with purple hair kneeling near... What is that? A body? A small smile tugged at Winnie's lips, and she scurried over to investigate further. In an attempt to please her parents by being a bit more normal, Winnie stopped smiling as she approached the boy and the body. She raised an eyebrow, looking down at him.

Unsure of what to say, she cleared her throat.
Noah regains consciousness next to Arya. Groaning he sat up. "Ow. I think I have broken something." Noah says in a pained voice rubbing his chest. He looks at Arya. "Any change yet in Flynn's condition?" Noah asks as he brings out his lanterns. (Sadness, Anger, Hatred, Happiness I think.) Noah notices Winnie approach them. "Oh hello there. You must be a new student.t"
Ayra looked up at the new girl with tired eyes. "Hello, do you need something?" Ayra studied the girl and came to the conclusion that he had never seen the girl before. He wondered if she was new or he was just as anti-social as he made himself out to be.

He looked at the awakened Noah and frowned in worry. "Careful. If something is broken, you need to rest." he said. He considered Noah his only friend next to Eona and he didn't like when his friends were hurt.
Lux eventually found Flynn and brought him the lamp. "It seems as though you are close to awakening." He leaned against the wall by Flynn's body, closing his eyes. 'My part has been fulfilled. It is now the job of the others to find the Imp.'
Flynn's body had not changed aside from turning a cold blue. His body was freezing in the snow. His jacket was not very thick at all.

(Only the piece of power remains. So...wherever that imp is...hmm)
Noah nods at Arya. He lays down bandaging himself with his own spider threads whilst informing the new student. "Welcome to Ishika High. Our unconscious friend here is in quite the predicament." Noah says slightly wincing, "His soul has been split into nine pieces. Each one is an attribute of him. Right now we are recovering the parts." Noah looks at Winnie. "He looks like he is cold. Can your produce any form of heat?"
Melody noticed the boy from earlier, and told the boy and Eona to wait a moment, then ran over to him.

"Weird boy!" She cried, poking him, since she forgot his name (@Noah, this is your cue~) "Remember how we were talking about souls? What are souls? I don't think I have one. Am I weird? Am I different?" Melody asks, saying the unfamiliar words like weird and different she'd never said before that day for the second time.
Noah still laying down looks at the girl shouting. "Oh, its that girl from earlier." Noah says to himself. "Hello there... Melody I believe? Forgive me, I am incapacitated so I will be talking to you lying down." Noah looks up at her. "Souls are, how should I put it, the inner magic that keeps us alive. It gives of thought, free will and out personality. Without it, we just have lifeless bodies like Flynn's." Noah looks at her with a curious look. "Everyone has a soul. Otherwise you are just an unconscious body. Why? What did you think a soul was?"
(@Nico, btw, Coyoty posted this on the last RP page, I wasn't sure if you saw : {Nico! Coyoty is right next to you passed out, care to help her?} just wanted to make sure you saw :) )
Incapacitated? Melody decided to keep quiet about her not knowing what that word meant also, he was already answering another question about what something meant.

Melody grinned as he explained.

"Oh, I think I have a soul then! I thought it was a furry animal. I'm not weird anymore! Thank you so much, Noah!" Melody cried, suddenly remembering his name, bending down to 'hug' him, like Lark had hugged Melody when she had left, before explaining that a hug was something you did to a friend, or someone you were close to. Melody hoped she and Noah were friends. She smiled again at the boy, called another thank you, then dashed back off to Eona and the other boy.

He frowned when the black-haired girl asked about pools. He clenched and unclenched his hands, unsure of how to answer. After all, he himself barely understood what a 'pool' was, other than it sounded like something he'd like. Ansgar bit the inside of his cheek, before saying in a very uncertain tone, "It... It is like a lake? It has water..."

Ansgar's eyebrows knit together as he thought of more ways to explain it. Alas, he simply stood, gesturing wildly in an attempt to get some sort of point across. His light hazel eyes shifted from side to side, before he said again, "I... It's inside, I think?" He opened his mouth to attempt to explain more, but stopped as he watched the wavy haired girl run off.


"No." Winnie answered curtly. She forced a smile and looked down at the body yet again. She was about to ask how he had died, out of morbid curiosity, but stopped herself, as another boy started to speak. Winnie pursed her lips and looked down at the unconscious boy, who she assumed was the one they were referring to as 'Flynn'.

The girl was about to turn away, no longer terribly interested in the situation before her, when she noticed a boy using what appeared to be spider silk. Is he...? She looked down at him in awe, and barely noticed when he asked if there was anyway she could warm Flynn. Winnie clenched her jaw and said, "Not without transforming." She had always hated showing her true form to people outside of her family, and hoped that her stand-offish demeanor would show that.
(Ah sorry.)

Ayra looked over to the passed out Coyoty and blinked before standing up and walking to him. He cast a simple healing spell before waiting for a reaction. He turned to Noah "I have ghost fire, but I'm afraid I'd burn him."
Noah was surprised by her act of kindness. Before he could say anything she dashed off. "Ow. She shouldn't hug so hard if I have some broken ribs. Noah changes his attention to Winnie. "Well, can you please bring something to keep this person warm?" Noah asks. "We can get to formalities after this ordeal is over." Noah looks at Arya. "Perhaps you ghost fire can be used to make a fire. Gather some wood perhaps?"
Chrys walked through the halls, he had left his bag in his room; he figured it would just weigh him down (Besides, it's designed to be worn by a hippogryph, it would chafe on a human) Chrys walked outside to Flynn's unconscious body "Why hasn't anyone brought him inside yet?"
{Nico, Coyoty is a girl, and... She needs more attention, I guess I am trying to say I like yo it cherrie... I would like to RP with him further.}

Coyoty stayed still, she did not move or anything.
Ayra nodded "That is possible ." he smiled "Can you gather wood perhaps?" he asked. He looked up at Chrys in horror "If you mess with the body, the wards and spells could break."
Noah nods as he gets up with some obvious pain on his face. "Winnie, can you come with me to gather wood? I am not completely able to and I can give you an explanation along the way." Noah looks at Chrys. "Not a lot of us are in good enough condition to carry Flynn. Besides like Arya said, the spells are in place for reason."
"With my eyes, I can see a squirrel blink from a kilometer away, but I can't see how spells breaking could possibly make things any worse" Chrys said sarcastically
(Sorry I'm just tired and thank you I like your character too.)

Ayra watched as Coyoty's body twitched and sighed. "This is going to be a long night." He wasn't the best in healing so he made his hands glow with healing magic before hovering them over the girl's chest. This helped more then often.
Winnie's jaw remained clenched. Kindness was a virtue, and it wasn't one that she naturally possessed. Trying to not further much communication, she took off her scarf, and flippantly placed it on the ground, gesturing towards Flynn. She smoothed out her skirt with one hand and murmured, "Use this for something. ...Fire, I don't care."

Yet again, about to turn away, she heard her name and turned back. Stifling a melodramatic sigh, she nodded once, "Of course. Fine." She buttoned up her coat to her neck to retain warmth that she had lost by taking the scarf off. She started crossed her arms somewhat irritably and asked, "Is there a forest or something nearby, then?"
As Melody returned to Eona and the boy, she remembered what she and the boy were talking about.

"Water? Inside? Wow! Let me know if you find it! If you want, we could go search the school together." Melody said, grinning at the boy. Then she remembered that she was still mentally calling him boy.

She hadn't introduced herself!

That was such bad manners, with all these new people! She thought, upset by her mistake.

"I'm Melody!" She cried quickly to the boy, probably scaring him with the way she almost shouted it and the abruptness, she realized after.

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