Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

Lux sighed and raised his hand. "The dark hides who you really are. You hide behind as mask of pride and it cracks when the truth is spoken. The result is the crackling fire of rage you light this very room with." His hand glowed a pale yellow and the room lit up to its former brightness. "If you wish to hide in the dark, you have chosen the wrong opponent."
Chrys walked into the bathroom, past what was going on, into a stall, he was there for a few seconds, a flush could be heard, he exited the stall, washed his hands at the sink, and "Alright, what's this one?
(@paipai900 yay! I love that post! Sorry for my late & rather short reply! ^-^)

"Eona?" Melody asked her kraken friend, shaking her slightly as the girl didn't reply, "you thinking about something?" She asked, recognizing the look in Eona's eyes, the look that signified that she was lost in thought.

Melody had been lost in thought too, but she was lost in thought about all the weird human things going on, like all these doors, and this whole soul thing, thinking of that, she decided to tell Eona, to see if the kraken knew anymore about this odd soul thing than she did.

"Oh, I told you how I made a new friend, did you know she has a soul." Melody said, referring to Coyoty's fury ferret, whom Melody was convinced was called a soul.

"Do you have a soul?" She asked Eona, remembering how that strange boy had told her that everyone had a soul. But Melody didn't an animal like her new friend! That boy was confusing. And he was probably wrong, because, like Melody had thought, she didn't have a soul!

These people are all confusing. She thought, glad that she at least had Eona, the one person here she could understand and know. Now she wouldn't be all alone here, among all these strange new people! This was so great!
((Nah, it's alright!~ I'll just give you an equally short post > :D ))


Snapping out of her daze, Eona's eyebrows shot up when Melody spoke. "Hm?" The kraken stared blankly at her siren friend, the gears in her brain slowly begin to work. Hearing something about souls and friends, Eona had actually thought Melody had said poles and split ends in the place of souls and friends.

"You made a new split end? Why do split ends have poles?" Eona frowned every so slightly, furrowing her eyebrows together in confusion. "I don't think I have a pole....?" The kraken giggled lightly at the thought of having a pole, maybe she should get one?

Seeing that Melody was confused, the kraken didn't know what to say because she to was equally confused. "I don't get it." Eona stated blankly, having a very idiotic expression on her face. Her doughnut shaped brain was now working over time trying to figure everything out.
(( @Flynn Porter I was just accepted, and I was wondering if one of my characters could bump into one of the Imps? I don't want to get in the way of anyone else though, if someone already had plans to do so. ^^; ))
"I am Pride! Bow before my might!"

(Ah welcome welcome. I have a plan already for the last imp and Pride is the only other one. But i have a plan for...well... I guess it could be called the boss battle of this quest for the imps thing...that you could participate in very easily, though I havent solidified the details.)
"No, Eona. Souls and friends. Souls are these cute animals, I think, but someone said everyone should have one, but I don't have one!" She cried, shaking her kraken friend, now rather panicking as she thought more and more about this - was Melody different? Was she weird?

"Eona, am I different?" She asked the kraken, still grabbing onto her shoulders, although she had stopped shaking her terrified by the prospect - these humans all seemed so not like her, what if she was weird and different, and she was never going to make anymore friends and she'd never get accepted and she'd have to go back to Lark?!?!?

As she waited for Eona's reply, she had a feeling Eona wasn't going to be much help on this subject of souls. Maybe she'd have to wait for that weird, confusing man to help her with what a soul was, as he seemed to know things like that. Where had that weird confusing man gone off to? She had been so concentrated on Eona, she hadn't seen him in a long time. She turned around and looked for him for a moment, didn't see him, and then turned back to the kraken, deciding to wait to figure out the defintion of soul later. But later, she would hunt down the weird man!
"There is no sufficient reason for me to bow to you. Bowing is a form of respect that is given to those deserving and you are not." He came closer to the Imp, no ounce of fear. "Your might is nonexistent. You simply use the flames like how a cat would puff up its fur."
Pride hissed and retreated out of the bathroom, floating at a quickened pace. The lantern hung on the edge of his tail.

(Brb. Haircut time...yay)
Lux sighed after seeing the Imp retreat. "Truly like a cat." His body shimmered, before dissappearing. A few star-like twinkles were left in his place.

He reappeared behind the escaping Imp and quickly grabbed the lantern. "To think one with so much pride has been defeated so easily."
((Oh, okay, Nico! Thank you! Where is Ayra? ^^; I don't want to have Winnie wandering around like, the Library if he wouldn't be there. ))

(( I hope Eona and Melody don't mind another awkward water monster coming over. ; u ; ))


Tugging at his sleeve awkwardly, Ansgar wandered around Ishika High's campus, looking rather lost. He was beginning to regret having enrolled, fearing that he may have overestimated his social skills. All he wanted to do upon his arrival was swim. He'd been told there was a 'pool'. It had been made very clear to him that it would be impossible for him to relax in his true Nokken form in the pool, but he assumed it would still feel good to be submerged in water.

That is, if he could find the elusive pool. About to give up on his search, he ran a hand through his light brown hair, a small scowl present on his face, before he made his way over to two girls nearby, that appeared as if they could be helpful. He forced the best smile he could manage, and looked at both of them. Waving awkwardly with one hand, he murmured quietly, "Hello..."

He looked at the girls awkwardly, hoping that he hadn't interrupted anything. They both looked like girls Ansgar would play his violin for, if given the opportunity. One with long, wavy black hair, and the other with bright blue eyes. "Um. ...Is the..." He struggled to remember the word he was thinking of, "Pool around here?"
(Ayra is in the courtyard next to Flynn's body)

Ayra looked around and didn't sense any Imps too near by. He wanted this all to end so he could sleep.
(Yay for the trio of awkward water monsters!! xD )

Melody turned towards the boy who had approached her and Eona.

"Hello!" She cried, studying the boy. She wondered if he knew anything about souls. When he asked the pool question, she frowned.

Pool? What did that word mean? It sounded like a pretty word, the way it rolled in her mind, pool. She quickly went through the list of words people used on land, the important ones, that Lark had taught her, and she didn't remember Lark ever mentioning pool. She had to ask this boy, now.

"What's a pool?" She asked the boy, even after a few more moments of going through her mental land dictionary, she still had no clue. She was glad she had asked, now she was going to learn another human word! One Lark hadn't taught her! She had already learned soul, now this - she was learning so fast, she was proud of herself!
Lux held the lamp in his hands, the Imp now gone. "I suppose I should bring this to Flynn." Lux began his walk outside, looking for the boy.

(What are you supposed to do after getting a lamp?)
Having a certain... pressure relieved from his body, Chrys walked into the hall turning left, seeing Eona talking to two unfamiliar people, turned right back around, and walked the long way to his dorm "Just one last hurrah before I leave" he said to nobody in particular, packing his bag

(Noone has found out yet)
TheKaosophile said:
Having a certain... pressure relieved from his body, Chrys walked into the hall turning left, seeing Eona talking to two unfamiliar people, turned right back around, and walked the long way to his dorm "Just one last hurrah before I leave" he said to nobody in particular, packing his bag
(Noone has found out yet)
(What leave what did I miss something? CHRYS CANT LEAVE)
Memories of Flynn's life flood into the mind..

Winning a talent contest

Being complimented

Scoring the winning goal in a gym game

Kissing Nessa at the party....

The memories of when he was proud of himself...

(Just bring it back to Flynn. One imp has yet to show.)

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