Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

Noah politely smiles. "Yes. Follow me." Noah began to walk towards the direction of a nearby woods for trees. After they were a sizable distance away Noah began to talk to Winnie. "So as you know this is where monster can come to school like humans. The student back there had two souls and the darker one caused all this to happen. Basically 9 imps holding fragments of Flynn's souls run rampant through the school. We need one more I think. But I fear it will be the strongest." Noah continues talking when he realizes how boring he must be. "Ah, sorry. I must be boring you. Where are my manners? So my name is Noah and I am a spider oni. A Japanese demon in the form of a spider. If I may ask, what are you?"
"Kyekyekye." Power laughed once more. Watching the other imps get caught had been amusing. Although they could put those fragments in Flynn's body, without the piece he guarded carefully, Flynn would not be able to control his body. He would be paralyzed. Power enjoyed having such an important role.

Ansgar frowned again, and nodded. It appeared that finding a pool wasn't something that was too likely to happen. He was about to thank the girls for their time, when one of them, who introduced herself as Melody offered to go and look for the pool with him! He smiled brightly and nodded, "If you want to come, then, that would bring me great happiness."

The boy straightened his jacket, before blinking in surprise, both at Melody's loud introduction, and his realization that he had neglected to introduce himself. "It is nice to meet you, Melody. I am called Ansgar. My last name is Madsen." When he had learned english, he understood that it was customary to give one's full name, although it didn't appear that many others did that. Ansgar found it very curious.


Winnie followed behind Noah, not paying much attention to what he had to say, as she was still thinking rather bitter thoughts having to do with her parents sending her to Ishika High. At least, she didn't pay much attention until the boy mentioned spiders. She glanced around the increasingly feral landscape, and said, "I'm a Jorogumo. I mean, I'm not... Since I'm not Japanese..." Winnie shrugged, "If anything, I'm similar to you. I'm a spider 'demon'."

The term demon, although accurate, never appealed to Winnie. Although her father was a demon, she didn't consider herself to be one, as odd as that may have been.
"Yay! I'm happy, it will be fun!" Melody cried, excited that the boy was willing to let her come with him. When he introduced himself, and added his last name, Melody's eyes opened wide : was she supposed to have been giving people a last name too?

"My last name is Lyra." She said, hoping that her mistake wasn't noticed by Ansgar, as she was still getting used to these odd people customs, and obviously wasn't very good yet, and a mistake like that made her embarrassed.
((Hey guys. A little warning. Don't stray to far from the plot okay? The little plot twist with Flynn is getting a bit out of hand. It feels like it revolves around only one person when it should be around everyone. Everyone should be involved with it and not one person should be elevated higher than the others. Thanks!))
Akihito said:
((Hey guys. A little warning. Don't stray to far from the plot okay? The little plot twist with Flynn is getting a bit out of hand. It feels like it revolves around only one person when it should be around everyone. Everyone should be involved with it and not one person should be elevated higher than the others. Thanks!))
(What plot? I thought getting a common goal was kind of interesting, although it has been dragged on quite a while)
((I might have worded that a bit wrong, but basically, like you said. It's dragging out to far and I'm not sure everyone is involved in it.)) 
((And we've gotten a few complaints about it.))
Ansgar's small smile remained and he nodded once, "Ja. It should be very fun." He scratched the back of his head, looking around from where he stood. "I have not seen anything that looks like these, ah, pools..." The Nokken let out a minute, exasperated sigh, paired with a frown. "I would really like to go about swimming in one, though!"

Still scanning the surrounding area, his eyes fell on Melody once more, and he tilted his head, "You like to swim, yes?"
(So the issue resolves its self and Flynn goes to the infirmary. I had something planned but my creativity has stiffled to a nothing. Whatever...)
[QUOTE="Flynn Porter](So the issue resolves its self and Flynn goes to the infirmary. I had something planned but my creativity has stiffled to a nothing. Whatever...)

((I'm not saying to just abruptly end it but try to wrap it up a bit quicker.))
"I like to swim. What about you?" Melody asked, grinning, thinking of the ocean, the best kind of water there was.

"Do you want to go inside and look for it?" She asked Ansgar, not waiting for an answer before she grabbed his hand and opened the door and led him inside, she wasn't very good with this whole 'asking' thing, and her reasoning, was since they were looking for the pool, they would have to go inside, as Ansgar had mentioned it was inside.
Noah looks at Winnie. "Oh? That's cool." Noah takes another look at the expression on her face. "You seem agitated. Is there something wrong?" Noah asks inquiringly.
Coyoty lay limp for a second her white hair nearly blending into the the white snow. Not an inch of it melted around her, her body was cold and she looked as if to be dead, but her eyelids opened baring her blood red eyes contrasting against the snow. "Where am I?" She asked her chest not taking any breath even though she was clearly awake. She looked around for something as if something was missing, and it was Zephyr whom had been a wolf was now gone, vanished, but she not having the strength to lift her head very far was unable to search for him, and without warning she took her wolf form. She sighed blinking her red eyes now looking at her paws, then she smelled Ayra near her. "Oh my gosh!" she exasperates weakly jumping but letting out her uncontrollable wimpier as she did this her legs collapsing beneath her.

{ @Nico sorry it took so long I was trying to respond without all the drama... guess it could not be helped and thank you to whomever ended that... .you know who yo uare and you know what I mean xD }
Ayra gave her a kind smile "Easy there. You just woke up from being knocked out." he said. He had talk softly as to not scare her. He watched as she changed forms and shook his head "Good thing I found you, you would have froze out here."
(*shrug* no ideas for that either....Flynn's just recovering in the infirmary right now. I think this may be a good time to design another character. Deciding between an easily excited okami or a brutish naga.)
Chrys walked through the halls one last time, heading towards the infirmary, hoping Nessa would be there with Flynn, he had to tell somebody, he didn't want to end up like that Umbra kid, everyone thinking he was dead.

You do not have to do this, there is likely no way I can keep you lucky enough to survive

I know, but I have to do this


Will you just shut up?

Reaching the infirmary doors, Chrys stepped through the threshhold

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