Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

"Sorry, Gramps," Chrys said, not impressed in the slightest at Flynn's hatred, I've seen worse he thought, before jumping out a window, "Keep this safe this time," Chrys said to Ayra
Ayra lifted his head up to look at Chrys "His soul is safe now, there are still a few more left though." he said and curled his tail around his legs.
Hatred chased after Chrys, destruction in his wake. Was he getting bigger..and stronger? Did the level of anger in Anger determine Hatred's power?
"Oh gods" Chrys exclaimed, seeing Hatred's approach "gotta fly" he said to ayra, flying above hatred, just out of its reach "Hang on, big guy, Chrys said, swooping down to grab happiness' lantern "Hey, Anger, catch!" he called tossing the lantern in its direction.
((@Nanashi here's the reply you've been waiting for! Sorry if it sucks but I have been on my phone and sometimes my phone doesn't allow me to type in the text box ^^"))


The kraken had actually began to tear up at the sight of her friend. She hadn't seen her in almost seven hundred years... Eona could still remember how they had first met...

Darkness. That was all you could really see at the bottom of the ocean. Unless you were a kraken.

At first you would think, "Where am I?" You would barely be able to see anything, the freezing temperature would cool your skin, making it ice cold to touch. If you had some sort of solid structure you'd be dead by now, crushed from the extreme water pressure. But, Eona was a kraken.

The first ten years of this Eona's sunken form, she had remained still, barely moving to catch prey. Once in awhile you would catch a glimpse of light, coming from a sea creature of some sorts. Life down low was quite a lonely one.

No one spoke, no one came near, no one even glanced at the kraken, stuck in a deep trench, her long tentacles stick out from the crack in the Earth's crust.Quite a lonely life indeed.

One day, a ship sank into Eona's trench,p providing a few humans for the kraken to munch on. Even if they were dead, Eona had found a few ways to entertain herself with them. But, soon the corpses were gone, only to be replaced with another one. It seemed that ships sank a lot where Eona had been struck down.

But, were these ships really sunken that much? It couldn't have all been accidents or raids. Curiosity strikes strikes she kraken as she struggled for another year to float up to the surface, doing her best not to tear her wound once again.

Sirens. These beautifully dangerous creatures were the cause of all the sinking ships in her area, Eona had continued to float just above the waterline, observing the sirens sing and charm sailors. But, who wouldn't notice a giant squid floating by you? The sirens let out a shriek of horror when they saw the kraken, not believing that the old Norwegian legend was still alive.

Shaking herself out of her daze, Eona's ocean blue eyes had gone distant as she reminisced of the past. The kraken had thought the group of sirens had already been hunted by the humans, she thought that they had all been killed. But, Eona was very happy that her friend was still alive.

((And now, my thumbs are killing me QAQ))
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Noah walks off with the lanterns of Sadness and Truth and follows the sound of fighting, shouting and blood-curdling screeching. hiding in the bushes he notices the lantern of happiness fall in front of him. Noah notices that floating in the air is the despicable imp of Anger. Knowing how manipulative he is of Hatred, eliminating him may make Hatred weaker. Noah shoots a sticky web wrapping Anger's head blinding him and muffling his shouts.
Noah curses under his breath as his location was compromised and Hatred was focused on him now. He became worried now because he could barely defend from it last time. Thinking quickly Noah pulls Anger towards him using it as a shield from the charging Hatred.
Ayra looked at Noah trying to fight off two of the Imps. He sighed and stood up "Do you need help?"
Noah braces himself for Hatreds attack. Hopefully Anger will take most of the damage. Noah feels him squirming and reinforces the cocoon around Anger. "That would be nice if you could help Arya. But be careful." Noah says before Hatred's charge connects with him and Anger.
'You know you're a wuss for not fighting, don't you,' the alternate personality nagged on in their mind, 'you could have been all bam wham shazam!' He added to his barrage of whining. Lucien his hand up his face and through his hair in a kind of annoyed expression. He hated fighting almost as much as he hated Christmas time.
Ayra sighed and held out a hand and shot a blast of ghostly fire at Hatred. "Two against one isn't very fair you know."
Hatred's claws slammed into Noah and Anger, the latter taking massive damage. Anger turned to mist and retreated into Flynn's body, his lantern left behind. Hatred grabbed said lantern and let out another shriek.
Noah got up from the ground groaning. That attack hurt, he couldn't imagine how much pain Anger must have felt. "Arya, now would be a good time to attack that imp." Noah says out of breath. He was sure a rib or two was broken.
Ayra growled and he blasted another set of fire balls before attacking with claws. "I'd advise you not to attack my friends." he hissed.
Hatred only shrieked at him, standing true to his inability to reason. He swung his claws at Ayra at an incredible speed. Even without Anger, he was still a formidable opponent.
Ayra hissed in pain as the claws struck his cheek "Why you little-" he snarled and changed into his true form. He tried to pin Hatred down with a large paw.
As Hatred's hate turns to Arya, Noah once again manifests in to his Spider Oni form and jumps into the air flying a thick webbed net at Hatred hoping it would restrain him. As it flies towards Hatred Noah uses all the strength he has to body slam him as well.

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