Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

{I think we're putting one roleplayer under a lot of presser, do you think if we continue he will explode? Might be messy but I have always wanted to see a person explode under pressure. I know cans of soup do it.... But that is not the same....}
{Hatred and anger are THE BEST for my characters whom are hunters in retrospect and love to be violent, thus Zephyr's weapon form and Coyoty's demon form.}
(Humm...Hard to explain. You basically have one person who is it and stands at one wall. This person picks a 'messanger' from the other wall and tells them question. Then the messenger shouts out the answers to the person who is it's question (without saying who said what) and the person who is it picks on of the results. Once It says which one he/she picks they both run side to side. You say a letter of 'polo' at each wall. The last one you say 'POLO' and you win and become it if you finish first) 
(Any can go to me, darker ones might be better as she'd just get irritated if one of them was happy.)
{Polo is an English game on horse back with balls and mallets. It's really fun. But incredibly hard if you don't know how to play. Wait a second... There is another version of polo?!}
(i don't mind if my characters don't get any, I just thought I'd see if one of my characters could chip in to help in this lantern-capturing :) )
{~Walks around aimlessly~ my life feels like such a lie! WAIT HOLD THE PHONES! I live in Europe does that help factor my disillusioned knowledge on this second polo game you speak of?}
(I WANT TO MESS WITH HATRED D:< cause it'll probably be like T : who are you?

I : Hatred etc

T: Oh...Imp...So you must hate me right?

I: Yup

T: -Eye twitch-)
Ayra had a catch "If I catch you, I get to have that lantern that you are holding." He smiled.
(After this post I'm going to poof.)

Ayra ran after the Imp of childhood. "I should have stated that floating wasn't fair." He said and huffed.
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]Occultus stood in the corner of the room, thinking things over. Lux stood next to him, hands in his pockets. "So, now that you've been unmasked, what do you intend to do?" Umbra turned to his friend and was a little confused. "About what?" Lux pointed to the mask in the boy's hand. "I'm referring to that. Do you intend to continue as your fabricated persona, or will you continue as who you once were?" The black-haired boy held the mask up to his face, observing it closely. "I'm not really sure. As Occultus, I made friends. When I was the old me, I wasn't that good at things like this. People don't remember the old me, so I'm not sure what would happen if I got rid of the mask." Lux place a hand on his shoulder. "All answers come in time. Make the decision when you feel it is the right one."

(Nobody cared who I was until I put on the mask)
The imp giggled and continued to float out of the way."kihihi~ you can't catch me~"

The imp of hatred mutated into his monster form and began attacking random students.

(Ok....poor npcs)
(I know! I can do something now!)

From outside his door, Lucien heard a large shriek and decided to investigate. Outside was a mister of some description attacking random students, (NPCs have feelings too, man) "Hey you, you big ugly thing! What do you think you're doing?" Lucien's alternate personality yelled through Lucien's mouth, a nugget of control that Lucien hated him having, 'Why did you say that? I'm going to die now!' He thought to the alternate form, who still spoke in the mind as well as out loud, 'Yeah I know. I wish I had some popcorn for this.'
Chrys heard a commotion outside, "Ugh... Why?" he said, voice filled with fatigue "Why does that bastard always have to ruin my day?" he implored, getting up

Because you have disrespected me

Zeus, please smite me now

Do you not wish to have luck on your side?

On my side, sure, but INSIDE MY HEAD!?
By now Chrys had reached the outside, pure rage radiating off of him in waves, leaving a noticeable absence of students in his immediate area


"Aww, COME ON!! Are you flocking kidding me?" Chrys said aloud, adding in his head New guy, did you not see the sign? NO VACANCIES

"LUCIEN or anti-lucien or whoever you happen to be right now, save some of this flock-tard for me, I need a punching bag"

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