Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

She turned around just before she was bumped into, then stumbled back, more startled than injured. "How did you...?"
((Hai guiz. I'm back!~ although I'm on my phone and will be getting on a computer very soon :3 what's the haps?))
Eli stopped crying and nodded, wiping his nose, "What are you?" He asked, despite the normal convention being 'who are you,' but Eli had never met anyone who could feel him, nor anyone who had been hurt so badly. Though, unless you used the term VERY loosely, Elisedd Belenus had never MET anyone, besides the nice girl in the courtyard. While waiting for the phantom's answer, Eli closed his eyes in concentration, forming a ball in his hands that morphed and shifted constantly, seeming to absorb all light that came into contact with it, it was a willo'wisp of pain. With a wave of his hands it was gone.

('night Prowlz)
((Have fun with that Prowlzeh.))

Her face darkened and she shifted her weight onto one foot uncomfortably. "A spirit, I suppose you could say..." Curiously, she pushed back her hat a bit, watching the energy in the passing moment it was there.
paipai900 said:
((Hai guiz. I'm back!~ although I'm on my phone and will be getting on a computer very soon :3 what's the haps?))
(Eli just met spire and remembered her death) 
"I've never remembered anything that hurt that much before, and I remember a lot of things, like my name! It's Ellie, no... that's not it... Edward... no... Eli! Yeah, that's it, Elisedd Belenus, you can call me Eli, I always do... My name is hard to say" Eli whispered at the end
((How is that, praytell?))

She stared at him quizzically, amused by the strange entity. "I'm called Spire. It's short for..." Folding her hands under her sleeves, she trailed of as if she had forgotten she was saying anything. "What do you mean by that? What you said about remembering..."
"I'm a wisp, I- Well it's probably better to show you" he said forming a pale grey ball of light in his hands and holding it out to Spire
Spire was struck with a series of images, clear enough to be her own memories

A traveller, walking along a dirt path many years ago

A strange light in the forest

Following the light for hours, but seeming like seconds

Arriving at a great willow tree with a young blonde boy with pale blue eyes

The blonde boy hopping down twenty feet from the tree and landing as if he took a step

Suddenly arriving back at the road, forgetting exactly where he was going, but remembering the direction

The images faded to reveal the present, with a blonde boy with pale blue eyes staring at Spire

"Yeah, other wisps aren't really that nice, but when I take memories I copy them and give them back, sometimes I even make them remember better things! Like kittens!"
((YESH!! KITTENS!! btw, is anyone else on? Eona and Ajax are still up for interaction...wait...OR I COULD MAKE THEM INTERACT WITH THEMSELVES!!! :D ))
(( o.e That would end weird. HRRRRMMM. Should I make another character? Everyone else seems to have...))((Wait, I hear my bed calling. I must bideth thee farewell. Continue tomorrow?))
((Eeeyup. By now I have her be making a snowman that looks like Ajax, who's sleeping inside the cafeteria, ignoring everything that had just happened))

The kraken hummed a soft tune that she had learned from Melody back in the day, it required a lot of high notes, but with some practice, Eona was able to hit them easily. Rolling up Snow Ajax's head, Eona grunted softly as she bent down and lifted the ball of snow up, struggling to place it on top of the other two snow balls she had made. Curse my shortness. The kraken frowned in determination and continued to try and push Snow Ajax's head on top.
"Need help making a snow kitty?" Eli said, corporealizing his hand and pushing the head the rest of the way up, he had to float two inches off the ground to do so, but floating wasn't that hard, besides, making a snow kitty was worth the effort "You seem... lonely" Eli commented
((So blunt. xD ))


"Ah! Thank you!" Eona beamed cheerfully at Eli, a bright smile on her face as she watched him float up in the air and place the head on top. Quickly patting some snow in to hold the head, the kraken furrowed her eyebrows in confusion at Eli's next words.

"You seem... lonely." Eli commented.

Eona turned to stare at the will-o-wisp, a small frown on her face. Was she lonely? I mean, yeah, she was outside by herself making a snowman of another person, but was she really lonely? Eona didn't know if she was lonely, she was surrounded by a bunch of people after all, but, what was the definition of lonely. "Really? How so?" the kraken asked, wondering how she seemed lonely.
"I don't know, you seem like you're missing something... someone? You have a lot of memories, it's hard to tell, like finding the one clover with four leaves" Eli said with a surprising amount of insight. He started making several small willo'wisps that, when looked into, showed images of kittens, then he started juggling them.

((Awwwww! So cute! x3))


The kraken frowned in confusion at the will-o-wisp, she didn't know what he was getting at. Staring into one of the will-o-wisps, Eona let out a long sound of adorableness. "Awww!~" Giggling softly, Eona smiled and cooed at the little kittens that were in the will-o-wisps. At the back of the kraken's mind, she wondered what Eli had meant by she was missing someone, or something. Melody was here now, but Eona wondered what she was yearning for....I guess she would have to find out, wouldn't she?
(( @Nanashi Sorry for being a bit late, ehehe. ^^; ))


"Ja, I'm sure we will!" He smiled gently, resisting the urge to go and simply jump into the water. After all, if he were to do that, his human clothes would get soggy, and from what he had observed, humans reacted very strangely to his human form when he was not clothed. Back in his lake, he could recall some humans wearing odd, rubbery suits to swim... Ansgar decided that he'd locate one of those for himself later.

Ansgar tilted his head at Melody's question, before saying, as if it should have been common knowledge, "I'm a Nokken." The thought didn't occur to him that most likely wouldn't know what a 'nokken' was, although before transferring to Ishika high, the thought that he was a 'monster' never occurred to him either. He didn't like the word monster, and he certainly didn't think it fit him at all. "What are you?"

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