Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

(So Sorry I havent posted in the entire day. I have been busy with school and in my free time my internet was down.)

Noah crawls around on the table. "So how are you enjoying Ishika High? Anything in particular you are enjoying or hating?" he asks.
(Erm don't see why not.. I think we're the only council on ATM so... Will they still be on holidays or has lessons restarted?)
Tira sighed, it was the morning, a couple days after Christmas. That day, was definitely a roller coaster. First there was an annoying party over something that doesn't exist, although she does find it a fun event to participate in. Then Umbra was alive, something that she is still happy about and lastly the whole fox hunt thing with Flynn. It was definitely a day full of the craziest events the Phoenix had ever experienced. "To early..." The girl whispered, banging her head on her desk in her room. She wasn't the best morning person ever. Never will be. She was dressed in a tank top and shorts, slippers resting upon her feet as she kicked her legs lazily to amuse herself. She still had to go to the library to find a new book on medicine, having read all hers. "And Brother wants to come see me too..." Bang, her head hit the desk end. "And then I have father's party once more..." Bang, once again. "Why does the world hate me?!" She sobbed, trying not to wake up Lucien.
The sounds of banging did not wake up Lucien, instead it woke up his alternate personality, "The Great War, World War two, Vietnam, Korea! No... high school," the alternate personality's voice called through Lucien's mouth, sounding like a victim of PTSD who lived through a lot of wars. It was this calling that woke up Lucien, "Sorry about that," he muttered in a half asleep tone.
Sotiria glanced over towards Lucien, a shocked expression on her face. "Ah! I didn't wake you up did I? If I did Im so sorry! Im just panicking because of everything I need to do and...and I cant think straight and then somehow I end up hitting my head when it gets to much and I cant stop it." She sobbed, once again, her head hitting her desk. To be honest, she was overreacting, but in her case she had a lot to do. She had to go to a party! She hates those things, everyone she knows there are her fathers business partners! With a sigh she stood up. "I..I'm going to the arena." She wanted out of this form...just for a moment. With that the girl swapped her slippers for a pair of sneakers, sitting on her chair to tie up her laces.
Lucien raised a confused eyebrow at her, "Arena? Who are fighting?" He asked. Normally Lucien didn't like to fight, but he had a lot of excess energy to blow off since he'd been stuck in his room all Christmas. Quickly he got dressed into his usual clothes in the bathroom, then grinned at Tira as he walked back out.
She finished doing up her laces, shaking her head softly. "No one...I just need to calm down... and this small form does not help one bit." With that she stood up, walking out the door as she smiled over at Lucien. "Coming?" With that she left the room, her eyes focused ahead as she walked down the halls. Her lips parted as she yawned, blue orbs tiredly looking ahead. Eventually, she reached the Arena, the only place that allowed true forms. Reaching the centre she felt the heat enter the air around her as the blue orbs that once held kindness turned a blazing red before she erupt in flames. It almost seemed to burn her figure. The ash began to flutter around her burning form as slowly it began to push free of the flames confinement of her real form. The Arena was huge, literally. This time, her large form fit in the space, not breaking a thing as the large red and gold wings spread, the feathers tips each burning with the dark red flames as she mentally sighed. 'Freedom....' With that she settled her wings to her side, the phoenix's red eyes glancing down at Lucien as the flames burn around her new larger form.

(BTW, im going to bring her brother. Eona and him will get along.)
Lucien followed Tira to the arena, feeling glad to be able to step outside of his room, 'damn parents, damn traditions, damn elementalists and their damn grudges,' he thought as he entered the arena. You could see the amazement in his eyes as Tira turned into her true form, "Wow," he said,

"That is so hot! Literally and metaphorically," his alternate form added through Lucien's mouth.
{Am I the single person who has siblings who hate each other? Well anyway I'm back... Back in black! I have relocated myself into the USA... I am not proud of it but I am in a lake house so- what the hell. It's only NINE AM!? Kill me... Please...? Kill me. X.X}
Tira's real form glanced over at Lucien, red orbs staring at him curiously as the neck of the Phoenix leaned down, large eyes peering at him. "Oh? You're voice sounded slightly different Lucien." She pointed out, the faint wind like voice floating around. Suddenly, the whole body of the bird froze before she raised her wings, opening them before she let herself be encased in flames. Seconds later, there was Tira standing back in its place, this time in front of Lucien. Feathers were still falling, ash still settling around the space she once consumed. She tilted her head, blue orbs staring at him curiously. "Why did your voice change? Are you ill? Do you want to go back to the room?" She asked.
(Back in black I hit the sack It's been too long I'm glad to be back Yes I'm, let loose From the noose That's kept me hanging around... sorry couldn't resist) 
Lucien shook his head, "No, my alternate form has learned how to speak through my mouth," he said with an annoyed sigh, "And I'm loving it!" the alternate form added.
{things are good, can I do some shameless advertising here- ~has a reality check~ OH MY GOD IM NOT IN BRITAIN ANYMORE I HAVE TO CHANGE MY KEYBOARD BACK TO AMERICAN- no, not going to happen. Sorry I'm freaking out right now, Jack needs to make me coffee before I scream. ~faints instead~}
She paused before remembering. "Oh! I forgot you had an Alternate form with its own persona!" She let a smile grace her lips as she nodded. "Then tell him Thank you for the comment." Laughing softly she added. "I want to speak to him sometime too, he can't be that bad." Well, she didn't really know and so her opinion was that valid. She did want to meet him though. "The day is actually becoming better, Ill go ask Umbra if he can help me find some books lat-" She was cut off, glancing over at the figure at the Arena door.

Dressed in a V-neck blue jumper and some black jeans, Kai walked through the school, his sister was somewhere. If she wasn't he'd just have to burn this place down to find her! With a goofy grin he walked through the schools empty halls, searching for his beloved sister. "Ah! Tira-chan!" He called out, his serious demeanour vanishing as he literally began to run around the school in panic. "OH NO! TIRA!" He sobbed overdramatically as he believed the girl had vanished. He had only been here a couple of minutes. Glancing back down at the map, tears swelling in his orange eyes as he noticed a part. "Arena...THAT IS WHERE TIRA-CHAN IS!" He declared, once again loud enough to wake most of the school. He quickly found his way to the Arena, his eyes set on his only purpose here. Tira. He stormed in the door, only to see Tira with a male. "T-tira-chan..." His eyes seemed to become that of a famous 'puppy dog' look as he cried. "Am I not the most important man if your life?" With that his wrapped his sister into a suffocating hug, the twenty year old completely forgetting his own strength.

This is Kai Aoede

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