Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

(I'm just stalking people and liking things and staying quiet cause Nessa isn't doing anything and Melody is waiting for Ansgar to reply. ^-^)
Like a hormonal driven teenage boy with his best friend talking to his crush, the alternate form metaphorically pushed Lucien out of the way and took charge. Although in fact, the alternate form was just hogging Lucien's mouth, not giving him a chance to talk, "I am right here whenever you want to talk to me. I know you'd want to talk to me because... all the girls just can't stop talking to me," the alternate personality said, although Lucien's body language did not match this. Lucien was trying to hide his embarrassment and silence himself at the same time, but once his alternate personality started talking, there was no stopping him. Although when this strange boy came out of nowhere declaring to be the most important man in Tira's life, the alternate personality sharp shut up. Feeling a little betrayed he gave the mouth back to Lucien, giving a mental sigh as he did so - if he could actually walk around in Lucien's head, he would have sunk shoulders and a hung head. Lucien was also a bit surprised by this strange man who seemed to be attempting to snap Tira in half with a hug, but Lucien didn't really know anything about phoenix stuff and assumed that was probably normal, although that thought made Lucien wonder what the relationship between these two people were. The boy might not be a phoenix and instead might just have really powerful hugs, Lucien had no idea.
((@Nanashi hm....does Nessa know that Chrys is gone? Because Eona doesn't. Oh and they could just have a touching moment about Nessa's brother's murderer? You still haven't gotten to that, have you? :3))
She choked. Blue eyes snapped open, alert as the bone crushing strength of her brother began to make her cough. "B-brother! L-let go!" She shouted, watching as the blonde haired man released her, a soft grin on his lips as he reached down to pet her head. She coughed for a little bit, slightly glaring at her brother as she huffed. "Should you even be here? Won't Big sister Mai hunt you down?" She asked, a small but loving smile on her lips at seeing her brother even if he was slightly odd and had a really bad sister complex. A VERY bad sister complex. She glanced over to Lucien, and his personality as she nodded. "I would love to talk to you, excuse my brother interrupting us though." She asked, bowing her head slightly before she turned to her brother. "Brother Kai, this is Lucien, my room partner." She stated, gesturing to the elemental.

Kai released his sister, hearing the choked words that escaped her lips. "E-ehehehe! Sorry Tira-chan, I always forget strength is my ability huh!" He joked, setting his hands on his hips as he laughed merrily. He watched her cough, setting his hand upon his younger sisters head he just grinned sympathetically, a small but visible blush upon his cheeks. Definitely to much strength. He gasped dramatically, putting his hand on his heart as he looked at Tira. "What! You knew I was coming! ....Did you not want to see me?" He asked in return, giving Tira a sad look once again. He saw the girl panic and quickly laughed before freezing. Mai. "A-ah...W-well Mai doesn't know im here!" He whispered, a look of fear on his face. He glanced back at the boy, looking at him with a glare. He had heard what the boy said. 'Room partner?' He paused, eyes wide before he growled. "What have you done to my sister..." He hissed, releasing the blonde haired girl to walk over to the shorter boy. "I should kill you no-" "Oh Kai dear!~" "Crap..."

Mai stared at her brother, then giving a soft smile to her sister as she stormed over to the clan heir, anger on her features. "Miss me?~" She cooed politely before brought her leg up, slamming it down upon the mans head with a slam as his body hit the floor. "Think you cannot tell me? It is rude not to tell your fiancée where you are going hm?~" She reached down, plucking the fallen boy up by the collar. She turned to Tira. "Hello Tira-chan." The woman gave her sister a small smile. Tira returned it, reaching over to wrap her arms around her sister happily. "Im sure Kai hasn't been to much trouble.." She turned to Lucien. "I apologize for him...he is an idiot beyond belief." She reached over, offering her hand to him. "I am Mai Aoede, and the idiot is Kai Aoede. We are Tira's siblings. Nice to meet you." She wasn't bothered about Tira being roomed with a boy, she had no clue about anything past dating as Kai kept her the hell away from that information.

{Depends on where you are I think Frau escaped to go read porn or something. And careful with the ladies I warn you be flirts with every cute girl he sees.}
(Sister complex O.o fiance is her brother O.o incest much?)

For some reason, Lucien didn't seem all that phased when Tira's brother began threatening him, probably because he seemed rather dopey, but a smile did spread across his face when he was struck in the head. When Tira's sister offered her hand out, Lucien quickly shook it, he did not want to be in the same position as Tira's brother, "No need to apologise," he said, "I'm Lucien," he added, since she had introduced them to him, he decided to introduce himself to them.
{depends also Prowler, in my family of vampires it is quite normal if not requested that one dates their brother/sister. Though now that would be impossible since near no one has direct related siblings... Cept the triplets... Anyway Frau might need to be approached.}
(-Giggle- Yush, normally they would only have two children, then get them married to the blood is pure, they are monsters so stuff deformities etc. Tira ruined that by being born, so she was shunned by the clansmen - tis why she was shy. We are in the arena and don't worry, he can talk to Mai)

Tira only laughed softly at her brother, a small smirk on her features as she poked at his chest, looking at his limp but pained form. That must have hurt. She glanced up at Lucien before standing up properly. "Well, these are my siblings. Kai here is the heir to our clan." She replied, pointing towards the limp male that was only held up by her sisters grip. "So he is like our boss." She muttered, a slightly worried look on her face. Yes, both Mai and Tira had to take orders from the idiot. He wasn't an idiot, he just had a sisters complex.

"Gah!" He ripped himself out of Mai's grip, standing up to face his fiancée and sister with a frown. "What was that for!" He paused, reaching up to rub his head, a small pout on his lips as he said this. He turned to face Lucien, glaring once more. "Exactly, Im their boss" He could only grin. He was the only reason Tira was in this school, because he had asked their father. One word at the girl could be pulled out. Although, he wouldn't really do that because he didn't want to see Tira cry. He knew that would happen.

Mai just rolled her eyes, reaching up as a bright orange flame encased her hand, only to smash her fist on the boys head. "Idiot!" She glared, setting her hands on her waist as she shook her head. "You may be our boss but you still are an complete idiot." She whispered before smiling softly, shaking Lucien's hand in return. "It is a pleasure to meet you, I hope Tira isn't any trouble?" She asked before she turned to Tira, a serious look upon her features. "You do remember you have to attend father's party tonight right?"

(Just bring Frau here, say he sneaked off here to see porn or something >_< and Pai-chan, Nana-chan, post in the Viritus, I wanna see smurfy and Gwen-)
When hearing the word 'boss,' Lucien's alternate form jumped back into action, "I'm the boss of this guy.. Oh I so wish I had control of his hand so I could point at his weird little face..." the alternate personality said through Lucien's mouth, "Shut up," Lucien snapped back at the alternate personality, "No, you shut up and give me your hand!" the alternate personality commanded, "I am so sorry about this," Lucien said to Tira and her siblings. It was times like this he was glad the alternate personality had its own voice, otherwise it would just seem weird.
{I think with some tight clinching and some teleportation powers this is possible. I like Mia, can I has her cherrie?}

Frau was bored of his reading under the tree by himself, lord knew he loved reading the stuff but it got boring sometimes, especially since he was alone, given his occupation there was never enough hours in the day to get bored of reading it. So he decided to take a walk, he was walking when he heard someone being called an idiot and could not help but intrude the way he so rudely did sometimes. "Baka?" He questioned his head popping into the place where Mia was verbally bashing someone, his kind of speak mainly, all seven different languages he knew.

By now he had removed most of his winter clothing and now for what seemed like the first time was dressed in normal jeans a modern day band t-shirt but he still wore his long jacket, just open. "Calling someone an idiot?" He questioned and walked in slipping his hands into his pockets.
Tira just nodded, giving him a smile. "It's fine Lucien." She turned to her siblings, a grin on her lips as she pointed to Lucien. "He has an alternate personality, do not blame him for what his other persona says." She told them, setting her hands on her sides as she leaned her weight to the other foot.

"I dare you to try me you little bra-" Hearing Tira begin to speak he turned to her, listening carefully to her words before he nodded. "I see." He turned back to Lucien, still glaring childishly. "Release this alternate personality so I can teach that mouthy brat a lesson." He hissed, standing up so he loomed over the high school kid.

Mai just rolled her eyes at her brothers childishly, her hands planted on her hips as she turned to Tira. "Will you go alone to the party again?" Receiving a nod she sighed, shaking her head slightly. "You know, You are supposed to be accompanied by someone at your age." It didn't matter who in their clan rules, as long as one of the clans leaders children did not go alone. She turned to the male when he entered, tilting her head slightly. "I apologize dear, I meant my idiot brother here." Ignoring the cry of 'OI' from Kai she smiled. "It is a pleasure to meet you though mr...?"
{he's a bishop.... xD gods I still cannot stop laughing seeing mr. And Frau in the same sentence!}

"Frau. Just Frau." The blonde said turning his head. "Sir are you possessed?" He questioned Lucian blankly. Coming from a church he was educated on the fact people could have what is known as splits, or fragmented versions of their own personality but he had never seen it with his own two eyes and this was looking like possession to him.

"He's an idiot..." It sounded like Frau was more confirming then asking as he evaluated Lucian further. He did not like the boy already but strangely the girl was catching his eyes, and normally he did not go for children. "And you are called?" He asked Mia taking her hand and kissing the top of it.
{How waS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW!? I asked for her cherry and you never responded. >.< Frau is in his twenties, or so he claims. xD }
Taken aback by the threats, the alternate personality decided to take action, "Teach me a lesson? ME? ME? Lucien let me out so I can melt this child's face off!" the alternate personality demanded, but Lucien refused, "Ignore him, he's a bit egotistical. Well very egotistical. Although he can be very dangerous to so..." Lucien told Tira's brother.
(Oh? you know she is her own brothers fiancée?) 
Tira just looked at them all, a small frown on her lips as she looked between her brother and Lucien. "A-ah, that's fine Lucien." She turned to glare at her brother.

Kai looked at his sister with a frown before he huffed, bowing his head before he apologized. "Please forgive my ignorance to your situation and my threats to your persona." He spoke in a strict tone, his orange eyes staring at Lucien blankly.

Mai just smiled at her brothers politeness. He had to be a gentleman after all. With a small smile she had her attention back on Frau. "It is a pleasure to meet you then Frau, I am Mai." She stated, bowing her head before she turned to Kai, grabbing him by the ear. "We need to go, we have preparation for the party tonight. Forgive the shortness of our visit Tira." She stated, giving a small look to her sister
{Yes, I kinda read that, Frau flirts with anyone who is pretty. I was just third-personing his thoughts to him Mia can look like a child considering he gets resurrected evry so hundred years or something. xD } 
Pleasure." Frau breathed looking over the... siblings in the toom, he was instantly and quite literally turned off by it all, it just did not feel right, then again Frau had never dated in any of his lifetimes and he was mainly never allowed to. Blinking he watched Mia leave (sorry for getting her name wrong DX BAD ME). "Well that was short and sweet." He said swallowing slightly. It was slightly confusing him now how near everyone was blowing him off, it was his job to blow people off and act rude, did he somehow take a wrong turn and end up in america by chance? If so, why?

{I am gratefully sorry for this post given I am not american...}
Lucien nodded at Kai's words, "Oh no need to apologise; I would gladly let him out for you to punch, but he tends to fight back.. and do this thing where he makes you accidentally punch me instead," he said with a smile, wishing somebody bigger and scarier would come along one day and put his alternate personality in his place, unfortunately the nurse isn't allowed to beat up school kids.

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