Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

Chiaki turned and looked at the one who had talked to him. "I guess you could say that. I'm looking for the infirmary. An old friend of mine is there."
{Wow well isn't that just incredible!? xD } {YUS AN AMAZING SONG! I love that song.}

Frau rubs the back of his neck, finding infirmary is not hard for him, though he honestly did not know where it was, He assumed he would just find it, it would not be that hard, main building he assumed. Finding wounded was not hard just go for the place that seems the furthest from God. "Alright, wolf, follow me." He waved his hand and turned right around headed for the front of the building again.

Finding the infirmary proved not hard at all, all he had to strangely do was search for the dead soul he sensed outside, and along side what looked to be a passed out boy was an also unconscious girl, but she was not even so much as breathing Frau examined her. "IS that your friend?" He asked still examining he girl but pointing to Flynn.
{You are NOT telling me anything I do not already know ~Has all kuroshitsuji songs on my iphone~ It pays to travel ^~^}

"You sure you should be jumping on him? Ack!" A thin hand wrapped around his throat and the girl below him had deep red eyes. "OH MY!" He yelled knowing exactly what the girl was though before he could react her teeth were in her neck. A white wolf now laying on the floor jumped up on to the bed.

"OH MY GOD YOU ARE BITING A HOLY MAN~!" the wolf having matching eyes tot he girls dropped his jaw unable to move.

{Sorry I HATE having a immobile if not helpless character and Frau has human blood....}
{Ah one moment: Yanagi Chuah, Kita Knitingcore, Becca, Kalafina, Yuuya Matsushita. Several artistes really xD }
Coyoty looked over at flynn her ears flat against her head. Frau was sitting in a chair a towel over his neck. "She bit me!" He said almost horrified. Coyoty's white hair was once again replaced with her normal black hair.

"OH CAN IT! You are not bleeding anymore!" Coyoty hissed at Frau who stands quickly rushing over to her angrily. Zephyr glanced at Flynn wondering where the wolf boy went. "Eh, mate where did that wolf go?" He asked as Frau dramatised his experience more. Coyoty twitched her ears smelling the air upon the mention of the boy's friend.

"There was another wolf in here." She mentioned taking in air having Frau the one getting mad at her. "YOU DON'T NEED TO BREATHE!" He growled having Coyoty throw a pillow at him.

{ @Flynn Porter Sorry about these posts, holt men, even Frau do not like Coyoty very much since she is the furthest from Holy...}
Flynn laughed, amused at their interactions. "That was Chiaki, a friend of mine. I asked him to find Nessa for me. She hasn't been here to visit for awhile. I miss her...."he sighed.
Coyoty blinked her now grey eyes as Frau took a seat. "Shut up." She said as soon as he took a breath and opened his mouth. "Chiaki?" She repeated glancing at Flynn. "You could have asked Zephyr to find her." Coyoty could barely realise that she was saying this because the smell of the wolf boy had intrigued her. Zephyr blinked flicking his tail and jumping off the bed stretching his wolf body. Frau was looking out the window as it begun to snow again. He lanced at Coyoty and then back to the widow, once back at her he heard her growling and swallowed deciding not to mention it. Coyoty was clearly testing to be sure her powers were working.

{OH MY GAWD I AM A WELL KNOWN MEMBER YUSSSSSSS!!!!! ~Starts dancing around crazily~ OH YEAH!!! yay me.... it's my birthday! ~Suddenly stops smiling and sits down Coughing~ Ah, no one saw that.} 

Prowlzerz said:
AR-E25 walked over to the girl named spire and smiled at her, "Hello!" it chirped.
Uh, she also said she would be back later. ~Needed a texting dictionary to decode her statement~
(yer the most well known of all well known members in all the well known land *waves magical wand*

really? DAMN :( )
Eli drifted slowly towards a girl who had memories of flying, "I like flying! It's really fun to fly" he said to the girl, "You don't fly much, any more, why not?" he asked, referring to the time since she arrived at Ishika, then blurted out "You know what it is! Yay, I met a girl earlier, but she didn't know, but you have to! You've done it multiple times!" Eli exclaimed, bringing up a memory of Nessa kissing Flynn.

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