Highschool... Never ends

Conner's in.....No where land....Lol. oops. I think when I start losing people, it's time to sleep...he's the second one I've lost tonight. I think he's in History class. Lol
((Dahlia is going to gym, I think Conner is in... science? Emma went to math and Sierra... Sorry I totally forget... My short term memory apparenty doesn't last page to page lol))

--- Merged Double Post ---

((ok and Sierra is in english, sorry had to go back and look))
Emma angrily mumbled to herself as she put away her phone. "I cant believe this, even after I told him..." the bell interrupted her and then right away she thought, 'Wonder if Dahila got there in time.' She glanced around to see students file into the room and chat away as the, oldest teacher Emma has ever saw, continued to erase the board. "Better then the last teacher." She said as she sloched back into the chair and crossed her arms. A couple students near her asked if she was new, she replied, "Yah I am." They chat away till they noticed almost the whole board was filled with notes.

(I feel so terrible. My throat feels all scratchy, so I might not put the best posts...)
Dahlia got to gym just in time. The teacher took attendance and told them to go get changed. She went and changed into her gym clothes, short athletic-type shorts and a running tanktop style shirt. She got a lot of looks from the guys in the class, and she hated how girls and boys were together in gym. There really should be two separate classes. They were separated into two teams to play volleyball. Dahlia, being extremely good at sports, was the first picked. She hated sports and would never admit she was great at them. ~Ugh, let the torture commence...~ she thought as one of the popular jock jerks winked at her and made what was surely to be an obscene comment to his idiot friend.
Conner walked into gym class late. He loved the class, and the teacher loved him, so there were no words said about him being five minutes late. As they split into teams, he noticed Dahlia and winked. "Hey, you stalking me?"
Dahlia stuck her tongue out. "I was here first. Therefore, you must be the stalker in the situation." she smiled to let him know she wasn't serious. She crossed the room to stand with who was on her team on one side of the net. She stood at a space in the front with the other really good players. One of the stupid jock boys stood in the space behind her. When she looked around, he was staring but immediately gave her an 'innocent' 'whats wrong' look. She rolled her eyes and tried to ignore the pervert.
(I agreeeee, we need more MEN!~)

Conner laughed, taking up position directly opposite her. "Bring it on, Doll"

(Sorry for the short post, crazy tired fter a crazy afternoon, found a newborn kitten abandoned, so I'm feeding it every hour)
(Awww, that's so nice of you :) I love kittens. One time I found like a whole family under my house, anyways, yah Connor must be soooo lonely around all the girls. lol)

Dahlia smirked a little bit as the person in the back (opposite of the rude guy behind her) served up the ball. After hitting it back and forth a few times, she spikes it just a few inches out of Conner's reach. She might hate sports but being this good she might as well show off a bit.
(If I could figure out how to post pics, I'd share her cuteness with you guys)

conner shot her a competitive glare when she spiked it past him. "Watching you" he called to her
Dahlia laughed a bit. A couple of times when she backed up to hit the ball, the guy behind her used it as a chance to 'bump into her'. She got frustrated. "Hit it towards the middle of me and the guy behind me." she mouthed to Conner with a grin on her face. If she was going to get the other guy to leave her alone, this was certainly a way to do it.
Conner grinned, catching on to her plan. He'd been ready to bop the guy for being a jerk, but this would be better. He followed her directions, taking careful aim, then hit the ball with as much force as he could muster
Dahlia backed up like any other time, pretending she was going to hit the ball. As the guy behind her moved foward again, she suddenly ducked down. Before he had time to react, the volleyball hit him right in the face and he stumbled backwards, falling and landing on his butt in front of everyone. "Oopsies." Dahlia said with an innocent shrug. The gym teacher, who clearly hadn't been paying any attention, blew her whistle and ordered that the jock be sent to the nurse, his nose was bleeding. Dahlia looked at Conner with a huge grin, trying so hard not to crack up.
Dahlia grinned. Without the other guy there to bug her, it made playing a lot easier. Sure, his friend from earlier glared daggers at her the rest of the class, but she shrugged that off. She went right back to being competitive.
Conner's team ended up losing by one point. One crappy point! He caught Dahlia by the arm as everyone filed out of the gym after class. "Hey, how'd you fudge the score?" he laughed
~Rinnnnng~ Emma ended up missing most of the notes, and sighed. Some of the other student near hear commented, "It's like that everyday, annoying isn't it?" She nodded and grabbed her notebook. She was suddenly overcome with a headach. "Damnit." she muttered to herself. Emma, who was very annoyed, digged through her and looked for a pill bottle. "Please don't tell me I left it at the apartment..." she begged to her bag. When she found it, Emma almost screamed "YES!" but thankfully didn't. She popped two in her mouth and downed half a bottle of water that was in her bag.

(Lol funny thing you did with the volleyball)
Dahlia smiled. "Oh just admit you lost fair and square!" she said, laughing. "Is someone a sore loser?" she joked. They had already changed back into their normal clothes and were walking down the hall. "Today just seems to be dragging on and on." she complained.
He laughed. "I don't lose. I never lose. You" he poked her arm, "Must hve cheated" he was only kidding around. He was normally a pretty good sport
Dahlia laughed. She started walking towards Conner's locker. It was lunchtime and the others were supposed to meet them here. "Darn you caught me, I totally cheated." she joked. "I hope you don't mind, I invited another girl named Sierra to come to lunch with us if everyone thought it was okay..." They stood by the lockers, waiting for Sierra and Emma to show up.
He laughed. "Mind?" he made a face. "What man in his right mind would mind getting to hag out with THREE women?" he asked, still laughing. "Seriously though, it's cool. The more the merrier, right?" He reachd his locker and quickly spun the combination, then tossed his books inside. "She cute?" he grinned

Sierra played with her hair as she wandered, looking for the locker Dahlia'd told her to meet at. She smiled when she spotted Dahlia talking to a guy and gave a small wave. "Hey!"
Dahlia stuck her tongue out at Conner. "Of course she's cute!" she joked. "Wouldn't want to introduce dear Conner to a girl who wasn't cute." She laughed and then noticed Sierra walking over. "There she is now." she waved Sierra over. "This is Sierra. Sierra, Conner." she introduced them. "Now we're just waiting on Emma."

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