Highschool... Never ends

Dahlia cracked up when Conner yelled at the whole class. The teacher looked relieved that they were all settled down now yet terrified that he had a student like Conner. She listened while the teacher droned on for a bit then when it was open practice time played nonstop the whole time, clearly playing something she had written herself rather than what they had been given to practice.
Conner'd never really been one to go with the flow, so when they were given free practice time, he went off playing his own thing. he pretty much tuned the rest of the class out, semi-annoyed with the fact that half of them obviously had no idea what they were doing. After a whle, he clued in to the fact that Dahlia wasn't following the material they'd been given to practice. "You're either way off of this," he motioned toward the sheet music the teacher had handed out, "Or you're really good with whatever else you're playing"
Connor Was explaining where his locker was, and Emma was lost. "Ok, but I'm not going to promise I'll be early, or on time. This school really confuses me." Connor must have gotten irritated that everyone wouldn't shut up, and Emma was too. If it wasn't for Connor yelling first she would have done it. Emma was however was surprised he did do that, but had to laugh. "Hey I'd be careful with that big mouth of yours, might get you in trouble. Got alot of that in my last school, and no it wasn't "Girl Drama" either." She knew he was going to make a comment like that.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Emma had nothing to do but sit back and listen to the sorry excuse playing she had ever heard, it was giving her a head-ach. Connor was commenting on Dahlia's playin, so Emma listened in. "That's a pretty thing you go going on." Without even knowing it Emma was taping along with the cords, trying to see if it was a song she knew.
At Emma's comment, he grinned. "Sometimes trouble's not a bad thing" he winked. "You never know, sometimes the most fun comes from trouble" When she mentioned being lost, he smiled. "What's your last class before lunch? I'll meet you there so you don't end up wandering aimlessly" he offered. He smiled t the girl drama comment. "Hey, totally had this great girl drama comment all worked pit, then you went and ruined it" he sighed and looked dejected. "I might never be the same..." he joked
"Oh yah tell me about it. Had fun all the time at my old school they loved me there." Emma smiled at the nice guesture, "Uhhh..." She said pulling out the wrinkled piece of paper again. "It says..." She looked doewn which made her bangs cover her face. "math. Wonderful." She quickly picked head back up and smiled, "Thanks, and I'am also not going to promise I'll be there either, but I'll try." She added with a grin. Emma put on her best sympathetic, witha hint of laughter. "Oh, you poor baby." She said with, what people would say, attitude, but he of all people knew it was sarcasim. She softly touched his shoulder, while holding back a laugh but failed.
He laughed. "You know what you need? Your own personal guide" her sarcastic comment made him wrinkle his nose and stick out his tongue in a silly face. "You're just mad that I'm super awesome" he laughed
"You know what, your right. But damn I'm too poor to do that." She said with a smile and continued, "Unless you wanna do it for free." She jokingly nudged him. The face he made some funny face. Emma raised an eyebrow at him, "Ohhhh, so that's what they call it now a days..."
He laughed. "Sure, I don't mine helping out. I know this school like the back of my hand" he held out his hand to demonstrate, smiling. "Really though, most of your classes aren't too far from mine. If you need a hand, I'll make sure yu get to your classes til you get the hang of it." he liked helping people. Especially when those people were good looking girls. He winked at Dahlia. "How bout you? Can I help you out too?"
"Even though you didn't say it I know what your thinking." She said almost serious, almost. "Oh well I guess i shouldn't think differently, you are a teenage boy." She smirked at her own comment, so sexist. Then she gestured her finger pointing from Connor to Dahlia, and evil smile creeping up on her face, "Is there something between you two?" She over exaggerated a gasp. "No, you too aren't going out are you?" She said this overly dramaticly, so it was between serious and kiding. Now the full smile was there.
he laughed. "No ma'am, we are not. why, jealous?" he teased. He stretched his arms out. "So where did you move from?" He asked

(Bed time, night guys)
((Sorry gaiz, fell asleep heh))

"Yeah, I kinda wrote it, it's nothing crazy though" she replied when they asked about the music she was playing.

Conner asked if she needed help finding her classes. "Nice try," she said jokingly. "I've always gone to school here, I've just been out a lot lately is all." She stuck her tongue out. Then Emma asked if the two of them were together. Dahlia raised an eyebrow. "Just met him today, actually." She laughed and looked at Conner, jokingly saying "I'm sorry darling, haven't known ya long enough for that." She smiled and looked back at Emma, curious to know where she was from.
He nodded. "Not too bad" he commented on her music with a smile. He grinned when she mentioned not needing help finding classes. "Jeeeezz....shoot me down before even giving me a chance" he sighed, then chuckled. "You girls are hard on a guy, know that?"
((It's still first period, Emma Conner and Dahlia have band together, it hasn't made it much past that))
(Lol yah I switched classes on you Loopy 8D And since they asked where I'am from, where does the rp take place?)

"Ha! You wish O' Brian!" Emma laughed at what they were saying to one another. 'Huh, so they just meet.' She thought they were long friends, they seemed like it. They were nice to her even though they just meet her. 'Not like anyone at home.' she thought to herself. Then Emma froze, where did she move from they asked. Question came out of no where she barly caught it. She had a hard time spitting out the words, her palms were getting sweaty and she was fidgeting, she really hope they didn't notice. "Oh where I moved from.... ummm" She stumbled around the words. "I moved from-" But before she could finish the rang loudly and she quickly stood up and gathered her bag. Connor was about to get and say something, but she held up her hand. "No need, I'll find my way around." She ran her sticky hand through her hair. "See ya." Emma had vainished out of the room and merged with the crowd of students in the hallway. She sighed happily. "Saved by the bell." Emma barly whispered to herself.
Dahlia looked at Conner. "Well that was... Odd." she said. She shrugged and gathered her things. "Off to my next class, see ya around lunch." she smiled. Dahlia finished packing her ba , shouldered her bass and headed off to her next class.
Conner frowned, confused by Emma's behaviour. "Wow....Um...Okayy...." he watched her go. "What just happened there?" he looked over at Dahlia as he pcked up
Dahlia walked into her next class which was math. She sat down in one of the empty seats close to the window and wondered if she would know any of the other students in this class. She hated math and always had.
Emma now regreted telling Connor not to help her. Then it was like a light bulb flickered above her head. "Oh that's right, the science room is down here." She walked down the original hallway and made it to the science room. "Wow, this will be the first class I'm early to." The teacher must have heard her and laughed. "I take your Miss Parker." more of a statement then a question. This teacher looked like one of those nice types. "Yes I am." Emma says sweetly. Then the teacher does the usual introduction and showed me around the class told me other school stuff. By the time she was done the bell rang and I waited next to next while students filled the seats. 'God, please tell me she's not one of those types of teachers who make me-' but before Emma could finish her train of thought as the teacher started to talk. Emma sighed deeply as she slouched over. 'This is going to be a long period.' she thought sadly.
Sierra had math next. If she could find it. She sighed to herself and peeked in doors as she walked, hoping to find something that resembled a math class. While she was walking, she bumped into a blonde haired boy. She blushed and smiled apologetically, but kept walking. She;d be late if she stopped to talk. She finally found a classroom where math problems had been pre-written on the board. "Guess there's no mistaing this class..." she said t herself. She walked in and sat down next to the only other person in the room, a pretty girl.

She smilied a friendly smile and held out her hand. "Hi, I'm Sierra" she introdiced herself, while she studied the other girl. She looked friendly enough. No one had really seemed to want to be friendly in her Bio class. Hopefully math would be better.

Conner had history next. He loved history. It always entertained him. He had a good memory for dates and names, so he found it pretty easy of a class. On his way to class, he almost ran over a petite but pretty redhead. Before he even had a chance to apologize, she was gone, must have disappeared into one of the math classes. "Huh" he said to himself. "The new kids must be coming out of the woodwork" He didn't mind new kids, he liked them. The people here were so boring, he'd been going to school with most of them since kidergarten. New faces always added some entertainment to the mix
Dahlia smiled at the girl who had spoken to her. "Hi." she said, shaking her hand. "I'm Dahlia."
Sierra smiled. At least she spoke to her. "I'm new here" she smiled. "You know, this school is extremely confusing. I got so turned around, I thought I might get completely lost!" she laughed
"Haha yeah it can be confusing. There are a lot of random halls. At least you made it here okay."
(I don't know new york xD )

Jay looked around the hall. She forgot which class she had next. "UGH! Stupid memory!!!" She screamed at herself and ran down the corridor.
Sierra smiled. "No kidding! Somehow, I doubt the I Got Lost trick would work on most math teachers....they all seem to be way more strict" she shrugged. She looked round. The classroom was starting to fill with people

Conner was headed for his History class when a screaming girl ran rightinto him. "Oof!" he grunted, staggaring back a few steps. "Ugh...Um...Hi?" he raised an eyebrow at her. "Nice to bump into you"

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