Highschool... Never ends

He chuckled. "How much you wanna bet the teacher's more than ten minutes late? Loser buys lunch?" he grinned, quickly glancing at the clock. "And no comments about guys in bands being unreliable" he laughed, elbowing her lightly
"Fine, no comments. Hopefully he isn't too late then." she said "Deal." she smiled a bit and started playing a bit to get warmed up for class. "Hopefully we aren't still playing the same lame music as last year."
He smiled. "Hey, that stuff was written by the same great composers who wrote sucky teacher music, and probably more widely know, painfully terrible sucky class music. Can't diss the classics" he quipped. "Seriously though, if this guy's as good as he's supposed to be, this'll be one heck of a great class"
"I hope you're right..." Dahlia replied, engrossed in what she was playing. She stopped and leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes. "Too early..." she said. She jumped at the noise from the teacher opening the door and practically slamming it behind him. She looked at Conner. "Well at least he sure knows how to make an entrance." She raised an eyebrow at the eccentric teacher.
Before anyone can react the bell rings and Emma quickly pulls her hand away. "Oh god I can be late again." She looks up at the bell as it continues to ring. "See you guys later, maybe in class." She says as she quickly sprints out of the science class and looks down each hallway, dumbfounded. 'I forgot where she said. " Emma kicks one of the nearby lockers softly, luckyly no one is around to witness. Emma sighs in relief, but then remembers here current situation. "Wait didn't she say here." She started to make her way to nearby classroom door, but it was covered with posters from the inside so she couldn't look inside. 'Might as well try, hey maybe I'll get lucky.' She stumbled her way into the room and knew she made a mistake. "Uhhh, I made a mistake didn't I?" Emma said to herself, a sarcastic joke. She immediately knows what room it is. The band room. "At least I know what room to go to later on..." Her shoulders slumped over. Then she quickly looked around for a teacher.
Dahlia looked up at the girl who had entered the room after class started. She wasn't supposed to be here, she could tell by the look on the girl's face. The girl started talking to the teacher, probably asking where she was supposed to be.
Conner laughed. "Hey, buddy, didn't your mother ever tell you not to slam doors?" he called, getting a round of laughter from the class. He looked over to Dahlia. ""Looks like I'm buying you lunch, he wasn't ten minutes late" he grinned, looking back toward the doorway when it opened again.

When the bell went, Sierra sighed and sat down. "bring on the potential snore fest..." she muttered
Dahlia smiled and blushed a bit. She waited on the teacher to finish his conversation with the new girl. She looked back at Conner. "Play any other instruments?" she asked. "Well, I mean, a lot of people in band play a couple each... But I guess not everyone..." She sighed. "I promise, usually I know how to talk like a normal human..." she leaned back and played a couple notes, waiting to hear his response.
Emma finally found the teacher. He was looking at a boy in the back with blonde hair, he was sitting next to the gir I saw this morning. To her he looked a bit... odd, but no time for that. "Hi," Emma said with a warming smile. "I'am new here and I can't seem to find my class. Can you tell me where." He turned around and I knew right away by that nervous look planted upon his face, he was new too. 'Luck really does not like me today.' She tried to keep the sigh in her throat bu failed. The teacher took note of this and commented, "Don't worry I might be new but I know this school, may I see your schedule?" Emma digged throught her shoulder bag and finally found the paper. "Here you go." She unwrinkled it and handed it to him. He studied it for a moment then looked up at me with a confused look. "Your here, this is your class." Now she was completely confused, Emma double checked that schedule twice before school. He showed her the piece of paper, and her jaw dropped to the ground. There was a small arrow pointing from history to band, that means the classes were switched. Which also means she was in the right class. Emma still couldn't believe this, she basicly did a facepalm. 'Wow...' then looked back to the teacher. "Thank you for clearing that up for me." He still looked nervous, probably from being new. "No problem, sit where ever." I looked around and sat all the way in the back, I didn't have my guitar, so she just sat there and waited. Her arms crossed and leaned baack in the chair in a comfortable position.
Conner grinned. "Sweetheart, I play any instrument I can get my hands on" he paused a minute. "Ohhh, you must mean play with even a single iota of talent or skill. Well, in that case, nooope" he chuckled. "But hey, I try. And have fun. I even try singing once in a while, you know, opera in the shower" The teacher was talking with the girl who'd just walked in, so he didn't feel the least bit guilty for talking through class. When the newcomer passed by him on the way to the back of the room, he gave her a friendly smile.
Dahlia smiled at the new girl when she walked back and continued her conversation. "Sounds like a good time," she laughed a bit. "Don't feel bad, I can only play bass. I sing a little, but it's not all that great in my opinion." A nearby girl made a sound of strong disagreement and Dahlia's face literally looked like the " -_- " face. "Obviously a certain crazy thinks I sing decently, but she's wrong." she stuck her tongue out at the girl. "Anyway!" she turned randomly to the new girl. "Hi, I'm Dahlia. Or Doll. A lot of people call me that for some reason." She smiled at the girl. "You're new here, aren't you? I can tell." she said jokingly. It was hard to tell if Dahlia had not had enough caffiene to seem normal or if she had had way too much this morning.
Emma had closed her eyes but they flew open when someone said said "Anyway" toward her direction. Emma held out her hand and smiled warmingly, "You can tell, huh? Yah. I just..." only a brief pause this time, "moved here. Apparently this is my first hour. My name's Emma, Emma Parker." She keep her sigh to herself as she let go of Dahlia's hand. 'I'm getting better at that.' She mentally smiled.
Conner grinned. "You'll have to sing for me sometime" he commented before turning his attention to the new girl. "I'm Conner. Lots of nicknames, but not a lot of them are appropriate for mentioing in the presence of a lady" he winked at Dahlia, then turned back to Emma. "What instrument do you play?"
"What do you play?" Dahlia asked, noticing that Emma didn't have an instrument with her.

--- Merged Double Post ---

((lol we asked the same thing.))

Dahlia laughed when Conner made his comment about nicknames. She smiled at the new girl, hoping she wasn't making her first day awkward. It sucks being a new student.
She grinned at the guy, "Hi Conner, I want to say nice to meet you but I'm not so sure yet." Emma said sarcasticly so he knew she was kidding. She smiled a bit at their jokes about his nicknames. Emma sat back up straight. They had both asked her the same question. "I play lead guitar and sing, but I only did that with my band. I do know a little bass guitar though." Sadness kinda swept over her when she mentioned the band, but she quickly pushed it away. 'Hope they didn't notice.'
"You were in a band?" Dahlia asked. "I was too! Well, for all of five minutes. It was an all girl band, and good God they were annoying."
Emma had to laugh at this, "Yah, I know how that feels, I was the only girl in my band." She sarcasticly smiled, "Fun times that was."
Conner grinned. "hey now, everyone knows meeting me's good luck. Luck of the Irish, eh?" he laughed. When she answered, he nodded. "Aaaaahhh, you're one of those multi taented jerks that make the rest of us look bad" he laughed again and winked to let her know he was just kidding. "So tell us about your band? I'm sort of in a band. I mean, we do the odd weekend gig down at the Dobro, but not too often. We mostly just make too much noise in my garage and have too much fun to be considered completely sane" he looked over at the teacher's weak attempts to get the class under control. "Doll and I are going out for lunch, you should come" he glanced to Dahlia to make sure she was alright with that

(Just a quick fyi, my A button is funky, so I apologize for any missing a's in there. I try to catch them)
"It would have to be better than listening to your drummer complain that she messed up her new manicure." She started playing her bass. "What kind of drummer goes and gets a manicure before she comes to practice??" She sighed, looking at her stubby chewed fingernails with the chipped ice blue paint. She rarely painted her nails, knowing it would all chip off. But she figured it was her first day back, she should make an attempt. Here she sat an hour later with her misshapen nails and faded polish.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Psh, who needs an 'A' button? Haha)

Dahlia nodded in agreement. "You should totally come with us."
Emma surpressed a laugh. "Yah your right, I don't, but that's better then all of them taking turns flirting with you." A memory of her band tried to get into her mind but she pushed it away and turned to Connor. "Yes I am, how did you know I was one of those multi-talented jerks!?" She raised an eye brow at him then laughed. He talked about how he was in a band. "We would do dances, festivals, and ect. All that stuff, and for a multi-talented jerk I was pretty decent." Emma glanced over at the poor new teacher, he was trying to get everyone under control, like a subsitute. Then Conner asked her to join them at lunch, Dahlia nodded in agreement. Emma smilled 'First day and someone is inviting me to join them at lunch. This is going better then I thought.' Emma laughed, "Sure as long as it's not some crappy food, I'll join you."
"It's school food, it's probably gonna suck." Dahlia laughed. She turned to the teacher who had begun yelling particular names. "Poor guy," she said. "I suppose maybe we should pay attention, amuse the man, haha."
He laughed. "To heck with school food, let's walk into town and go to The diner. best. Pizza. Ever" he grinned. He looked over at the teacher. "should we help him, or just see how long it takes him to get it on his own?" he pondered aloud.
"I so agree!" She said pointing to Connor. Then Emma turned her head to where the teacher was, "Yah maybe, for some reason I know his face from somewhere..."
"Sounds good to me, I could go for some food that isn't brown and flavorless." She smiled at the other two. "Yeah apparently the teacher is some kind of big shot." She looked at Conner again. "Where's he from? He just doesn't look all that familiar to me."
He nodded. "Good, we're in agreement then. Let's meet at my locker, we'll go from there, k? It's just right outside the room here, to the right of the door" he looked back to the teacher. "Apparently he's some big shot from a local band. Hold on a sec..." he stood up. "FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT'S HOLY, SHUT UP!!!" He yelled, getting the attention of every person in the room, including the teacher. When all was quiet, he smiled. "Thanks, guys" he sat back down. "Looks like he doesn't have a very good handle on the whole leadership thing..." he muttered to the girls. Conner knew he had a big mouth. He also knew he attracted a lot of attention form a lot of people, but he really didn't mind. In fact, he liked it.

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