Highschool... Never ends

"Nahhh..." Dahlia said with a grin. "It's not a big deal really. It's a big school, they're used to it. So where are you from?"
She smiled. "You think? Well if I'd known thay, I may well have just missed Math altogether. Maybe for the rest of the year!" she joked, laughing. "I'm from way the hec out in the middle of no where, little town in Northern Ontario no one's ever heard of" she answered when asked. "Sort of a love hate thing, living out there. Huge change when I moved here. I don't think I've ever seen so many people packed into one school before" she admitted. "What about you, have you always been here?"
Dahlia giggled a little. This girl seemed like a lot of fun. "Pretty much. I mean my parents are... Disgustingly rich. So we travel a lot, but we always end up back here and I always end up coming to this school. It's more of a home here than any of the other million places we've gone." She felt sort of ashamed just blatantly bragging that her parents had money, but she had to explain the traveling somehow. "My parents' jobs make them travel all over."
she nodded. "Ahhhh, you lucky duck. I'd love to travel. My eventual goal is a trip to Austrailia. I would be a happy camper if I could just have that one trip." she laughed. "Heck, this is the first time I've been out of Canada!" she smiled. "But this seems fun. Back home, there wasn't much in the way of entertainment. A bunch of us would drive into the city almost every weekend, just so we could do something. We had a lot of fun, sometimes wild, experiences, though" she smiled. "So, since I've only been here a week or so, what are the best places to go around here for fun?" she asked
"Australia is really nice. Definitely go if you get a chance." Dahlia responded. "There's a lot of stuff to do around here if you know where to look. Oh, me and some friends are going to get lunch later, you should come. Surely I can show you a few places of interest on the car ride over and I'll pay if you need me to." she was nice enough to offer, since the place they were going would be more expensive than a regular school lunch.
She smiled. "My uncle went last year, he showed me tons of pictures...I just fell in love" he smile turned to surprise at the invitation to lunch, and the offer to pay. "Oh..I couldn't intrude..." she said. "I'm sure your friends wouldn't think omuch of me tagging along..." she tugged lightly on her red, slightly curled hair. It was a nervous habit, an irritating imperfection she couldn't get rid of
"They probably wouldn't mind." Dahlia said, smiling. "If it bothers you that much, we can ask them before we go." She looked up when the teacher walked in. "Oh yay, here we go." she said. She hated math.
She smiled. "Well, I guess if we ask, there's no harm done, right...?" she'd always been taught not to intrude on the plans of others. It was rude. When the teacher walked in, she sighed. "Oh boy. Biology, then math. So far, real fun day" she commented
Dahlia laughed a bit. "That's high school for you. You get to take all kinds of horrid classes." The teacher started writing on the board, not even bothering to introduce himself or tell them that they were supposed to take notes of all this. "Hm," Dahlia mumbled under her breath. "This should be interesting."
Sierra rolled her eyes. "Enthralling teacher..." she muttered. "good to know he tries to be interesting" she took out her notebook, figuring she'd better write down whatever he was doing. She'd need all the help she could get with this class
"W have a new student today class, her name is..." she looked back at Emma, she sighed quietly to herlself. "Ummm, Emma Parker." She said in a bored tone, which she was. Emma balanced half her wait on her right leg with her arms crossed. She had an emotionless face painted on her face. Everyone in the class mummered at her introduction. Emma turned back to the teacher and raised her eyebrow, "May I sit now?" She nodded happily and pointed to an empty sit in the middle. "Now all I need to do is get through this class and, math...." Emma mummubled to herself then groaned at the "math" part.
Dahlia took out a notebook and started scribbling some notes, but then started doodling along with it. By the end of class , her notes were about 1/5 notes and 4/5 doodles of cats. She blushed when she noticed this. "Oops..." she said aloud.
Sierra happened to glance at Dahlia's notebook and just about laughed out loud when she saw it. When the teacher wasn't looking, she tossed a note. "Nice cats. Teach me to draw and I'll let you use my notes?"

(AG, is Emma in math with Sierra and Dahlia?)
Dahlia read the note, and laughed a little too loudly. She got weird looks from a few other students, but the ancient teacher didn't even notice, still scratching away hurredly, and apparently attempting to give them all carpal tunnel by the end of the semester. She looked over at Sierra, and laughed loudly again when she saw the serious look on the girl's face. She nodded in agreement and sent a note back "Sure, glad you noticed my godly drawing skills!!"
(No, I'm in science class. Srry if I confused you or something xD )

After a very long and boring lecture about chemicals the bell finally rang. "Oh thank god..." She said aloud. SOme people shouted replies of "I know right." and "Still have more to go." She smirked at most of them. She gathered her stuff and walked into the crowd of students and exhaled deeply. "Yah" she said sarcasticly, "time to play 'Let's find the classroom before it starts.'" She was about to look at her ripped up piece of paper of classes, but stopped. "Oh yah, math..." She looked around quickly, 'Who to ask..' she thought desperately. Then she spotted her. "Dahila!" She just walked out of class. Dahila turned around and she waved at her, then run past everyone and walked up to her. "Hey, can you help me with something?"

(Lol srry I put this up too early, I thought you already left the room, my bad...)
Dahlia had just gotten out, rushing to get away from math prison as quickly as possible. She promised Sierra to meet her again right before lunch. She heard someone calling her name and turned around. "Hey," she said, smiling. "What's up?" She tilted her head.

--- Merged Double Post ---

((No problem lol I tried to fix it a bit to kind of make it so she was there :3))
Emma sighed happily, "Oh thank god I found you. I know I said I didn't need any help, but I lied." SHe waited a second to review Dahila's reaction. She raised and eyebrow and quitonable look was placed on her face. "Can you tell me where math is?"

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Lol thx, I was making cookies and I thought you guys were ahead of me so I posted :P )
Dahlia laughed. "It's that room right there." she pointed to the room she had just come from. "Why did you lie, though?" she asked. "I mean were you like, embarrased to ask for directions or something?" She put on a face of fake surprise and joked "You're a guy aren't you! You just don't wanna ask for directions!" She smiled.
Emma's face was lke -_- when she pointed to the room she just left. "Uhhh I didn't..." was her reply when Dahila asked why she didn't ask for help, but before she could finish she continued. Emma was a little taken back by this, not expecting Dahila to joke like that. Then her face lit up. "Who told you?" She said in a deep voice and a serious face, but ended up bursting into laughter.
(Whoa, Nelly, jumping the gun a bit, or am I just behind? lol)

She laughed loudly, just in time for the bell. "I'll hold you to that! I don't draw worth crud" she laughed, shoving her notebook and pencil back in her bag and standing up. "least my next class should be better" she smiled. She left the classroom, looking for her English class

(Edit: Eeeee! I AM behind!)
Dahlia laughed. "Well unfortunately I have gym now... It sucks. It's almost as bad as math." Dahlia was very good at sports, she just didn't like them. "I'll catch up with you later!" she walked quickly down the hall so she would make it there on time, it was on the opposite end of the school

--- Merged Double Post ---

((Gotta go, sorry. I'll be on tomorrow though :3))
"I'd rather go to gym than math, I fail at math." Emma always loved gym, she loved sports and keeing in shape. Emma watched Dahila speed walk down the hallway. She sighed as she moved into the math room, or as Emma calls it "The Death Room". She sat in the seat all the way in the back and watched the old teacher erased tthe math problems on the board. After a couple seconds she got bored and checked her phone. She got a text labled "Fight...again". She opened it up and read quickly before class started.
Sierra found her way to English before the bell went. Barely. But she did make it. She took out her phone to check itt before class started, sighing when she saw a text from one of her old friends. She missed them.

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