Highschool... Never ends

(Lol srry, my email didn't send me anything about you guys posting somthing)

Emma held her head as she continued down the hallway, looking for Connor's locker. She groaned, "Why couldn't we meet at the doors or something." She spotted three people together at a locker. It's was Dahila, Connor, and... someone she didn't know. "Hey Connor! Dahila!" She waved to them as she came up to the three.
Dahlia smiled. "Hey Emma." She said. "Emma this is Sierra." She smiled. "Now that we're all here, we should go get lunch!" Her stomach grumbled and she blushed. "Apparently I'm hungrier than I thought..."
Sierra smiled. "Hi there" she shook Emma's outstreched hand. "I hope ya'll are alright with me taggin along" she smiled, pushing her hair behind her ear.

Conner grinned. "Hey, she is cute" he commented, either not noticing or ignoring Sierra's slight blush from his comment. "Alright, foooood. I'm so hungry I could eat a water buffalo" he laughed, leading the way toward the doors. "Not too long of a walk" he said to the girls
Connor and Dahila were commenting on how they were starving. Emma mentally shaked her head 'I'm not that hunger...' but she was still going. She quickly shaked her head at Sierra's comment, "No, no. Not at all. But I'm not go to promise that you won't be sorry you came." She put her hand up to her mouth to where Connor couldn't see her lips. "Because we are going with Connor!" Emma wisphered loudly so he could hear. She smiled brightly at the three of them.
Dahlia laughed at Emma. She put her stuff away in her locker, which was just a few down from Conner's. "Ok let's go so we're back in time...." she said. "We only have an hour for lunch and there will probably be a line of other people trying to get out of this prison too..." They started heading for the exit.
Sierra laughed. "Ohhhh, so he's one of the ones to watch out for then, huh?" she asked with a smile. she sidestepped toward the locker to avoid being knocked over by a group of loud guys shoving through. "Bit of a madhouse in here" she said

Conner rolled his eyes at the girls, smiling. "Verrrrrryyy funny. Hey, I'm the one stuck drowning in a sea of estrogen" he pointed out, laughing. "But I'm being the gentleman here, notice? Lookin out for all you delicate young ladies"
Emma snorted at Connor's comment, "Delicate, sure." Then she turned to Sierra and smile, "I would't know I'm new here, I'm guessing you are too?"
(Hahah, that's what I thought, were all going to lunch, if you want to meet up with us, show up at the place were going to. Oh and can I make another male character?)
Dahlia made a weird noise. "Delicate?" She asked, crossing her arms as they got ready to leave. "Not hardly." She added. She refused to be considered fragile.
Sierra laughed. "Wow, he thinks he's somethin special, doesn't he?" she asked, shaking her head. She smiled at Emma. "You would guess right. Moved all the way from way northern Ontario. You?"

Conner grinned. "Come on, you three can't tell me you don't llike being looked after" he smiled nd held the door open for them. "I know you do"
"Oh, uhhh.." She didn't know what to say 'Not again, me and my big mouth.' she mentally yelled at herself. Emma rubbed tge baxk of her neck. "Miami" She said sternly. Connor trie to open the door for her but she just went through the other door "Uh-huh..." she said to Connor nonchalantly
Dahlia stuck out her tongue. "Oh yes, and You're the FIRST person I would come to if I needed 'watched over'..." She winked to show she was joking around as always. She walked outside, then looked at the others. "Umm... does anyone have a car??" she asked. She didn't have one, she walked to school every day.
Emma smilled "What, you don't have one Dahila?" She grabbed her keys out of her bag and tossed the to Connor "Here, I'll know you'll want to drive it." It was the keys to her Black Jeep Wrangler. "You'll get sick when I drive." she said walking to her car. "I don't really follow the speed limit." Which is ture but she only got one ticket for speeding, surprising even for her.
Dahlia crossed her arms. "I don't need to drive, I have like three chauffeurs..." she mumbled. She'd always wanted a car but her parents insisted that she make the drivers work for their money. She walked with the others over to the Jeep and waited until they had all decided where to sit before getting in herself.
Conner laaughed nd caught the keys. "This is where I tell you I've never driven before" he said, trying to keep his face straight. It didn't work too well, his eyes sparkled with laughter and his lips twitched upwrd in a grin

sierra smiled. "Hey, I like the wheels. Can we trade? I've got that old beater truck over there" she pointed. The truck was old, but in good repair. When she got in, she ended up seated in the back. "So where exactly re we going? Ya'll arent going to take me to some sort of cult initiation, right?" she joked
Dahlia did her best attempt at a scary face, which just ended up being more adorable than scary. "Yes! We're going to make you join our cult!!" she said.
They were decieding on where to go, "Well I wouldn't know, moved here only yesterday, haven't got the apartment unpacked." she groaned when she realized. "and I have to do it all by myself." Emma leaned her head back on the passenger seat and had a hand to her forehead as she groaned more.
Sierra laughed. "Oh, make tht face again!" she told Dahlia. "Oh, goodness, that was the cutest, most hilarious thing ever!" WhenEmma mentioned unpacking, she smiled. "I'll help you if you help me" she offered

Conner looked over at them. "You three sound like you're hving waaaaay too much fun. I should put an end to that. Maybe I'll start singing...Tht'll work!" he teased
OOC: I'll post a few more

Emma slightly smiled at Dahila and Sierra. She jerked up when Sierra offered to help with packing, she shaked her head "No, yoy probably have your own packing to do." she paused for a minute then nudged Connor from across the passeger seat (She is sitting in the passenger seat) "Connor can help me." She said sarcasticly.
Dahlia's jaw dropped. "Cute??" She asked. "It wasn't supposed to be 'cute'." She offered to help with the unpacking too. "I don't have anything else to be doing. All I do is practice bass every night, but other than that..."
Conner raised an eyebrow. "Nuh uh, I've helped women unpack before. I'm more of a shove things in drawers person, not place the fluffy pink doily two centimeters from the left of where you hve it" he smiled. "But I'll help with any heavy lifting you may have" he offered

Sierra was still laughing atDahlia. "Oh, goodness....That was absolutely the best thing 've seen since I got here" she shook her head and looked back to Emma. "Really, I don't mind. I need to find ways to kill time" she laughed

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