Highschool... Never ends

Right before the food came, Emma stood up and cleared her throat. "I've got some things to do, so I'm gonna go." her voice was hoarse. She digged her wallet out of her pocket and threw down a 20 dollar bill, then another 15 more dollars. "For the taxi fare."
Conner stood up. "Emma...you don't have to, I'm sorry about my reaction" he looked at her. "Come on, stay, please?"

Sierra frowned "Is it your head again, hun?" she asked, concerned again
Emma motioned Connor to sit. "No, it's my fault. Anyways, I really have to go do something." She shook her head in Sierra's direction when she asked if it was her headache.
Dahlia was curious as to why Emma had to leave all of a sudden, but she knew Emma didn't want to talk about it. She nibbled on her pizza after Emma left. "Oh, and to answer your question, definitely the math teacher..." She said to Sierra.
Dahlia smiled. "He's ancient and he doesn't teach very well. He insists they leave the chalkboard in the classroom rather than the school getting him a dry erase board, probably just because he likes to torture us with the screeching noises..."
After Emma got into her Jeep, she sat there for a few minutes, trying not to think about them. After she got a hold of herself she drove out of the parking lot, decideding to go back to school and sit in the parking lot for the rest of lunch.
Dahlia smiled and finished her pizza, looking at the clock on the wall to check the time. "Uh-oh, we better get going. We only have 20 minutes left and we still have to call a cab..." She was always like this, thinking really far ahead, sometimes over thinking things, and always looking out for trouble. She had a clean attendance record and planned to keep it.
((Anyone agree I should make a guy char? That way Emma Sierra and Dahlia will all have one [bTW what happened to Jay???] and no one has to date the guy they made?? lol. I just thought it was an idea))
Sierra smiled. "You're probably right." she's always been pretty good about keeping good attendance

Conner laughed. "Seriously? We could walk back with the twenty minutes we have left and still have some time" he, on the other hand, didn't have perfect attendance. He skipped a fair bit

(Another guys would be good)
Dahlia crossed her arms. "Just because you're a slacker doesn't mean we are." She looked from Conner to Emma. "Do you want to walk back then?"

((Ok give me a few minutes to make it and get it approved and all that))
Sierra made a face. "I'm not walking back if I don't have to" she said

Conner laughed. "Alright, alright, I'll call a cab for us then"
(If you want, and yah if you do make a character we don't have to date our own characters, maybe I can get one of my friends to join so you don't have to. And I don't know.)

Dahlia paid the check while he was calling the cab.


Name: Jake

Age: 17

Gender: M

Personality: Very outgoing and social. He likes to joke around a lot. He isn't 'emotionally troubled' or anything like that. Just a relatively normal guy who loves to have fun whenever. He sometimes lets his fun get in the way of his grades, but can smooth talk his way out of anything.

favourite subject: Math

lest favourite subject: English









New student or not: no

Jock, emo, geek, Ext: None really

Emma picked up her head and sighed. "It's probably almost time for class..." She thought about just going back to her apartment, but then pushed the thought away. "It's first day, I can't."
Dahlia stood up and they walked out to wait for the cab. "Back to funland." She said, sighing. And it was only the first day.
When tha cab arrived, Conner held the door for the girls. "Next stop, hellhole high" he said dryly

Sierra smiled. "Well aren't we just a chipper bunch"
Dahlia smiled at Sierra's comment and got into the cab.

(([MENTION=1660]Loopylozzy11[/MENTION] is it okay if I post with my other char?))
((I did. Oh well, I can have him come in later, it isn't a big deal. Maybe I'll start using him the second day of school))
when they got back to school, Conner spotted Emma's car. "Hey, I'll meet up with you guys in a sec" he said, then jogged over to knock on her window

Sierra nodded, then looked to Dahlia. "So...You and Conner know each other well?"

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