Highschool... Never ends

Justin guessed she was new, "Your friend must be new huh. Well I have gym, I'll show her there, so you won't be late for class." he offered.
((You said he was going to history >_> Lol I'm confuseeed.))

--- Merged Double Post ---

AGProject7347 said:
Emma glanced at her phone's clock, if she didn't find her class with Connor's help, she would be late. "Sure, if you don't mind." she hated having to ask people for help, but she needed this time.
Justin was rushing to his history class. He was at a doctor's appointment, so he was only here half the day. "Damnit, I can't be late again." When he turned the corner he smashed into another student. "(Dahlia)
D: Seeeee? Lol.
Sierra smiled. "That would be sweet of you, but you don't have to" she said

Conner laughed "Hey, I\m always nice" he tuck his tongue out. "Some people just don't understand my niceness"
(( Okaaay lol. I forget sometimes too, it's kinda a good idea to pull it up in a separate window so you can just look over to it. ))

"Ok, if Sierra doesn't mind." Dahlia said. She looked at Sierra waiting to see if it was okay.
Dahlia looked from one to the other. "I guess that settles that then." She smiled. "I'll see you later, okay?" She said to Sierra. She waved at Justin as she left for class. "Nice meeting you!" She yelled back and disappeared into the building, making it to class just in time.
Sierra smiled. "Thank you for offering. I feel kind of bad depending on people to help me when their class is no where near mine"

Conner laughed. "What, you don't believe me?"
"Really it's no problem, we do have the same class. Come on let's go before we're late." As they were walking he held out his hand, "As you may have heard Justin Moore, and you?"

Emma laughed at his question, "Not in a million years!" she joked.
She smiled. "I'm Sierra Summers. Nice to meet you" she shook his hand. "So are you new here too, or just running late?" she asked

Conner laughed. "Oh, I am SO nice. I'll prove it" he grinned
Justin smiled at her "No, I had a doctor's appointment today, came back at lunch. And I guess I don't have to ask if your new."

Emma raised an eyebrow at him and crossed her arms across her chest. "Ok then, prove it." she challenged Connor.
She laughed. "Yeah, none too subtle in that, am I?" she asked

Conner smiled. "How would you like me to prove it?" he asked, stopping to look at her
Justin laughed "Yup, oh here we are." they got to class in time. Justin went into the boy' locker room to change.

Emma was shocked when Connor stopped. "I don't know, you pick."
Dahlia sat in English quietly, looking out the window. She could see the parking lot. Emma and Conner were still talking out there, as were Sierra and Justin. Then the latter two walked inside. She thought they would probably be late, but maybe they made it on time. Emma and Conner were both definitely late, but as Conner said, he didn't really care about attendance. She didn't know about Emma though. Dahlia snapped out of her little trance and paid attention for the rest of class.
Sierra went into the girl's change room, emerging shortly in her gym clothes, shorts and a tank top

conner nodded,. "Alright..." he thought about it. "How about I invite you three to the party I'm having this weekend?" he smiled
Justin came out in black shorts and a white t-shirt. As everyone filed into the gym Justin shouted "What we playig today teach!?" the techer replied sracasticly, "Oh it's always a joy to see you too Justin." everyone laughed, "Volleyball." the tacher said. Justin walked over to Sierra, "So how you likeing the school so far?" he asked her.

Emma laughed, "How is that being nice? That mean we have to come over to your house." she joked. "Sure, I'll come." she glanced down at her phone's clock, "shit we're gonna be late, come on." she grabbed Connor's arm and ran inside.
She smiled. "Well, so far I'm liking the people" she answered.

He laughed. "It's just a transparent attempt to get some cool people to come" when she pulled him along, he couldn't help chuckling. "The teacher won't care..." he objected lightly, but sped up to match her pace
"Oh so you already made friends?" he asked her. they were beginning to pick teams.

She stopped when her phone vibrated and fell out of her back pocket. "Oops." she said while stopping.
She nodded. "Yup. Well, I think so" she smiled. "They seem nice. Oh, I mean, not that you don't..." she smiled. "You seem nice too. You know, aside from the whole running my friend over thing" she smiled to make sure he knew she was just teasing

conner stopped. "Dude, don't drop phones! They don't like it!" he laughed
He pretended to be offended, "I'm nice, aside from running over people." he laughed as they were seperated for Volleyball "Your going down!" he yelled at her. The class laughed.

"Maybe if people weren't texting me durning the day..." she checked the text and sighed. "Not again..."
She laughed at the joked threat d bounced on the balls of her feet. "Bring it on, boy! she yelled back, taking a mock boxer's stance, drawing more laughter from the class

He looked over. "What's wrong? he asked
"Oh someone's got a mouth on them." the teacher had to comment "Your one to talk Mr. Moore." he grinned. "Sorry coach, it's in my nature."

She looked up at Connor, "Oh nothing, just an Ex who can't take a hint." she shoved the phone back into her pocket and smiled.
Sierra laughed. This class might be fun after all. she stuck her tongue out at him, then fell back into line with the rest of her team. She was alright at Volleyball. Not great, but alright

He laughed nd held out his hand. "I'll mke him take the hint"
Justin wasn't the best at volleyball, when he went to hit the ball he bounced it off the wall and it ended up hitting the coach. Justin quickly floded his arms behind his back a whistled inocently. The coach glared at him, "What? It wasn't me."

"Now you sound like my jealous boyfriend." she laughed, "Eventually he'll get the hint, so don't worry your pretty face." she joked.

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