Highschool... Never ends

Emma's head was botering her again, so she put her head back down on the steering wheel. "Just for a couple of minutes." she said to herself.
Emma was startled by the knock, and she hit her head hard on the ceiling of the car. "Fuc*." she yelled, she held her head to where she hit it. Then sighed when she discovered the soruce of sound. Emma rolled down the window, "What?" she said sounding a bit annyoed, now her head was killing her.
Conner raised an eyebrow. "Well, I was going to apologize again, but now I'm thinking I should offer to take you to the nurse"

(I totally just put vet instead of nurse.....)
Emma groaned while she still kept holding the part of her head where she hit it. "Apologize for what? I told you it was my fault."

(Lol Jazz)
He smiled. "Well, most recently, for scaring the crap out of you and causing you to hit your head" he answered. "But before that, I acted like an ass in the diner."

(Lol, figured it may not have gone over well if I left it)
Emma lightly shook her head "No, it's my fault. I shouldn't be asking such personal questions." She checked her hand that was supporting her head to make sure it didn't have blood on it, it didn't.
He shrugged. "I over reacted. I shouldn't be so sensitive about it. You just sort of hit a nerve, that's all" he reached out. "Let me see" he said, checking her head.
He smiled and took her hand. "Friends" he shook hands firmly, then let go. "Coming back to class?" he asked
Dahlia blushed and started violently shaking her head. "No no no..." she said. "We just met this morning in band."
Emma's head still hurt like hell, but she'll live. "Yah, let me see what class I have.." She digged through her bag and found the crumbled piece of paper. "English, huh. Wonder where that is. Well I'll find it." Emma rolled her window back up and jumped out of the, locking it was she looked at Connor.
Sierra grinned. "Ohh....Well, he seems nice" she commented, smiling at her

Conner smiled. "You've probably got the same class as me. I'll show you there if you want" he offered
Dahlia stopped shaking her head and her face was slightly less pink. "Yeah, he does." She said. She quickly changed the subject. "Uhh, we should get to class... We'll be late... What do you have now?"
Emma glanced at her phone's clock, if she didn't find her class with Connor's help, she would be late. "Sure, if you don't mind." she hated having to ask people for help, but she needed this time.

Justin was rushing to his history class. He was at a doctor's appointment, so he was only here half the day. "Damnit, I can't be late again." When he turned the corner he smashed into another student. "(Dahlia)
He smiled. "No worries, come on" he held out his arm to her, laughing. "I'll even play the gentleman"

Sierra frowned. "Umm...shoot, I'm not sure. Hold on..." she fished out her time table."Gym" she said. "Crap, any idea where that is?" she asked, just as a guy came flying around the corner at them
Dahlia smiled. "Gym is in that wing of the school. I can ta-" Someone ran right into her and she fell forward flat on her face. "Owwww...." she said in a sad, dying-cat kind of way. She sat up on the ground, her hands all scuffed up from trying to catch herself. Luckily she hadn't smashed her nose into the pavement. She looked around to see who in the heck was running through the parking lot.
Emma laughed at the gesture, "I'll pass on the gentlemen stuff."

Justin felt terrible. He jumped up and offered a hand at the girl he basicly ran over. "I'm so sorry. I just couldn't be late." he flashed his signature smile.
Dahlia took his hand and stood up. "It's okay..." she said, brushing herself off. "No one got hurt, no big deal." She said, ignoring the bloody scuff marks on her hands. She smiled back.
Justin held a hand out to her "My names Justin Moore." the girl was pretty nice about the situation, most girls would freak over it because of their clothing getting scuffed.
She shook his hand. "Dahlia Avalon." she said. She had never really thought about how strange her name sounded until she said it out loud. "Dahlia... Olette... Avalon..." she mumbled, thinking about how funny it sounded and making kind of a strange face. Then she realized she was supposed to be talking to someone, and looked up blushing. "I'm sorry." she said. She had soooo many blonde moments.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Dahlia smiled at Sierra's comment. "Like I was saying, I can take you there." She looked at Justin. "I'm sorry, we're going to be late. I hope you make it to class on time!" she said. She pulled Sierra with her and took off for the gym.

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