Highschool... Never ends

Sierra laughed so hard she doubled over. "Oh my goodness, what did you just do?" she called to him

He grinned. "Nah, I don't get jealous. I get even"
"Like I said I didn't do anything, I'm just standing here looking pretty, that's it." he smiled. Some boys yelled out "U-huh" and "Sure..." and just responded with a "You guys are just jealous."

Emma raised an eyebrow at him, again "Uh-huh, and how exactly are you going to get even?" she asked him
Jake walked into the school, late as usual. He had overslept half the morning and decided coming in after lunch wasn't really worth it, so he'd stayed at home for lunch. He was here now, and he figured it was about halfway through classes, so he was going to wander the halls until the bell rang.

Dahlia had started doodling on the paper she was supposed to be writing her essay on. She wondered what everyone else was doing.

(( @AGP it should only be a few pages back, it just got approved. I submitted it while all the chars were standing in the parking lot))
Sierra laughed. "Pretty?" she asked, "You sure about that, boy?" she grinned and bounced back into her spot in front of the net. It was her team's serve

He shrugged. "I have no idea" he said honestly. "I didn't exactly mean in this situation, just in general" he lauged. "But if you want, I can get even on your behalf"
Justin laughed, "You know I'm pretty." he said sarcasticly as he waited for her team to serve.

Emma laughed as she looked at her phone's clock, "Oh sh*t, we basicly missed class." she smaked her forehead, "And on my first day." she groaned.
Conner shrugged. "So? Just boring stuff. you can just say you got turned around and got lost" he smiled. "Me, o the other hand? I'm gonna get it" he chuckled

She stuck her tongue out at him, then watched the ball fly over her head when it was served. Apparently that girl was good at Volleyball
Emma shaked her head "No you don't understand." she sighed deeply, "Never mind...."

Justin spiked it over the net, they got a point. He high fived a couple guys on his team. "Can you top that?" he asked Sierra sarcasticly.

She laughed. "I could, but I wouldn't want to immasculate you with my superior volleyball skills" that earned some laughter and hoots from the class. Apparently their joking back and forth was the highlight of the class

he smiled. "Then make me understand" he laughed. "I feel like bad friend here!"
He made a fake pained sound "Uggg, you hurt my man feelings." he said sarcasticly. "Can I go to the nurse Coach." He shock his head. Justin pretended to be sad.

"I can't tell you." she said jokingly, "It's a secret." she whispered to him.
She laughed. "That's cause mn feelings are so sensitive, sweetheart" she replied

he laughed. "Awwww, come onnnn" he smiled. "Come on, where's your next class? I'll get you there so you're not late when the bell goes"
Justin laughed, it was time to change. He went to the boys' locker room and emerged in less then two minutes. He waited for Sierra to come out.

Emma checked her classes, "Uhhhh, history. You know where it is?' She asked him. Emma heard somone was coming from around the corner. A student? she wondered.
Sierra walked out of the chrange room, a bounce in her step. "Hey, you still here?" she smiled when she saw Justin

He nodded. "Yeah, I had History this morning. Come on, I'll take you he was sort of hoping his next class would be with Dahlia, he'd have liked to spend more time with her
Jake rounded the corner and saw two other students. He was pretty good at making conversation and easily walked up to them with a smile. "Hey," he said. "You guys skipped too?"

Dahlia gathered her things and headed to her next class. She looked at her schedule and saw that she had... Art. She smiled. It was only an every other day class but she was glad to have it on the first day back. She walked down the hall towards that class.
Conner laughed. "Hey man. Didn't you know skipping at leaset one class on the first day is mandatory?" he joked. "But now I need to get this one to History class" he gave Emma a light shove.


Erabella Jayde Cloakwood






Meet her

Favorite subject:

Cheer! Or The Arts...

Least favorite subject:







5th-Physical Education


7th-Free Period

8th-Cheer Practice

New Student or Not:


Jock, Emo, Geek, Ect.:




Jake laughed. "Well, then, I should be good for the first week since I just now got here."

Dahlia saw Conner and Emma talking to someone she hadn't met yet. She walked up and looked to Conner and Emma. "You didn't make it, did you?" she said smiling and joking about their missing class.
Emma stuck a thumb at Connor, "It's his fault. He was suppose to show me where History is." she said sarcasticly. She held out a hand to the guy "Hi, I'm Emma, and you?" she said smiling.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Justin laughed, "It took you long enough, but then again your a girl." he joked.
((Sorry, can't do colored text on mobile))

Jake smiled. "Hey, Emma, I'm Jake." he looked over at Conner to see if he would introduce himself.

@Katherine you will probably have to post on the owners wall, they don't get on here anymore

Erabella sat on a bench outside. She ran a hand through her hair and sighed. She glanced at her watch and stood up. She walked slowly towards her class.

Her Outfit


?She wears a black t-shirt underneath the jacket.

Conner smiled. "Hey, Dahlia. Don't listen to her, she talked me into skipping. Completely her fault" he laughed, then looked at the other guy. "Hey, I'm Conner. Nice to meet you" he smiled, holding out his hnd

Sierra laughed. "Hey now, I didn't take that long!" she said, making a face at him. "Ad the only reason women take so long is so that we can make you men happy by looking good"

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