Highschool... Never ends

Dahlia just sat there quietly, blushing. "You guys, where are we going, anyway? We haven't even decided..."
Emma smiled at hoe nice they are for offering, even Connor. But she still shaked her head "No, really it's fine. The apartment's a mess too. Oh and Connor, I can do the heavy lifting." She felt kind of akward so she switched to the "What are we getting for lunch?" topic. "How about Burger King, if there is one nearby. Either way we need to get going."
(Yah! I was approved to make another character)

Name: Justin Moore

Age: 17 years old

Gender: Male

Personaliry: He is kind, unlike most popular and jock boys, and isn't sterotype. He's gotten suspended though for fighting, so he is a bit hot-headed at times. Hates self-centered people. Loyal when it comes to friendship and a relationship. Works out alot and is hoping to form a band with friends. He's good at the drums, but never admits it.

Favourite Subject: Gym and Band

Lest favourite Subject: Science and History









New student or not: Not

Jock, emo, geek, Ext: A total jock, and popular


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Imagine him smiling though :)
((I'm sure he just feels soooo awful surrounded by girls lol. Well I guess they can all meet him when they get back :3 I was waiting to hear from one of the others since it's kind of hard to progress without their input))
(Yay, Conner hs broski!!)

Conner laughed. "I told you, we;re going to the diner in town. I want pizza, nd theirs is the best round here"

Sierra rolled her eyes at Conner's doily comment. "I think he needs t be introduced to some real women, don't you?" she asked the others
"Fine by me. Since you're paying and all." she reminded him, laughing. "Hope you didn't forget." she laughed again. When they finally got there she jumped out of the car, waiting for the others. They walked inside and looked for a table.
Emma banged the dashboard. "Then let's go." She yelled a Connor playfully. When they got there Dahila basicly bolted out of the car. "Come on Dahila, Connor doesn't smell that bad." She smirked as they walked into the dinner.
Dahlia laughed. "You couldn't smell him?" she asked, jokingly nudging Conner. They found an open seat in a corner booth. "Oh good! This gives us an excuse to be the loud annoying kids in the back that everyone gets mad about." she said, laughing a bit.
Conner laughed. "Hey now! I showered last week...." he sniffed at himself, then mdae a face. "Ohh....." he started laughing again

sierra laughed. "Hey, I kinda like being the loud annoying kid people get mad at" she grinned
Dahlia smiled. It was fun to spend time with these guys. "I think I'll take Conner's word on the pizza and get that." she said. "And yeah, gotta love the loud kids."
Another pain striked Emma's head. She tried her best to keep in a groan, but failed, as usual. "Not you guys it's just..." She held her head as another strike hit her. "I'll just get plain cheese." she answered quickly.
Conner smiled. "A good choice. I'm getting the chicken bacon ranch pizza" he grinned. "It's goooooooood"

sierra laughed. "Hey, that does sound good. I think I'll get the same" at the loud kids comment, she grinned. "Oh, you should've seen some of the things we used to do..." she laughed. She frowned when Emma groaned. "What's up?" she asked, watching her with concern
"She turned towards Sierra. "Uhh, it's ok. I get major strike headachs at random times." Emma asked the waiter for a glass of water. When she came back, Emma digged through her bag for her pills. She popped two in her mouth and chugged the water down. "I'll be ok now." She smiled at her to reassure her. It was kinda going away...
Dahlia got plain cheese also. She looked concerned about Emma's headaches but believed her when she said they would go away. She took a sip of her water.

--- Merged Double Post ---

((gotta go for the night sorry))
Sierra nodded, her concern lessened. "You sure?" she asked. "I mean, I get migraines a lot, if you need to get home, I'll take you..." she offered, not wanting to push, but wnting Emm to know it ws an option
She felt a whole lot better, 'These pills get better and better.' She thought. Emma shaked her head. "Nah, I'm good now. And if I'm not here, who's gonna keep an eye on Connor." She said eyeing him.
Sierra nodded. "Alrighty" Emma was looking better, so she wasn't as concerned. "I think we might just have to send Conner with you" she teased

Conner chuckled. " I don't look after sick women, so that wouldn't have worked"
"Have you ever had a girlfriend, for more than two seconds?" Emma was somewhat curious, Connor didn't seem the one to date, maybe he could prove her wrong.
He shook his head. "Forget it" his usually happy go lucky demeanor was gone. He frowned at the pizza in front of him and picked it up
Sierra frowned, trying to come up with way to get the mood back to a lighter, fun, happy mood. She smiled. "So, who's the worst teacher in the school?" she asked

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