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Fantasy High School for special kids

((I'm so sorry for the late reply! There was a power outage and I didn't have access to electricity for over a day. x~x"))

Aria was glad that he had accepted the offer, but she wasn't hesitant about correcting him. "Taiyaki. Takoyaki is something else, but you almost had the name correct, so good job. It was close enough, anyway, I wouldn't blame you for mixing up the two on the first try." She paused for a moment before continuing on. "Now, try it."

If she had her sight, Aria would probably have been intently staring at Augustus, eager to see how he reacted to the treat. As she placed the bag back at her side, she listened in carefully to anything that may have leaded her to a conclusion about how he thought of the delicacy, almost as if this was detective work. Of course, Augustus probably would've voiced his opinion after consuming it, but she was still curious nonetheless.

((Oof, s'all good. Shame to hear that, get bored out of my mind during those times.))

"A-ah. Thanks?" As he spoke these words a pink tinge filled his cheeks over his mistake. Her compliment had felt more like a thinly veiled attempt at patronizing. Maybe that was just his imagination? Focusing on the dish once more he began to question how to approach this. The ideal way to consume this so as to give him the most accurate representation of taste for the dish.

'Ugh. Just...just stop already.' Mentally scolding himself for remaining stuck in such a methodical way of thinking. Pretty soon he'd have reboot. If he didn't get some kind of sleep, no matter how brief, he'd likely find himself questioning the vast scientific potential of his textbook in his next class and miss out on the entirety of the lecture. Raising the fish-shaped delicacy he took a bite out of its head, a child-like sense of satisfaction filling him. A smirk curved onto his lips as he tasted the warm dough and sweet filling though he wasn't entirely sure what the latter was.

"This is really nice."
Augustus glanced down at the bag Aria had been carrying, recognizing name printed onto it. This wasn't a treat he would have very often but it was something to tuck away in the back of his mind for later. "Oh, though...hm. I don't think I have anything to offer in return. Sorry."

"I don't want anything in return." Aria started, waiting for a brief second before finishing her statement. "As long as you enjoyed it, that's enough for me. I'm happy that you gave it a try." With her free hand, she gave him a thumbs up.

Going back to Augustus' final sentence, there really wasn't anything that Aria wanted, or at least, there was nothing that she could come up with at the top of her head. As long as she had her precious bunny hood, some taiyaki, and a few friends, she was completely satisfied with everything. Probably. That was how it always was, wasn't it?

Moving onto another topic, Aria was trying to recall how long she has been outside. Surely, it was less than twelve hours, most likely just one or two at the most, but how long until she headed back to school? The fresh air was enjoyable and relaxing, so a while more wouldn't hurt, right? Still, Aria had no clue how close to the building she was, so even if she wanted to stroll back, she'd have to ask somebody. Somebody, as in Augustus.

"Even so..." Trailing off, Augustus tried to think of some way to repay her act of kindness. The fact that she didn't seem to desire anything in return only reinforced his belief that he had to return the favor. "...well. Let me know if you think of something. Can always take a paper you don't want to deal with."

Taking another bite of his taiyaki he once again considered his options for the day. Initially he had set out to cheat some people out of their money at the arcade, but now that the stress from earlier had begun to fade he found himself lacking the drive for competition in spite of how one-sided it would have been. His home wasn't too far from here. While she was more than capable of taking care of herself he really did hate leaving Lydia alone for too long. Now that he had accepted Aria's offer he couldn't just run off, that would be incredibly rude. Inviting her over would also give the wrong impression.

"Are you heading back?" Augustus asked, still oblivious to Aria's plight. There was no real desire to return to his dorm but it was the very least he could do. When the opportunity presented itself he could always slip out again. The distance wasn't so great as to pose a problem.

"I'll keep that in mind, thank you." Aria pondered for a few minutes as they stood in awkward silence, thinking about what to do. She didn't want to cause too much trouble for Augustus, having to lead her back to the school if she chose that route, however, she wasn't exactly sure what other activities there were to complete out in the open. Her task to the convenience store was done, after all.

"Ah, maybe, but..." She hesitated before querying. "Did you plan on going anywhere?" There must have been a reason why he chose to leave school grounds, and again, Aria didn't exactly want to cause inconvenience for the boy.

Biting his lip at her question, Augustus struggled to bring the words forth. There was no reason to avoid being honest if she was outright asking. Even if he were to attempt to do otherwise he was well aware of his complete lack of skill in forging a lie. Dancing around giving an answer was so much easier.

"I actually live not far from here. Was thinking of stopping by and saying hello to someone, but..."
Pausing yet again, the same awkward feeling filled the air. After a short silence he spoke up once more. "You're welcome to tag along if you'd like. Should only be a few minutes. I don't want to hold you up or anything though."

Aria slowly nodded, deciding to travel with him. "Then, I'll come along, if that is okay with you. I will try my best not to be a nuisance." She nodded once more, wondering how the visit would go.

Before they left, however, an idea sparked in her mind. "Consider this as a repayment for the taiyaki. There, now we're on even terms." It wasn't as if Aria would've needed anything else later on, so might as well cash it in now, since Augustus had the desire to return the offer somehow.

The only thing she feared about the journey was accidentally bumping into someone or something again, or perhaps something even worse, such as stumbling and tripping over an object on the ground.

GeoStone said:
He ignores him keeps walking.
Max got was getting tired of this kid, "Whatever, guess you don't like video games.." He said as he turned around, trying to lure him into talking to him at least
Lux walked to his abode, alone, and depressed. Not a single girl was attractive enough for him to pester. It almost seems as if his flirting days were over. That's when he bumped into the knee of Aria, and fell over nose bleeding. "God damnit!" He clenched his bursting nose.
"A nuisance? Don't worry about that." Augustus hastily scarfed down the rest of the taiyaki, reaching into his pocket to pull out his phone once again. Listening to Aria as his fingers pulled up a number he hummed lightly as he nodded toward her in response. It really wasn't that big of a favor but he did appreciate her willingness to go with him all the same. Pressing the call button he raised it to his ear, listening to the series of rings before it switched over to a familiar recording.

"You've reached the Parris residence. We're not in at the moment, so please leave a message and we'll get back to you when we can. Thanks!"

Letting out a quiet growl of frustration Augustus abruptly ended the call and dropped his arm to his side. This meant that he would have to surprise her and swing by unannounced. It wouldn't be the end of the world but certainly a situation he had hoped to avoid. "A-anyway, thank you. Should be about a ten minute walk from here."

Starting to march forward, he casually glanced over his shoulder after a few steps to be certain that his new friend was following. She had made it here on her own so obviously she wasn't helpless, but he still didn't know the extent of her ability. Interrogating her like she was some kind of test subject was simply unacceptable though his curiosity was still growing. Maybe...

"I didn't really get a chance to speak up about myself before Mardek and Hotaru got all...well, y'know." Augustus started, following his comment with a nervous cough. "I guess it would be appropriate to say I'm a technomancer, though I find that term a bit silly. Machines, data, and transportation are my forte."

Before she could respond, something seemed to have bumped into Aria's knee. Deciding to dismiss it as a mistake from somebody else, she refocused on Augustus' elucidation. "Ten minutes... Roger that." That didn't seem too far away, she could probably manage the distance.

Carefully listening and following his voice, she was able to determine where he was, and so, she trailed after him, assuming that there weren't any major obstacles on the sidewalk. As he mentioned the part about being a 'technomancer', Aria couldn't help but to reply. Overall, Augustus' ability did seem very interesting and unique, it sounded nice to be able to manipulate all that technology. "Technomancer.." she repeated. "It doesn't sound silly to me. It fits perfectly."

It would only be right to tell him more about her abilities in return, but Aria couldn't explain a lot about it. "As I have noted before, I manipulate sound. I don't suppose that there's much else to say about it, though."

As a back-up, she was attempting to think of other conversation topics on the way to his residence. Well, she didn't mind the awkward silences, either, but still. 'The weather? Ah, that sounds too boring. Hobbies? Food? Maybe...'

@Ammy @TacoBadgers
Grimmlock said:
Max got was getting tired of this kid, "Whatever, guess you don't like video games.." He said as he turned around, trying to lure him into talking to him at least
"I do but I'm trying to get settled right now. Meet like outside or something so we can talk" he said loud enough for him to hear as he kept walking.
GeoStone said:
"I do but I'm trying to get settled right now. Meet like outside or something so we can talk" he said loud enough for him to hear as he kept walking.
Max smirked when he heard him say that, "Video games, always work..." Max then walked outside and sat on a bench reading and listening to his IPod.
((Whoops, completely missed your post, Taco.))

Augustus couldn't help but feel disappointed by Aria's response. There was a lot more to be said about that! His mind was hungering for details. Unfortunately the bait he had laid out didn't really work. It seemed as if she was intent on not explaining any further than that. It was unfortunate, but there's nothing he could possibly do about it.

As he began to struggle to come up with another topic of conversation, he was interrupted by an unfamiliar voice. Spinning around it seemed as if nobody was there until he shifted his attention downward toward the tiny figure now clutching his bloodied nose.

"Uh..." That was all he could manage. What the heck was this guy? Furthermore, how did this even end up happening?

@Ibuki @TacoBadgers
"Is there something wrong?" Aria inquired, unaware of this new, tiny creature. She hadn't heard its voice from earlier, and so, she was completely lost in the dark about the matter.

@Ammy @TacoBadgers
"well no use in lingering at the gate.... lets see what this place is about..." Aurath says, not quite shure about this 'school' yet.
Terence went and received his schedule and dorm key. Then he went to set his stuff in his new room.

He found his room and set his backpack and trombone case near his bed. He then left the school in search of the guy he met.
((Hasn't been too long a period of inactivity. That's why it's a good idea to be involved in more than one topic at a time though, for when lulls like this turn up.))

((Edit: On that note, if anyone has any interesting ones or a desire for 1x1 feel free to shoot me a message. Need some recommendations. 8D;))
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Mardek grabs hotaru's hand along with the 3 little boxes of Chocolate covered strawbarries and the items Mardek grabbed and started walking toward the cashier Mardek laid the items down on the bar while the cashier scanned them and putting them In plastic bags "that'll be 15.39" Mardek then pulls out his wallet and grabs a 20 dollar bill and hands it to the cashier and then hands Mardek back his change Mardek grabs the bags with on hand and hotaru's with the other and and walks out the store

((Guys! I'm sorry I'm been off! I haven't got any notifications at all!! :/ I'm sorry ! But now I am back!! ))

Letha steps out of the taxi, she has been taking a break from school for a while, but now she was back! She gasps and walkes against the entrence in hope of seeing anyone
Terence saw someone get out of a taxi and just watched her. He didn't know why, probably because she just happened to be there.

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