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Fantasy High School for special kids

((Does everybody comment on Aria's jacket? xDD))

Aria made the decision to proceed on walking, unaware that Augustus was in front of her. She was just about to pass him as she strolled along the path, when she suddenly bumped into him. What were the odds of this encounter transpiring? Luckily, the bag of taiyaki was safe. Not realizing that it was the boy that she had met before in the cafeteria, she politely bowed her head. "Oh, sorry. Excuse me, Sir." Minding her own business, she continued her venture around the vicinity.

Ibuki said:
((Does everybody comment on Aria's jacket? xDD))
Aria made the decision to proceed on walking, unaware that Augustus was in front of her. She was just about to pass him as she strolled along the path, when she suddenly bumped into him. What were the odds of this encounter transpiring? Luckily, the bag of taiyaki was safe. Not realizing that it was the boy that she had met before in the cafeteria, she politely bowed her head. "Oh, sorry. Excuse me, Sir." Minding her own business, she continued her venture around the vicinity.

(Your jacket is supreme! xD )
((Well now that you've mentioned this I have to shoehorn it into the in-character lore somehow. 8D))

Augustus was taken back by Aria's comment. It was as if he was a complete stranger to her which...well, wouldn't be too far from being inaccurate. Still, the least she could've done was remember his name or at least throw out a "hey, guy" or something. Had his comment about being a self-declared human really offended her that much? It wasn't like she was blind or any-

'Oh. Oh no.'

Thinking back to earlier she never really seemed to look toward anyone's general direction. The student had just assumed that she had been a bit of a loner, and wasn't interested in what was going on. That still could be the case, the two weren't mutually exclusive. If this hunch of his was true then he'd have to approach it carefully. Outright asking would be a sure fire way to offend her, regardless of if it was accurate or not. Watching Aria head off to wherever it was she was headed it did seem a little unsure, though he was unable to tell if this was a worthwhile observation or something he was imagining based off of some preconceived notion of his theory being correct.

"Sorry about that!" He called out to Aria, lightly jogging until he had caught up to her. "Didn't mean for that to happen. Wasn't paying attention."

Aria stopped in her tracks, taking a moment to recognize that the voice that called out to her belonged to Augustus. "Augusta?" she joked (though it was probably hard to tell, her tone of voice was almost always the same no matter what the situation was), referencing to Hotaru's mistake. "What are you apologizing for? I don't understand."

'Was he the person I bumped into?' she thought. It was all so confusing, what was he doing all the way out here? Were they even near the school? 'Maybe I was wrong, and was headed to the right direction after all? Hmm..' Aria looked towards where the voice came from, blinking. Not that it made a difference, anyway.

"Yep!! I'm sure i w-will never tell!!" Hotaru continues her flailing around like a madman...wait madwoman..yeah MadWoman.
Mardek starts back up and continues Tickling Hotaru until she spill the the beans "C'mon hotaru , you know you want to tell me!"
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Deon turns heading back to the school thinking about what he'll do when he gets back. He passes by several people along the way and finally reaches the school walking past the main entrance into the courtyard. He sees a kid with a green hat on top of... What the hell is that?.
"Augusta Parris, at your service." Playing along with the joke, his heart sank as his theory was all but confirmed. The sudden change in tone all but gave it away. It came as a bit of a shock to him as she had seemed fairly composed earlier.

'I seem human-like, do I not? As for my abilities... I manipulate sound.'

The words immediately returned to him, the meaning of this finally clicking. This power wasn't just for destruction. Having grown up hearing various stories about superpowered heroes and villains his mind immediately defaulted to that. Making a mental note to break that habit, he cleared his throat and began to speak once again.

"Was kinda wandering aimlessly and bumped into you. Really trying to find something to do and forgot to look where I was going." Augustus explained, feigning ignorance over the truth of the situation. In reality he wanted to ask the obvious question of 'are you okay', now unable to restrain the feeling of pity he had toward her upon discovering her condition. Something like that isn't a topic to be brought up though, he'd much sooner take it with him to his grave. "Mind if I tag along? If not then it's cool."
((Sorry for the late response! I didn't get notifications from your post!))

"Oh, okay. I don't plan on doing much, though..." She remembered about her taiyaki, then held out the open bag to him, or at least, where she thought he was. "Would you like some?" she offered, sharing was caring! "If you don't take one now, they'll get cold."

Aria had no idea how things ended up like this, but she was actually glad. Glad, because she would've been stranded out all alone, surrounded by people she didn't know; people who weren't aware about her condition, thinking that she was just normal. Boy, it would've took her a long time to get back to school campus, and perhaps anyone else that had seen the note would've taken the statement seriously after twelve hours.

Hotaru starts laughing even more but stops when she takes notice to mardek laying on top of her.

(@Zeihnom sorry i never answered i have a really bad headache and i feel asleep but anyway i have to go talk to you tomorrow)
Mardek gets up blushes then laughs " heh.. heh.. sorry bout that" while getting off of Hotaru and laying back next to her
(Sorry....again xD i just got back from the store with my mom to buy a birthday cake)

"Its...Its ok don't worry." Hotaru lets out a small giggle while her cheeks are still pink.
((It's ok no rush xD )) Mardek looks around the courtyard for a clock but doesn't one "hey Hotaru, do you see clock anywhere?" He asked smiling and looking at Hotaru still blushing a bit from earlier

((It's ok no rush xD )) Mardek looks around the courtyard for a clock but doesn't one "hey Hotaru, do you see clock anywhere?" He asked smiling and looking at Hotaru still blushing a bit from earlier
Hotaru sits up and looks around for a clock but nooope no clock she can't even hear the ticking of a clock. "Nope don't see one or hear one."
Mardek's stomach starts to grumble " I could go for really go for a snack....I might head over to the convenient Store....you can tag along if you want and if you want something too don't worry it'it's on me" he said with a big smile on his face
((Whoops. Forgot to tag you. My bad~))

As Aria held out the bag slightly off to the side Augustus lightly stepped toward it, cautiously peering down in the contents. The scent of the freshly baked sweet quickly rose from inside causing his stomach to growl. All of the food he had consumed today hadn't been very substantial. Mostly sweets. Going off his first impression this likely would be the same, but he couldn't bring himself to turn down her offer.

"Thanks. That's very kind of you." Smiling softly toward his classmate's unreadable expression and empty eyes, he lightly shook his head after a brief moment, realizing his mistake. This was going to take a bit of getting used to. Turning his attention back toward her gift, he reached down and pulled a pastry out, blinking as he began to rotate and examine the object from every angle


"Ah, I've heard of these. This is, um...takoyaki, right?" Augustus asked. He certainly was grateful for the opportunity to try such an odd dish. For the longest time most of his snacks have been rather dull by comparison to this.

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Mardek smiles, gets up and sticks his hand towards Hotaru to assist her off the ground "let's go then" he says
Hotaru takes his hand and stands up buuuuuut she doesn't let go. "Go let's to the store."
((Sorry I'm in a bad area and can barely get connection any where)) Mardek and hotaru arrive at the store oddly enough still holding hands, they both enter, letting Hotaru go first, the store the first Mardek grabs is a 24oz. soda then grabs a medium bag of chips and looks over to hotaru "what would you like, hotaru?" He asked with a big smile on his face@SkyDust101
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"Hmmm..something sweet would be good." Hotaru turns her head to mardek with a smile.

(Its ok i was making an rp anyway xD )

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