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Fantasy High School for special kids

Augustus silently listened to the two begin to express their concern for one another, his fear over their past very quickly turning to annoyance at their present. Instinctively biting his lip as Mardek spoke, he resisted the urge to speak up against what he was saying.

'If he ever gets angry, don't try to calm him down?' He repeated Mardek's words in his mind.

No. If there was such a threat then it fell to him to keep himself hidden. It's his responsibility alone to stop himself from causing harm to anyone. Was he mistaken in believing this? Maybe he was just cold after keeping to himself for so long.

'But even then, I've never really been alone. There's Lydia, and...' The list fell dramatically short of what he was initially hoping for as he checked off the people in his head. Everyone else he had either willingly chosen to put distance between or was someone not welcome in his life.

"In any case..." Augustus spoke up, lightly pushing his tray forward, attempting his best to hide the traces of regret and melancholy from his voice. "...you're here now, right? I guess if someone can still move then there's a chance to make things better. Karma works both ways if you believe in that. So I think letting things like that bother you isn't really worth it." Finishing his explanation with a rather cheesy thumbs up, he tried his best to exude confidence in this belief. Both for Hotaru and himself.
Hotaru lets go of mardek and covers her mouth to prevent the laughing but fails horribly.

"Yeah and i also have you as a friend too augustus!! So i have no need to worry when i need someone cause i have you guys!" Hotaru stands up while her tails sways around happily.

Aria soon stood, picking up her tray, almost empty of food, except for a few scraps here and there. "Excuse me." She wasn't too great with these sappy moments where everybody expressed how they valued friendship. Quietly, she left, surprisingly managing to find the area to place dirty plates, leaving her dishes there.
Hotaru stops and looks over at mardek while blushing from embarrassment. "Sh-shut up!!" Hotaru lightly punches him on the shoulder but takes notice that aria's leaving. "Hey aria!! Are you going to hang with us!"
Mardek still laughing and Notices Aria also " Hey Aria where you Going!?"
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Augustus smirked as Aria attempted to take her leave only to be called out by the kitsune. It was nice to see that he wasn't the only one made uncomfortable by their sweet talk.

"Well, it's been nice meeting you all. I think I'll be taking my leave as well." Picking up his tray in one hand and his failed creation in the other, he followed several feet behind the most reserved member of their group and placed his dishes among the collection of others from the many other students present. This had been a somewhat interesting detour but there was still a lot of work to be done. "Thanks for the company, fellow human." He joked, poking fun at her earlier fib. There was likely a very good explanation as to why she had stated that. In fact that statement was probably in horrible taste. Unfortunately this was something that had never crossed his mind in his eagerness to escape the lovebirds.

With a light bow toward his three companions, still oblivious to the fact that one of them was unable to actually see his gesture, Augustus turned and began walking back to his dorm room.
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Hotaru looked at Augustus while letting out a silently 'bye' then plopping on her seat with a small huff and lowing of her ears. "Welp there goes augustus...i was hoping that we could became great friends."
"I'm heading to grab some taiyaki. I'll hang out with you guys later, it would seem that you two need some alone time together, anyways." Aria, as usual, was quite blunt about the manner, and so, she turned around and bowed once more, facing the direction she thought they were in. "Excuse me, again."

She left the cafeteria, walking down the hallways until she reached the main entrance. Aria had a bit of difficulty with going down the stairs, but other than that, she was fine, overall. As she left school grounds, the girl thought about Augustus' earlier statement. "Thanks for the company, fellow human." Well, she was human! Or so, that's what she'd like to think. It was all so confusing, because, truth be told, not even Aria herself knew what she truly was.

After a few steps out into the open, Aria had realized that she left her wallet in her dorm room. She turned back, heading over to the dormitory area. It was a blessing that she was able to survive this long without stumbling over something.
"Yep! You are i guess we could go on a walk for awhile." Hotaru stands up while stretching her arms.
Deon stands up still holding his head attempting to suppress the light throbbing in his head. He walks to the open window to shut it taking his steps carefully towards it. He places his hand on the window sliding it down cringing to the sound of the window closing. He looks out of the window as a sigh escapes his breath. "Looks like I'll have to head to the infirmary..." He mumbles.
Hotaru takes his hand with a bright smile on her face and starts walking while swaying her tail happily.

(You Zeihnom 'Shhhhhh' xD )
Unlocking the door to his room, Augustus once again entered and sat back down into the chair he had spent all night in. Placing the drone on the desk once again he stared intently at it and folded his arms, becoming lost within his own thoughts. There was still so much he needed to work on in regards to this, but deep down he knew that in spite of the quality of parts he had used the real issue was within his design. Once he had gained his powers technology as a whole had bent to his every whim and desire. To be unable to create an observation unit was troubling. To be back into a reality where he wasn't good enough was downright infuriating to him.

Sinking back into his seat with a frustrated sigh, he began to stare at the ceiling with nothing better to do. After pulling an all-nighter his motivation was completely gone. Raising his hands he placed his fingers on his temples as a scene from the cafeteria replayed within his mind. Everyone seemed to have their own baggage. It made sense given what they were capable of, and the fact that Hotaru and Mardek were so quick to admit it was surprising to him. If he had any malice toward them they could very well be in a world of trouble. None of that really mattered though. No, his concerns were over something else entirely.

Reaching back down and pulling a touch screen phone from his pocket, Augustus quickly navigated to his contacts and began to scroll through his list. For the most part it was business related; fast food delivery, hobby shops, and a few people he had worked with in the past. Aside from his home number, there was one additional entry. The number was unlabeled and he never had a reason to use it, but now he couldn't help but wonder. Navigating through the menus, he typed a single word in.


Hitting send, he placed the phone on the desk beside the drone and shut his eyes once again, fighting off the call of sleep for reasons he couldn't quite explain. His question was vague, though he was sure the recipient would understand his meaning. If he would actually answer let alone give one that would satisfy him was another matter entirely. Even so he had to at least try and make sense of everything that led to his presence here.
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"M'kay!!" Hotaru continues to drag mardek to the courtyard while humming some random sing that popped in her head.
as me and Hotaru reach the Courtyard " I wonder Why she's dragging me around.....im the one who stuck my hand ou.....i....think i like her" he thinks to himself laughing under his breath
Hotaru looks over to mardek and tilts her head in a questioning why. "What are you laughing about?...Tell me i wanna know!" Hotaru's tails starts to sway around in a excited way.
Aria eventually reached her dorm, grabbing her wallet that was placed on the wooden beside table. She stuffed the item inside the pocket of her jacket, then headed over to the desk to scribble something on a piece of paper. It did take a while to find the pen, though. After grabbing tape (which also took a good chunk of time to find), she proceeded to head outside once more. Thinking that it was too much of a bother to lock the door, she stuck the piece of paper on the gateway.

To those who are looking for me: (although I highly doubt that there would be anyone) I will return sooner or later. Probably. Feel free to assume that I'm dead if I'm not back within twelve hours. ~ Aria

She was only half-joking on that last statement. It was a surprise that she was able to write in a straight line despite being blind...

Off she went to the convenience store, leaving school territory in a hurry. It was a speculation of hers that the shop would close fairly soon, and so, she had to arrive there as soon as possible; the taiyaki was waiting for her.

Aria daydreamed about the delicious delicacy with its soft red bean paste on the way there...
Mardek blushes "oh it's nothing....heh heh...." he says scratching the back of his head nervously sticking the other hand in his pocket

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