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Fantasy High School for special kids

Following behind Hotaru, Augustus scanned over his options for food. There seemed to be a wide variety of more "traditional" breakfast choices, though at the moment he really only desired one thing; sugar. The excitement from earlier was already beginning to fade, now replaced by disappointment and exhaustion. He needed a boost to get him through the morning, though he knew once he would come down from the rush he'd be in an even worse position. Grabbing a small, individual box of frosted corn flakes, a rather large stack of oatmeal cookies, and small container of chocolate milk he approached the table the others had taken a seat at.

His sight immediately fixated upon the new girl and her strange choice of attire. Admittedly with how many otherwise normal people with animal ears it was a bit amusing to him to see someone with that kind of outfit. Taking a seat behind Mardek he set his tray down and placed the ruined drone beside it.
"how long ago did you get here Aria" he asked curiously he knew she had been there for good bit because of scraps of food on her plate
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Hotaru takes bites of her peach and looks to Augusta with a smile. "So Augusta when did you come to this school? I got here yesterday."
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Aria responded after swallowing her food. "I can't say." Then, she heard Hotaru mentioning something about 'Augustus'. Was there another person with the trio? She wasn't sure, she couldn't see anything, but, she did sense a fourth individual at the table, somewhat
(S'cool, take care man.)

"Ah, well. About the same time. This is my first year at this school."
Augustus answered, idly stirring his cereal with a plastic spoon as he spoke. The transition to this new place was proving to be rather difficult. Deep down he knew it shouldn't matter, but being one of the few humans on the school grounds, gifted or otherwise, did make him feel like an outside amongst all the other irregulars. Scooping some of it into his mouth, he silently spent a short moment consuming the food before raising his focus to Hotaru. "My sister and I moved here a few months ago during the break. We're actually not too far from here. I don't usually stay on campus, but I kind of...well, lost track of time I guess."

Shifting his eyes toward Aria he felt as if something was 'off' about her. Maybe it was just his imagination. Maybe she wasn't good around people either. In any case it didn't really matter much. "So, nice to meet you by the way. I'm known as 'Augusta'." Augustus introduced himself to the girl with the rabbit hoodie, playing along with Hotaru's misunderstanding of his actual name. Part of him was curious as to how long he could keep this going, while the other really just wanted to mess with her a bit. If they were to remain in contact for an extended period of time then revealing it after several months could provide an amusing reaction.
As Mardek is finishes up breakfast he sits there looking pretty satisfied "i can get used to this" patting his stomach and lets out a huge sigh of releif
(Oh my god i never noticed that xD I'M SO SORRY)

Hotaru sat there thinking for abit but looked Augustus with apologetic face. "I'm sooooo sorry augustus i got your name wrong forgive me."
Hotaru rurns her gaze down to her lap while blushing for embarrassment. "Sh-shut up mardek." Hotaru lowers her ears and warps her tail around her waist.
Aria didn't exactly understand what was so funny about it. Augustus, Augusta, close enough. She looked over at Augustus' general direction, then slightly bowed her head. "Aria." Soon, she silently went back to eating, nomming on the strips of bacon.
Hotaru started to pout crossing her arms over chest and puffing out her cheeks abit while glaring the table.
Augustus let out a sly smirk at Hotaru's realization. Perhaps he pushed it too far with that pseudo-fake introduction. There goes his potential for fun down the line. At the very least Mardek seemed to be getting a lot of amusement from it.

"It's quite alright. Most of it was correct anyway." He said with a flat tone to his voice. Continuing to stir his cereal, his mind began to wonder. Outright asking probably wasn't the best idea, but for half of this group his power had already been somewhat revealed. "So...sorry if this is a bit much, but what are you in for?" For Hotaru it seemed pretty obvious, though he was left wondering when it came to Mardek and Aria. "Abilities, I mean. I was under the impression that..." Trailing off, he let out a nervous chuckle as he reached up to adjust his glasses. The word "irregular" seemed like it would have a negative stigma attached to it, but that was how he first heard of this group when Emil explained everything to him. "...well, you know. Right?"
Aria, who was now poking at the sausages on her plate, looked up and thought about Augustus' inquiry. "I seem human-like, do I not? As for my abilities... I manipulate sound." Sure, she was usually straightforward with all kinds of questions, but when it came to whether she was human or not, that was a different story. What was there to hide? Nobody knew. Aria was always labelled as a human to the school with special abilities, but, nobody knew for sure. Some forms regarding to her species were just left blank. She was oddly stubborn about this one topic, and again, nobody knew the truth. "Yes? Then you may safely assume that I am human." She didn't bother waiting for his response, just plain out proceeding to elucidate.
"its ok Hotaru! im just messing with you" he says chuckling while hugging Hotaru from the side with one arm still holding Letha with the other blushing slightly
"You mean why we came to this school...right?" Hotaru looked to augustus with a questioning look.
"More or less, Hotaru." Setting his spoon down after having finished his cereal, Augustus once again grabbed the drone and slid a panel on its back on its back open. Investigated the parts contained within, he listened to Aria's answer, shaking his head lightly as he continued. Sound manipulation certainly seemed interesting, but the second half of her statement wasn't even close to being convincing. He had said nothing about race, and most humans don't feel the need to proclaim they're human so strongly. Perhaps he had struck some sort of nerve with this girl.

"Aria the human. Got it." Whatever her reason was for hiding this detail he certainly wasn't about to interrogate anyone. In the end he was simply trying to attempt small talk in his own, awkward way.
(Ok bye)

Hotaru nods and shifted silently when mardek hugged her. "I was sent to this school for two reasons"
Hotaru looks over at mardek witha serious face. "Well two reasons why One: I'm a Kitsune basically a fox demon Two: i almost killed someone"

(Sorry for the late answer)

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