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Fantasy High School for special kids

"woah!!!!!! what's that? it sounds like it just took some pictures?" He said with a very curious face "could it be a school drone?'
Hotaru continued to walk down the with mardek and letha but stopped when her ears started to twitch at the sound of clicks and wires. "It kinda does but..."
Augustus let out a growl of frustration. The link was successful. Everything that camera was picking up was being transferred over to his mind's eye. Yet, the idea that they believed he was storing photgraphs of them was unsettling. Admittedly all the parts he used were rather cheap. Incredibly cheap. Free, in fact. Hence all of the noise. Jotting a mental note down to improve upon that in the next model, he began to ponder what action to take. He couldn't allow for them to think he was some kind of pervert. No, no, that won't do!

"U-um...excuse me? Hello!" A voice came from the device, an air of uncertainty in his tone. Moving to Mardek it continued its series of clicks. "You all...uh. You can hear me, right? Hello?"
Hotaru's ears perked up at sound of someone's voice so she walked over to where she heard the voice and kneeled down in front of the device. "Um...hello?"
"Ah, good!" The voice shouted cheerfully. Retreating from Marduk's immediate reach, the object quickly spun around the cat one more time before putting a few feet of distance between itself and the group, now hovering in their way of the path. "I'm glad to hear I can talk now. The last few attempts were, well..." Trailing off, the droid continued to hover in place as an air of awkwardness began to surround them. "A-anyway! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Augustu-"

Suddenly a sharp pain filled his head as the device popped loudly and fell helplessly to the ground with a thud. Smoke began to rise from the metal. Staring blankly down at his desk at the sudden malfunction, Augustus let out a sigh of defeat as he exited from his dorm and approached the trio, gently scooping up his invention into his palms.

"Right. Sorry about that." His voice was barely above a whisper, only taking a moment to make quick eye contact with each of the individuals before turning his attention back to his toy.
Hotaru looked to him with a small smile and she walked over to him. "Hello i'm Hotaru Ishi its nice to meet you." Hotaru held her hand out for handshake while smiling softly.
Mardek look at Augustus " were you you controlling that drone? Why were taking pictures of of us?" He sounded pretty serious
Augustus looked up toward Hotaru, then once again to Mardek before staring back down at his creation, a feeling of conflict washing over him. Pressing the button on the device once again it let out another loud popping sound and shot off a quick burst of sparks before retreating the propeller and camera back into itself.

"Augustus Parris."
Gripping the small drone, he cautiously reached out and shook Hotaru's hand. At the very least she seemed to be friendly, though given the circumstances he couldn't blame Mardek's skepticism. In the end it was probably the better choice given how poorly this excercise went. "And the pictures, well..."

Raising his spare hand he began to rub the back of his head, questioning exactly how to phrase it. "It was video, actually. Old parts are often loud. I mean, video really is just a series of incredibly fast pictures anyway. It works on the same functionality. You all just...happened to be the first people it ran into." He explained, tightening his grip on the droid. He was so certain he had it this time. At the very least he could try and take comfort in the fact that he could transmit his voice using his power, but all that effort for such a short amount of time functional left a bitter taste in his mouth. "To answer your other question; yes. I was controlling it. Every creation must have tests to overcome."
"Wow thats......thats really amazing." Hotaru stared at Augusta with amazement in her eyes while her tail swayed around happily.
Mardek started to look amazed looking at Agustus "wait you build these things?" he says trying see a controller , but he doesn't see one "wait.......how did you control it i dont see a controller on you?" Looking Confused
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"I...suppose." Augustus quietly spoke. He should've felt flattered at their surprise over the progress he made, but this was nothing compared to the kinds of things he's already seen. He could immediately hear Lydia's voice in the back of his head scolding him for such thoughts. Telling him to have pride in his work, even if they didn't turn out the way he wanted. Still he couldn't help but be even more critical of his own actions. With these powers of his he had to become a better inventor lest he risk his potential being wasted. This was what he was paid to be here for, after all.

"Creating the main body itself isn't too bad, it's just that ironing out these extra features are proving difficult. Not to mention the budget."
Quickly shifting his eyes down to the ground, as he realized the attention of the group was now placed directly on him rather than his drone, a feeling of tension and nervousness began to overtake him. "In any case, sorry to bother you. I truly didn't believe the piece of junk would go falling apart on me again. I'll be going."
"hey Augustus, why dont you come with us, we're heading to the cafeteria to get some breakfast" he says smiling
"Yeah you should come with us...i mean it would be great to if we could be friends." Hotaru stared at Augusta and smiled. "Please come eat with us Augusta."
Shutting his eyes, he considered their offer. Usually he kept to himself and just grabbed food from off the grounds, though after last night he could certainly use the nourishment. It was something he hadn't really considered until they had brought it up, but now he could definitely feel hunger setting in. It had been a while since his last meal.

"Y-yeah. Okay. Thanks." He responded, forcing a faint smile as he opened his eyes once more. At the very least the worst situation had been avoided. Having a bad reputation here seemed like it would be as good as a death sentence with all of the powers the irregulars hid. Clutching the malfunctioned invention of his close to his side in his hand, he followed his new acquaintances.
Hotaru's smile widen even more as her tail started sway happily even more. "Thats great now off the the cafeteria." Hotaru walked down the hall while grabbing Augusta and Mardek's hands.
That morning, Aria was already sitting down in the cafeteria up and early, devouring her plate of food that consisted of scrambled eggs, bacon, French toast, and sausages, all accompanied by a fresh glass of milk. It was a hassle to get from her dorm room to the eatery, as she may or may not have accidentally bumped into several things on the way. She wasn't fully accustomed to the school grounds yet, it has only been less than twenty four hours, after all.

Even when she got to the cafeteria, since she was never inside the locality before, she had to use her sense of sound and direction to lead her to the breakfast line. On the bright side, she managed to figure things out herself, and so, the next challenge came: the tables. This one, was a bit of a higher difficulty to her, as she stumbled once more as she did yesterday with the bench leg, but fortunately, her tray of food didn't drop. Sheer luck.

And that was how Aria ended up at an empty table in the corner of the room, munching the food at her own pace. The others found her as quite an... odd person, and didn't really try to sit nearby. It was understandable, since they didn't know about her condition. Even so, it was going to be a tedious task to start communicating with random voices she heard, as she didn't know who or where they were, and if they were even talking to her in the first place. Aria was quite disappointed that they didn't serve taiyaki, but there was still hope for lunch and dinner.
Once walked into the cafeteria with Mardek and Augusta she grabbed only one thing...a peach but anyway she walked over to the tables to spot aria at one so she walked over to the table and sat down next to her with a smile. "Good morning aria."

As Aria was eating, she immediately recognized the feminine voice. At least it was somebody she knew. "Morning, Hotaru." She said in between bites.
Mardek grab a full plate of breakfast and then following Hotaru to the table he also spotted aria, he sat down "good morning Aria!" Mardek said Cheefully Did you make it here okay?" sounding happy and concerned too
As Aria was chewing, she nodded at Mardek's question. She was just about finished with her scrambled eggs, but as for the others, it was going to take a while.

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