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Fantasy High School for special kids

"Where's that coming from....." Confused Mardek starts thinking...."sound"...... then a flashback of Aria popped in his head "part of my abilities to manipulate sound" echos in his head

"it's...........it's Aria" he Whispers

((Alright later grimmlock))

Mardek gets up from the bench and calls her name "Aria........Where are you? come out from where your hiding" Mardek is scanning the area for her @Ibuki
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((Good night!))

Aria wasn't too far off, leaning against a tree of some sort in plain sight. It was surprising that she was even able to get to the tree without much problem, but she was able to sense it, somewhat. She kept quiet, as the melody played on.
Flora walked around silently through the halls even though it felt like the streets back home were they would force her to give them money then push her into the bushes and waited for something really bad to happen. She was knocked out most of the time and her parents didn't really care about anything she did i mean seeing as they were to busy selling drugs and really there were people who cared about her and that's why she was at this school if not she'd probably dead by now so she though herselft to be lucky.
Mardek doesn't hear a thing he calls out again " Aria I know it's........you........So, Please come out!" he yelled
Aria revealed herself, heading over to them at her own, slow-ish pace, making sure not to trip over anything again like before with the bench leg. "Hm?"
Mardek sees Aria emerged from a tree "Aria!" Mardek runs over and hugs her "Thank you!" He says, still sniffling from earlier
Aria, nearly falling over from the sudden hug that she was unable to see and predict, was a bit confused at why he embraced her. "Don't mention it.." she quietly said. It was fine, as long as she could help, somewhat.
"Again, don't mention it." Aria didn't know that a simple tune could improve somebody's mood this much.
Seconds later Mardek realizes he's hugging her and jumps back "um...." he starts blushing " I...........I..... didn't mean to tackle you like that........Sorry bout that.......err" scatches the back head feeling a little embaresed
mardek was confused as to why she was listening in on him and max's convorsation "hey can i ask why you were evedropping on us" Mardek Asked
"My apologies, you two just happened to be so close by, and I couldn't help but to overhear." No questions asked, she replied truthfully.
Letha walks around in her cat form In the dorms, she goes around and says "mjau" in a very loud complaining sound
Mardek awoke to sound of a Cat .He gets up and walks to the door opens ,without realizing he's still in his boxers, and looks down hallway and yells "Letha.........wha.....what are you doing" he yawns @RoleGirl
Letha who hear Mardek jells after her starts running in his diection and stops right before him "mjau" she says happily and it looks a little like she is smiling
" what are you doing Letha?" Mardek asked curiously "are you okay?" Reaching down to pet her down her back
Once hotaru gets up from her dorm she gets ready for the day and walks down the hall to see letha and mardek so she walks over to them. "Hi guys good morning."
Mardek Suddenly realizes he's still in his boxers and he blushes "uhh........... good morning Hotaru! heh heh........ im going to get dressed" he says with a embaressed chuckle he shuts the door and runs to his dresser to get dressed. Mardek comes back wearing a dark purple tee shirt, his iconic dark green beanie, blue jeans, and and black and purple sneakers
Hotaru smiles at mardek but keans down to pet letha with a soft smile. "Good morning letha."
"Morning guys! How about some Breakfast!!!!!" Mardek Insisted picking up Letha while petting, her smiling at both Letha and Hotaru
Surely fortune was smiling upon him today.

Sitting within his dorm room, Augustus smirked triumphantly as he rose from the computer chair he was sitting in and began to stretch his arms upward. It had a couple weeks of effort but it was well worth it. On the desk in front of him was a cylindrical, metal object that had been thrown together from various miscolored pieces of scrap. It had taken the entirety of the night in order to finish this device and the lack of sleep would surely hit him later, but for the present he was too overcome with pride and excitement to feel it. It may not seem elegant to an outside perspective, but he received no help from any outside sources. This was his alone.

Smirking as he picked the creation up he approached his door and gently pushed it open slightly.

"Let's see now..." Augustus mumbled to nobody in particular, pressing his thumb down on a small button placed on the lower section of his creation before tossing it between the crack in the doorway. A light whirring sound filled the air as a pair of panels slid open allowing a small mounted camera and propeller to extend out from within the machine. Returning to his seat he leaned back slightly, letting out a triumphant sigh. Now for the field test.

Hovering its way down the hall, the device rather chaotically swerved between one side of the area to the other before stopping in front of three individuals; some kind of fox being, a cat, and a...fairly regular looking guy. In the end appearances were always deceiving. After all, Augustus could hardly call himself 'normal' either.

Slowly rotating it's way to the front of Hotaru's face, the device let out a series of clicks and whirs as it began to observe the three in the most blatantly obtrusive way possible.

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