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Fantasy High School for special kids

"You gave Letha your dorm number? Mardek chuckles a bit and looks at Letha, sleeping soundly in Hotaru's arms. Mardek blushes but tries to hide
Hotaru stands the awkwardly while her tail sways around behide her as she stood there.
"there's another half demon here? what?!" Mardek said Aloud

"oh......Hotaru, i almost forgot to ask What room number did you get?" he asked curiously "i think you were near me and Aria? Right?"
"Ummm...i think it was 130 i don't really remember...sorry." Hotaru looks to the ground kinda disappointed that she didn't remember.
"Hey it's ok we could always go back to the office and look" Mardek said, Smiles and chuckles a little with a slight blush on his face
"It's funny, Letha has been with us just about all day" Mardek laughs " I wonder When she's gonna wake up" starts Petting Letha behind her ear
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Hotaru lets out a giggle and pets letha's head. "She most be very tired let her sleep abit longer."
"hey Hotaru, want to go ahead....a... and go back to get your Dorm number?" Mardek asked choking up and slightly blushing
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Hotaru looks up at mardek and lets out a giggle. "Yes...maybe we could go for a um...walk after we're done." Hotaru turn her gaze back to the geound with pink dusting her cheeks.

((I gtg i'm getting a really bad headache i'll be on tomorrow))
"Wait. You are a demon? I mean my father is a high ranking officer, but a demon actually going to school and running from the mafia!" Max said clearly surprised
"it's a curse that's been put on my family for generations back to ancient times it was passed down to me after my Gpaw Passed.......I only change into my demon lord form when im really angry" Mardek Explained "it's why I'm here to learn how to control this curse, so..........i dont hurt..........another.........Person......" Mardek starts choking, holding back holding back his tears
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"Interesting." He said still amazed that that can actually happen, "So, what're your powers other than turning into a demon?" he asked
"........" Mardek stands there quiet, Glaring at the ground, Lightly shaking with a scared look on his face
Mardek starts having flashback of his mother "no.......noo......NOOOOO!!.....STOP!!!! Mardek yells grabbing his head then goes to sit down at a bench nearby he couldnt help but burst into tears, silenty crying
((Take care, Sky!))

Aria was quietly listening in on the conversation between the two boys, it probably wasn't polite, but she was there with them, after all. She heard Mardek's laments, but wasn't able to provide physical comfort or anything, such as a pat on the back. She wasn't even aware that there was a bench in front of her, much less that he and Max were sitting down on it. But, Aria had an idea. She waved her index finger in the air, as a soft, calming tune played, sounding in their ears.
"Yeah..." Max said a little relieved that he wasn't the only hearing it.

(I gtg to bed cya on around 4 CST)

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