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Fantasy High School for special kids

Augustus raised a brow at Hotaru's admission, continuing to stare down as he played with his invention, now using it as something to keep himself fairly occupied. There was no real way of making any progress here of all places, but now he was overcome with a mixture of disbelief and panic. To think that someone as kind and outgoing as her could have that kind of history.

"A-ah. That's...quite a reason." He managed to state through his apprehension of his new acquaintance. Now his mind was flooded with questions. Who? Where? Why? How did she end up here? Perhaps the same people that put him here had also gotten to her? Surely he could've have been the only person they've approached, though the limited contact he's had with the group has left him very little chance to ask anything other than essential questions.

"Well, I can't say I'm clean either." Shutting the hatch on the drone, Augustus placed his hands together and began to twiddle his thumbs. In retrospect he had probably ruined more lives than she had, but he had never resorted to violence against someone. Even so he tried his hardest to push this self-criticism to the front of his mind as nervously looked between the others at the table. Regardless of whatever happens he was stuck here for the time being. Some effort had to be put forth into being friendly with the other students here.
Hotaru lets out a sigh with shakes her head. "I have a reason though....i couldn't take it anymore so i..." Hotaru did have a reason she didn't think what she did would almost kill someone.
"thats kind of the same with me........but i'd rather not talk about it.........." he says lowering to a mumble starting to look down at the ground

(its fine @SkyDust101)
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Hotaru looks over to mardek and leans her head on his shoulder while warping her arms around him in way of comfort.
Mardek hugs her back,Feeling the hug from Hotaru makes him feel a lot better and he starts blushing but he hides it so Hotaru doesnt see

(i RP when im at school xD @Grimmlock)
Hotaru smiles softly glad he didn't push her away. "Well now you have people who will be here for you when you need it the most." Hotaru pats his back softly while hugging him.
Zeihnom said:
Mardek hugs her back,Feeling the hug from Hotaru makes him feel a lot better and he starts blushing but he hides it so Hotaru doesnt see
(i RP when im at school xD @Grimmlock)
(Idk if I have a chance too, I guess my study and lunch and some of my later classes, but really don't want to get busted...)
" just one one thing..........Hotaru" he says softly into Hotaru's soft fluffy fox ears


Grimmlock said:
(Idk if I have a chance too, I guess my study and lunch and some of my later classes, but really don't want to get busted...)
(ah ok im guessing your school is strict about phones)
((...Man, I blame RPNation for not giving me notifications on this thread. Sorry for the late response!))

Eventually, Aria had finished with her meal, being the quiet one of the group. She waited for further instruction about where they planned to go, since they were in a group. However, Aria was still craving taiyaki, and was willing to leave school grounds to head for a convenience store for some. She didn't exactly mind Hotaru's 'dark' past, she was still the same friendly Kitsune she had met less than a day back.

((@Grimmlock $30? Whoa, that overprice. xD The bribery is real--))
Ibuki said:
((...Man, I blame RPNation for not giving me notifications on this thread. Sorry for the late response!))
Eventually, Aria had finished with her meal, being the quiet one of the group. She waited for further instruction about where they planned to go, since they were in a group. However, Aria was still craving taiyaki, and was willing to leave school grounds to head for a convenience store for some. She didn't exactly mind Hotaru's 'dark' past, she was still the same friendly Kitsune she had met less than a day back.

((@Grimmlock $30? Whoa, that overprice. xD The bribery is real--))
(there's a button at the top that says watch thread) @Ibuki
(( I know, I have the thread watched, but sometimes it still doesn't give me notifications. ^^; ))
Hotaru jolts abit when mardek spoke right next to her ears but brushes it off. "Hm?"

(Sorry for the late reply again i had to help my mom bring in groceries)
Ibuki said:
(( I know, I have the thread watched, but sometimes it still doesn't give me notifications. ^^; ))
(huh that sucks)

Mardek moves hotaru to where she's in front of mardek looks Hotaru dead in the eyes " you have to promise me something............." he demands looking Worried


SkyDust101 said:
Hotaru jolts abit when mardek spoke right next to her ears but brushes it off. "Hm?"
(Sorry for the late reply again i had to help my mom bring in groceries)
(it's cool :D )
"if i EVER get mad........... i don't want you to try and calm me down, it's too dangerous!" He says " i don't want to hurt you!" staring deeply into her eyes Meaning every word he says
Hotaru turns her gaze to her lap and nods hesntily. "..........Ok." After saying that hotaru lowers her ears while wraping her tail around her waist.
"I care about you an everybody i know!" he says "i know this disappoints you but............if it keeps you safe ...it keeps me happy"
"That's good....i'm glad i have friends that care...or friends at all." Hotaru hugs mardek tightly while her usually soft smile returned to her face.
he looks at her With slight disapointment "why would you think like that...........your a great person.... why wouldn't you have friends!!!!! or people who care about you!!!"
"Before this school i went to a school were every kid thinks they're better then anyone else and i only had one person who cared for me....My Mother my father disappeared after the day i was born so i don't know antthing about him." Hotaru looks up at mardek with a soft smile. "But i have you guys now so i'm even happier then before"
"Good, stay that way" he demanded " i'd hate to see you Upset"

"hey Hotaru, want to go for a walk? he said standing up and reaching his hand out towards her smiling

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