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Fantasy High School for special kids

Hotaru stared at him but shrugged it off while plopping in the grass then laying in it. "Ah it feels good to relax for abit."
Mardek does the same and lays right next to Hotaru sliding his hands behind his head "couldnt agree more" He said with a wide grin on his face looking at Hotaru
(Uhhhhhhhh......i have no idea xD )

Hotaru lowers her ears while she starts to close her eyes with a small sigh.
(^Depends on where the school is actually located, which isn't clearly stated to my knowledge. If we're going off a Japanese school - which may be the case as anime face claim RPs usually do, not to mention the various references to Aria's food of choice (though it isn't impossible to get outside of the country either so that may be a moot point) then it'd be April, which is halfway through Spring there.)
((Aha, yeah. I'm in North America, and even so, there's a local place to buy taiyaki over here.

Which may or may not be the reason why Aria has an obsession over the treat-- Imeanwhat

Thank you for the responses!))
Deon walks back to his bed sitting down watching the tiny dust particles floating with ease through the light shining through the window. "I'll need to wait a little longer.." He runs his fingers through his hair closing his eyes wondering about the impossible tasks involving his power.
Mardek Moves one of his hands and lays it next to him without realizing he puts his hand on top of Horatu's. Mardek Blushes and you could see it clearly on his face " whoops sorry....heh...heh....." he says hoping not to make it obvious that he likes her
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Hotaru jolted abit qhen mardek put his hand on top of her's but soon relaxed after but not before letting out a small giggle.
When Aria reached the convenience store, she was overfilled with joy, although it was still impossible to tell just by judging her facial expression. She entered the building, as she was greeted by the cashier behind the counter. "Welcome! May I help you with anything?" the lady kindly queried with a polite smile. "I would like a bag of ten taiyaki treats, please." Aria requested. "Yes, ma'am, they will be ready shortly."

Minutes later, as the employee was freshly making the batch of sweets, Aria finally made her way over to the counter. She took out her pink, bunny-pattern adorned wallet, randomly grabbing a bill and handing it to the woman. Hopefully, whatever it was, it would've been more than what the taiyaki was worth, so she wouldn't have had made an embarrassment out of herself. There was also the option of using her ability to hear what the money amount was after scanning it, but the glow would've been suspicious to a regular human. There were security cameras around too, even if the cashier was looking at the opposite direction, since she was preparing the order.

Unfortunately, when the bag was ready for Aria, the female averted her gaze to the bill, which was only worth five dollars. (Or roughly 500 yen, if this is based on Japan) "Miss, you're two dollars and fifty cents short. The cost is $7.50." the lady elucidated, keeping her well-mannered smile. "Oh, my apologies. I'm blind." Aria responded. "Oh, no, I'm sorry, I didn't know. Do you need help?" she asked. "No, I'm fine."

Aria put her wallet away, and instead, grabbed her coin pouch, which also happened to be pink, embellished with the same bunny pattern. She took out a random coin, then placed it on the counter. "That's two dollars, Miss. Fifty cents to go." Aria nodded, then put down another coin. "That's a dollar. Alright, one moment, your change will come shortly..."

After the employee handed her fifty cents worth of change, she placed the amount in her coin pouch, safely securing it in her pocket again. Aria took the paper bag, then began to leave the store. "Thank you for shopping with us, Miss! Have a nice day!"

Aria didn't say anything; she was too eager to eat. A bit too eager, at that...
Hearing the sound of his phone vibrating Augustus grabbed hold of it and flipped it open, staring at the new message notification. Before he could even hesitate over reading the content of his reply it was right there in front of his face. Apparently he had decided to answer with one word as well as a small bonus.

'Hope! :D '

Glaring at the word, he found himself grinding his teeth at the emoticon at the end. It didn't match the man's gruff exterior in real life. He had mentioned something similar when they first met. Even back then he knew it wasn't sincere. No, he was screwing with him. In the end it was his own fault. There was no cause to expect anything different.

Stuffing his phone back into his pocket, Augustus leaned back onto his feet and began to make his way toward the exit only to stop at a door that had been left ajar with a note on it.

'Not your business.' He told himself continuing for several steps before freezing in place, mentally battling the urge to be nosy. Though he tried to repress it after a point he had to indulge. It's just how he was, part of who he was. Something he honestly wanted to change, but all in due time. He had done well not to pry at the cafeteria, right? Right. He had earned this.

Scanning the message, he couldn't help but tilt his head. Of course it was the girl from earlier. Normally he would've taken that as a morbid sense of humor and nothing more, but after the events earlier he had to question if she was in any real danger. Immediately he began to plot of just what to do. Up until now he had been using his abilities for self-gain. Instead, he could swoop in and be a hero! Defeat the villains, save the girl, and get the admiration! Descending into his fantasy for a few minutes, he replayed the idea in his head over and over until finally he remembered a key detail.

He can't fight. The chance that he'd get beat up by a group of thugs there was fairly high. Even worse was the chance Aria would do the same for getting involved in whatever imaginary, nonsensical scenario he had constructed in his head. She looked as if she was more capable of doing that. Then there was the fact that he didn't even know where she was so unless he wanted to spend the entire night roaming the city attempting to stalk a girl he had just met and maybe spoken a total of ten words to...

Placing his hand over his face, he felt a wave of disgust wash over him. The desire to use his powers for something other than money was beginning to drive him mad. Assuming he didn't have a breakthrough with his inventions soon he feared it may reach sentai levels of shenanigans. For now at least he would have to make due with something else. Making his way off the school grounds he began his march toward the local arcade. It may not be ethical to cheat against the other players and overwrite all the high scores through nefarious methods but at the very least it would prevent anything worse from happening.
Mardek says "sure it is" he said sarcastically looking at Hotaru a smirk with a little chuckle
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Aria began to amble back to school as she took out the first taiyaki, attempting to take a bite into it. Or at least, where she thought the school was. The treat was very warm, since it was only made a few minutes ago, and it was hard not to drop it onto the ground. However, wasting was an absolute no-no, especially when it came to this. Plus, she paid good money for this. Aria started with devouring the head of the fish-shaped dough, as the red bean paste followed. 'Ah, now this is taiyaki made right.' she thought.

After the head came the body, then the tail. It wasn't before long when she had fully consumed three of the ten delicacies. 'I better save the rest for later...' She suddenly stopped in her tracks, a bit bewildered at the fact that she wasn't back at the school yet. Where was she? Little did Aria know, she went the opposite direction of where the facility really was. Her eagerness from before may have affected her sense of direction, but could you truly blame a blind person for making a mistake like this? She didn't know what the school actually looked like, nor did she know what her surroundings were like, so it wasn't as if she could just keep an eye out for it. She only managed to get into the convenience store by asking about where it was before arriving at the school on her first day.

'It would seem that I have gotten myself in a dire situation... Sigh.'
Mardek starts poking Hotaru in the belly several times " c'mon tell me!" he said playfully with a large smile on his face and a chuckle following behind his smile
Hotaru starts giggling as mardek pokes her belly several times while trying to cover her belly. "N-no way i won't t-tell!"

(Brb i have to go take a shower)
Mardek starts to tickle Hotaru " Tell me!" He demands playfully as his smile begins to grow into laughter

Hotaru starts laughing and tries to push his hands away many times but fails horriblely. "No! Sto-stop tickling m-me!!"
Mardek playfully jumps on top of Horatu tickling her continuously " if you tell me ill stop!" he says laughing
As Augustus made his way across town he idly played on his phone, researching various things over the internet that he believed may be useful for his repairs. Unfortunately in spite of all his efforts there was one unsurprising yet universal truth; you pay for quality. In order to create a durable drone he would have to dip into his savings quite a bit, and given he was now restricted from his usual means of gaining income by the ones who introduced him to the school he found himself far more hesitant to flaunt his wealth. Asking them for some kind of bonus was also out of the question, the very last thing he wanted was to extend any time he would need to spend in contact with them.

Humming to himself he once again turned his attention back to his surroundings. The only direct threat that this city could really pose to him under normal circumstances would be a car and with his ability he could now sense where they were well in advance. With this having become second nature to him he found his walks becoming a lot more carefree.

Now only a couple hundred feet away from his destination he stopped in his tracks as a familiar, bunny eared girl came into view. A feeling of unease quickly filled his heart. After his weird fantasy earlier he had been hoping to keep some distance for a while. Slowly turning to get a full view of the nearby area, he had determined that there were, in fact, no muscly looking thugs around to jump him. That should have been a given but taking both the coincidence of this meeting and his bad luck into account he had to be absolutely certain.

Looking back toward Aria's direction, he couldn't help that something seemed a bit unsettling about her presence here. She was just perfectly still, and even worse she seemed to have been looking toward him this entire time. Slowly raising his hand, Augustus gave a weak wave in greeting.

"N-never! I will never t-tell!!!" Hotaru starts flailing her arms and legs around while laughing.
Deon gets annoyed for the sound of loud giggling through us windo and gets up to open his door. He leaves closing it behind him disregaurding the infirmary in need of refilling pain meds. He exits the hallway walking off campus to the store. "I hate headaches.." He mumbles under his breath irritated by noise. Moments later, Deon spots a strange person wearing a bunny hood and a man waving past her. He thinks to himself, what a weird jacket. He enters the store before reaching the person. He goes to the pharmacy part of the store picking up a small bottle of pills taking then to the counter. The lady scanned the bottle totaling the price and Deon pays quickly leaving her a tip. He walks out of the store upening the jingles bottle of pills dropping two in his palm. He tilts his head back swallowing them and closes up the bottle sliding them in his pocket.

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