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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_nw3mpqi6a51qk5drio1_500.jpg.e2702df67527b4dae5ebc2e830593672.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135554" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_nw3mpqi6a51qk5drio1_500.jpg.e2702df67527b4dae5ebc2e830593672.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Psycho crouched on top a building in the city. Most people noticed him didn't seem to care much, others took pictures and only a few would cower at his appearance. He breathed gently through the gas mask that covered his face and showed generally no sign of emotion. He didn't know if there were others around him that had powers so he hid them the best he could. From his height he looked pretty young. He wore a large black sweater, black pants, no shoes and a gas mask. The only visible color that out stood the rest was his curly red hair. He finally moved after standing for a while to sit down on the edge of the building to let his feet swing over the edge.

{ Anyone }
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_nw3mpqi6a51qk5drio1_500.jpg.965f942e4d34d3ef9694efe7f05817e7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135553" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_nw3mpqi6a51qk5drio1_500.jpg.965f942e4d34d3ef9694efe7f05817e7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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BlankName said:
[5 pages? Tell me.]
((I'm pretty sure it's irrelevant besides my new villain helped Ann try to kidnap Ray, he almost fought Lui, and Ty helped. Ann left them and Morgan, my villain, is looking for Quill.))
Astra just sort of sat there, glaring.

'Dumb carrots. I'll burn all mushrooms.'

@Quillicious @YoungX

Emily and Yasero stared at buildings in the distance, finally spotting a figure. The two nodded and began to climb to the top.

"Um, hello? Might I ask why you're up here?"

Emily! That is the dumbest question ever! Even I know that!

So you admit that you're dumb

Oh ****. Didn't think about that.


@Quillicious[/URL] @YoungX

Emily and Yasero stared at buildings in the distance, finally spotting a figure. The two nodded and began to climb to the top.

"Um, hello? Might I ask why you're up here?"

Emily! That is the dumbest question ever! Even I know that!

So you admit that you're dumb

Oh ****. Didn't think about that.

"Oh yeah that reminds me. Why do you hate mushrooms so much Astra?" He would ask with a curious face.
YoungX said:
"Oh yeah that reminds me. Why do you hate mushrooms so much Astra?" He would ask with a curious face.
Astra looked at him with panic.

'FUNGUS!' She signed frantically. 'IT IS HORRIBLE! VERY BAD!'
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra looked at him with panic.
'FUNGUS!' She signed frantically. 'IT IS HORRIBLE! VERY BAD!'

"I see." He then thinks about how she must've had a bad time with fungus of some kind in her past experiences.
YoungX said:
"I see." He then thinks about how she must've had a bad time with fungus of some kind in her past experiences.
'In a store I saw a nature show! Fungus ate something! Plus it killed trees! BAD FUNGUS!'

Astra pointed at several trees, looking around wildly for mushrooms to burn.
Zed Zhujiao

It's a whole new world

Zed made his way around the city, a.k.a driving. He couldn't risk his own speed since... Heat. Friction. Science. It was still a mystery how he could see through the goggles but he made true to it. Somehow. Driving along like a maniac, he parked in a handicap spot [The most villainous act ever] and looked up, seeing something that might be a girl? Than he noticed a second. So Zed quickly sped up the stairs and greeted both of them. Leaving a trail of flames and even caught on fire. "Hello." Zed said, as he brushed off dirt and flames. At this time, his goggles flipped to 'X X'.

@Echo Dreamsong @MiyaTheNeko

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8caef3a664_AwesomeWrenchfpm_1465823085.jpg.4bdd7088ced3aa8ee56baca76f1a910b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135563" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8caef3a664_AwesomeWrenchfpm_1465823085.jpg.4bdd7088ced3aa8ee56baca76f1a910b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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BlankName said:
Zed Zhujiao

It's a whole new world

Zed made his way around the city, a.k.a driving. He couldn't risk his own speed since... Heat. Friction. Science. It was still a mystery how he could see through the goggles but he made true to it. Somehow. Driving along like a maniac, he parked in a handicap spot [The most villainous act ever] and looked up, seeing something that might be a girl? Than he noticed a second. So Zed quickly sped up the stairs and greeted both of them. Leaving a trail of flames and even caught on fire. "Hello." Zed said, as he brushed off dirt and flames. At this time, his goggles flipped to 'X X'.

@Echo Dreamsong @MiyaTheNeko

Yasero growled at Zed, baring her fangs. Emily just stood there and blinked. "Um, hello to you as well."

EMILY! Don't say hi to random people!

Okay, just because you can't talk to people doesn't mean I can't!

Hey, I much prefer my pack.

Yey... I'm in your pack.

Oh yeah, I forgot that for a minute.

I noticed.

Emily smiled at her companion before turning back to Zed and extending her hand.

"The name's Echo. A pleasure."

Thank you! For once you use the other name. Hey, wait! Don't forget me!

"Oh, and this wolf here is my companion Yasero." She added quickly, leading to Yasero sitting back with a smug expression.

Psycho looks up at the person who had approached him. His eyes weren't clearly visible through the gas mask that was on his face. He listened to hrr question, processed it for a moment then nodded 'yes' at her. He didn't speak but he did answer what she asked. She wanted to know if she could ask why he was up there and he gave her permission to ask. He then looked to a man who had approached him, who seemed to be on fire. Fire, his one and only weakness. He finally stood and backed away from the two a couple of feet then tilted his head.

@BlankName @Echo Dreamsong
Zed 'Diffu$ion' Zhujiao

The World's Unfair

Zed, getting a little heated. He payed most attention to the non-leather parts, as leather has two layers. One easily melts, but is on the inside for his jacket, and the second layer which is faced outside is really hard to burn. "So... How's life down in unfair town?" Zed remarked, or whatever, and continued to shoot air at his fire problem on his air. He blew at it. Like whistling. Soon enough, he just sped downstairs, grabbed a fire extinguisher, brought it up, leaving trails of flames and extinguished himself.

Now covered in white foam or whatever, his goggles flipped to '? ?'. "Why did you back up?" Zed asked.

@MiyaTheNeko @Echo Dreamsong

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8caef641ee_AwesomeWrenchfpm_1465823085(1).jpg.eb148964cc2b760c7d2980d89cbb35b8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135566" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8caef641ee_AwesomeWrenchfpm_1465823085(1).jpg.eb148964cc2b760c7d2980d89cbb35b8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Ty texted Hibiki.

'Hey. You missed the base getting held up by gunmen. I may or may not have had to bash some lady's face in to get Ray back. She's home with Saitama. How's Astra doin?'
Otakubeats said:
Ty texted Hibiki.

'Hey. You missed the base getting held up by gunmen. I may or may not have had to bash some lady's face in to get Ray back. She's home with Saitama. How's Astra doin?'
Hibiki would be intrigued by the action that he missed and sent Ty a message. 'She's safe right now. Quill's also here with her so it's pretty alright.'

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_nw3mpqi6a51qk5drio1_500.jpg.2cd3a07bdda9d24c8b19652d8a2debeb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135567" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_nw3mpqi6a51qk5drio1_500.jpg.2cd3a07bdda9d24c8b19652d8a2debeb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Psycho watched as the man with interesting goggle expressions began to hose himself down with a fire extinguisher. This out him at ease and he was no longer ready to attack. When the man asked the question psycho raised his right heand and pointed it twoards the fire that was left behind. His sleeve was tied in a knot where his hand ended and the rest hung twoards the ground. The expression that could be seen from his eyes were a sense of relief and a hint of happiness.


Near @Echo Dreamsong



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