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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)


[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong](Oh, relying on how bad my social skills are? xD Sorry, I know they are the worst. Apparently comes with my type of autism.)
(Freak ya! Most authors have thing type of autism, what is it? Whoever gets it gets a cookie)

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[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong](Okay, fuck you. It's aspergers like Asp, the egyptian word for snake... But, sort of right.)

((I know! I have it lol...))
(Gonna say Astra's falling asleep)

Astra curled up on the couch before Stella strode in and tossed her over her shoulder. "Off tooo bed~!" She sang. Then she dropped the girl next to Bolt's door and strode off to her room. Astra gave her the bird before drifting off.

Quillicious said:
(( (;~ ;)
*runs away crying*))
((I'm sorrie! Forgive meh!)
Quill woke up, getting off the couch and waking everyone else involved up.

"Alright, guys! Time to go! Get ready..."

Suddenly everyone was jolted into sleep in their future bodies.

((Here we go...))
(Fuck it)

Ty blinked, his eye adjusting to the dark room he was in. He looked up, noticing that he was chained to a stone wall, and that his body hurt like hell. He remembered what he sorta did...maybe.... He had apparently stood against the Denizens, and got captured a month ago. He'd been tortured ever since. He sighed, and sent out a weak mental signal to Hibiki. 'Dude, I'm locked up again. WHAT IS IT WITH PEOPLE AND CHAINING ME TO WALLS?!' Ty remained quiet, listening to the murmurs of his guard.
Hibiki would wake up only to find himself in a city. It looked like his city, but everything... was decrepit and destroyed. It looked like a zombie apocalypse happened, and what's left is a lifeless city with only the scraps remaining. He learned that the future was bleak, but to see it for himself it sort of opened his eyes a bit. There was one thing he could say for sure: "Reality sure is a wake-up call." He looked around and saw only the city, and then he received a mental signal from Ty. "Looks like I better find him," he says unaware of what his future body looks like.




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Ezekiel awoke, tied to train rails. It seems this has gone to a more western style than anything. The train was approaching, at an alarming rate and right before he gets hit, Ezekiel finds that it was just a dream. "Oh shit." Than he's tied up in a building, with a man in a dark robe holding a scythe, his face seemed familiar but it just didn't cut it. That's when the man with the scythe said; "Welcome to hell, me." Than sliced Ezekiel's head off. Than he actually woke up. "Holy shit! What the living bat shit fuck."

He found himself at the top of a crane, sitting down. "Well.. At least I know my dreams are getting.. Better?"
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