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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tommorow OOC


  1. Can snap everyone's neck in under 5 seconds
  2. Essentially controls fire
  3. And Plasma
  4. And Water
  5. And Air
  6. And organs
  7. And Blood
  8. And Iron
  9. And everything else.
  10. In retro vision, can cause two universes to clash together
  11. And everything else
  12. Can cause an earthquake
  13. Flood
  14. Hurricane
  15. Sharknado
  16. Can kill Deadpool
  17. Can fly
  18. Can serve 100 drinks at once
  19. Give someone a brain-gasm.
  20. Blow someone's head up
  21. And yeah? Wanna defend now?
  22. @Quillicious

1. Weight limit

2. Doesn't go to his job in about an hour, freaks out and crawls into the corner, into the fetal position.
Also, yours? One minute is a LONG time when you have super speed. If he runs as fast as possible and uses all his strength, can oneshot basically anything.
Weight limit?

  1. Still cause a flood, cause water
  2. Let the water carry the sharks
  3. Fire doesn't weight much
  4. can still snap everyone's neck
  5. Can stay at his job and still do everything.
Quill can only make hallucinations, Mason can only transform for 12 hours and can still die and get hurt, Jace has no more powers, Eagle Eye is just a regular person, and Rhys literally cannot function unless he is at work, and is a workaholic that doesn't really like to do anything else.
Quill can literally make someone imagine they're in a room alone, trapped, and then Quill can shoot the person.

Mason has and I quote:

Quillicious said:
In his Primal Form he has enormous strength and surprising speed. His senses are all heightened to a superhuman level, and his skin is harder and more durable than anything known to man. If he is killed somehow, he will be transformed back into his regular form until it's 6:00 AM. He can't stay dead, but can die for a period of time.
Can die but for a period of time.. Hm..

Jace doesn't need powers, he is literally a fucking genius.

Eagle Eye can grab a ninja star, and throw it perfectly into someone's head and out.

Rhys can still do everything, doesn't matter about personality or hobbies, he can do everything. It's even explained in my Ezekiel Future character, and I quote:

BlankName said:
Ezekiel a year later, found that he was way more powerful than he perceived to be. He could kill hundreds of thousands of people with one thought. Of course he had to loosen up some ties. He murdered the Eze's and they're members, all in cold blood. Like the Rogue Eze did before. Ezekiel had more ties to destroy, he went to the Two Tone Rebels, and murdered them, in more cold, heart'd blood. This brought to the attention that he had no one to hang on to.
And I quote.

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And I quote again:

BlankName said:
After a year has passed, Ezekiel has changed.. A lot. His personality, his thoughts, he still has Chronic Bipolar Disorder, and that's what kinda led him to be who he is. It changed his life to be exact. He found that he has to be more destructive with his choice of actions, use his powers to change the world. Make it better. Well, that's his thoughts. He couldn't care less about anything anyone has to say, if they do have something to say about him, he'll kill them in cold blood. No matter what the circumstances.

You're not taking into account their personalities and mental limitations. Mason hates the Primal side of himself, and tries to stop it in all ways he can. He's even contemplated suicide. Quill couldn't do that because only kills those who he has a quarrel with, and still feels guilty for it. If he's caught by surprise, he won't be able to make hallucinations in time. I haven't mentioned that he experiences horrible hallucinations after he uses his powers, and he mentally deteriorates when he uses them, hence why he bled from the ears, nose, and mouth after making God and everyone else see The One. Jace is a genius, yeah, but he's still human and can be killed like any other. Like Iron Man. Rhys' only care is working. He really doesn't like to do anything other than that, and detests violence. He only uses his powers for his job and stopping fights. Eagle Eye's a villain and has no problem killing anyone, but he's smart enough to think strategically and knows that killing a hero will throw him into the spotlight. Morgan has guns and can be killed just like that.
Morgan has guns that fire, fire that reached 12 ft. And, like I said before, you don't need to take in account they're personalities, they can literally all team up and rule the world if they wanted to. And kills only if he needs too, Quill.... Uh... Let's think about that rationally, he gets into a fight with someone, can hallucinate them, than kill them, and his guilt don't matter! Jace took on Zed , who has superhuman strength and speed.

Did I ever say anything about Eagle Eye killing a hero? No. Cause he can kill anyone with his power. Just like that, plus, how would he know if he was put into the spotlight? Anyone could've killed the hero.

Jace, a genius in his own. Took on the strength of a superhuman and speed at that, he literally made a teleporter and etc.

If Quill has backlash when his power is used, than why has he been tricking everyone. Someone tries to hit him, he hallucinates himself out of the situation and appears somewhere else to kill the opposition. So clearly, your 'backlash' has been recently introduced.

If Rhys detests violence and villains, than why can't I be sure he won't cause a flood to take out the main base of the villains? Or Sharknado. Or tornado. Or the Purge?

If Mason hates his primal form, he can always just not hate it. Accept who he is and go ahead and kill everyone on earth. In a mater of 12 hours. Literally, can run all the way to the White House, kill the president, and issue himself as the new ruler of America. If he's thought about suicide, he doesn't know about his 'can't die' situation.

I think that's all.

*Funky beats turn on outta nowhere*

*Starts dancing*





((What, what?!))


*Bass drop*



((What should he do?!))






*All together*


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