Helsing Academy [Inactive]

Sarah yelped. She watched as blood ran down her lip and she fell to her knees pulling out the dagger."you bastard.... you don't know if i can heal..." She muttered. Sarah didn't heal. She did however get back at him by stabbing him in the stomach. "I wasn'taiming to kill you." She stood and her hands flaired up with fire. She wwrappedher hand aaround his neck melting the skin as she kissed him.
Dimitri and Adrian tore the two away from each other. Dimitri said "Adrian do you think you can heal her?" Adrian smirked as he leaned beside her. He rested her hands and started to heal her.

Lizzie smirked and said "its gorgeous. Its kind of a turn on." She ran her hand along the edge of a couch. She smirked at Raphael and wrapped her arms around his neck. She whispered "you know I like it rough." She kissed his cheek and pulled away. She wandered around the room.
Ira blinked a bit and looked at Abel. "How did you... But, how can you even..." she was at a clear loss for words and frozen in place. She looked at all the nice couples and rushed off suddenly to a hidden corner. 
Sarah punch Adrian in the face before he healed her. She looked over at Leon with a soft smile. "You didn't want him to touch me." She said happily and lifted her shirt a bit. "You cut me deep babe. I thought you loved me." She teased and pulled out a bottle with clear liquid in it. "Phoenix tears heal anything. Y'all need to do some research."
Abel smirked and followed behind her, hands in his pockets as he pulled off the 'cocky arrogant boyfriend' walk. He pulled her into his lap as he plopped onto one of the loveseats." Compulsion comes in handy," He whispered in her ear, biting down gently.

Raphael jerked her back into a corner, positioning her so she was straddling his waist." That's good, remember you said that cause I'm anything but gentle." He said, voice husky and eyes smoldering.

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"Damn it..." She smirked as she started to kiss him passionately. She was laughing a little as she kissed him. His lips felt amazing against hers. She tugged a little at his shirt.
Ira sighed. "Abel, i don't belong here. Look them. All fansy and... romantically playing footies under the table. Then look at me. I'm dress for a bar. I'mnot worth it." She said and pulled away from him. Her insecurities getting to her again.
Raphael chuckled," I think we should eat actual food before we eat each other if you catch my drift,"He said, his lips moving against hers. A waitress strutted over and cleared her throat. Without a trace of embarrassment, he moved Lizzie off his lap and picked up a menu. Speaking in fluent Italian he ordered a pasta dish and an expensive red wine.

Abel frowned and gave her gentle kisses along her neck." Babe, you're perfect. You belong with me and if I just so happen to be in a uber fancy restaurant then so be it, poof you belong." He said, chuckling.

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Ira smiled happily. She shifted in Abel's lap so that she sat next to him but her legs rested in his lap. She leaned back to rest on the wooden divider and took a menu. "So many things look good."
Leon buckled as he leaned in to kiss her passionately. "I love you so much." Adrian rolled his eyes and said "I don't have time to hang with crazies." He walked out with Dimitri following.

"I-I guess I'll have the same." She didn't know what he ordered but it sounded good and elegant so why not? She rested her hand on his thigh.
"Yup so are you a traditional spaghetti and salad kinda girl or are you willing to try something new?" Abel asked, looking over his menu at her.

Raphael glanced questioningly at her hand but let it stay there, putting his arms on the back of the seat.

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"Like what?" She asked and smiled. She looked at the menu and licked her lips gazing at the menu. "I do enjoy salad though. Cesar preferably."

Sarah moved closer once they left and kissed him deeply. She pressed her body close to his and clawed at his back.
Lizzie asked "so, are you from Italy? I've always wanted to go there. Its such a beautiful country. That and France. I've only been to New York and here though. And..." She looked down and said "nevermind." She smiled at him and kissed him deeply.

"Damn I love you so much." He smirked as he kissed her. He had a devilish smirk.
Sarah jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist. "I love you to. Even if you stabbed me." She joked and laughed a bit.
"Damn it. Your such a turn on." He licked her neck. His hands were all over her. He went back to kissing her. "Your all mine. No matter what anyone says."
Abel chuckled and waved a waiter over and ordered, just like his brother, in fluent Italian. "You'll just have to see what you get." He said. Soon the waiter poured a fancy bottle of wine for both of them and left the bottle there.

Raphael smiled into the kiss," Italy is only one of my origins. Its also my favorite." He said,"Also no one would believe me if I said something crazy like I'm from Prussia or the Roman Empire, cause those areas don't exist anymore." He adds

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Lizzie smiled softly. "How long have you lived for?" She asked curiously. She honestly didn't mean to pry or anything. "I mean... I was just wondering cause your not like most of the boys at the school. You seem older and more wiser about certain things." She got a text and she checked her phone. She slipped her phone back in her pocket and said "sorry. My friend's parents are forcing her to go back to school so they want her to come here. I mean to Helsing High."
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Ira bit her lip. She rolled her eyes slightly before nudging his leg with hers. "Show off, i can't do anything special... I haven't even shifted yet..." She muttered in disappointment.

Sarah growled at Leon as her teeth caught his lip. "Even if you're the one saying it?" She asked and shoved him off. "We never finished our hot fighting though. How about... win by submission, and the winner can do as they please with the loser for 2 days. Even pick what they wear."
He smiled a little but then a strange girl walked in. "I-Is this room 243." Leon's eyes widened at the site of her. He glanced at Sarah and cleared his throat. "No, that's down the hall but what's your name?" She smiled softly. "The name is Violet Eden." She walked off before he could tell her his name. He shook his dirty thoughts away and said "y-yeah. So um... Fighting. Riiight." He got into a fighters position.
Sarah looked at the girl then Leons expresion. She watched him turn to her and get in a fighting position but she only glared at him. "You know, the girls were right. You only break hearts once you have them." She said and grabbed her things.
"I didn't do anything. I didn't even flirt. I was just... Admiring how beautiful she was." He grabbed her wrist before she could leave. "wait! I'm sorry. Its not easy to break a tradition."
"Tradition?! You have a girlfriend! " She growled and punched him in the face. She did however stay since he still held onto her arm.
"Yeah? I've had many girlfriends. I mean your the second I've liked but I'm so used to dating girls and then dumping them when I got bored of them. I actually like you. Believe it or not, I'm a guy and I'm going to look at other girls but I would never ditch you for them."
Sarah growled louder. "That doesn't help!" She yelled and hit him in the gut to make him lean over. Her knee then collided with his face and she kicked his leg to knock him over. She got on top of him and straddled him. Sarah put her dagger to his neck with her lips only inches from him as she looked at him.
He stabbed her in the leg and then tossed her off. He licked her blood off the knife and said "your blood taste good." He walked toward her and flipped her.
She walked in slowly, not sure what to do. She was knew to this site and wanted to take a look around. She spotted some of the others but stayed in the shadows. She had long red and slightly curly hair and bright blue eyes. She looked around quite nervously, not knowing how to enter or talk. 
"Is this a private chat? I can leave if I have to.." she mummers

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