Helsing Academy [Inactive]

"You were really going to dump me over an argument? " she gave him a scowl and shifted her weight to one side emphasising her attitude. "It was a stupid aargument and you're making a huge deal about it!"
"Well, if it has to do with my brother than yeah I was. He's not... Right in the head. He's worst than Lizzie. And he blames me for the death of our parents instead of the drunk driver."
"Leon, you need to stop being an ass to the ones you love." She sat on his bed and sighed softly before reaching out to take his hand.
"Why? If I'm an ass to everyone, then everyone will leave me alone so I don't get hurt anymore. Now tell me, what did Lizzie say to you? D-Did she sleep with him or were they joking?
Sarah sighed. "Do you still love her? If you didn'tthen weither she slept with him or not wwouldn't matter. " She felt tears roll down her cheeks and looked down feeling pain in her heart. "Do you love her?!"
"Of course not! We dated a long time ago. Do you love my brother?" He watched her closely. He was afraid she would say yes.
Sarah shot up in anger. "No! I barely know him! After all you had to do to win me over you still think my standereds would ever low to his scum?! How dare you!" She yelled with pure fury so it was easy to tell she was telling the truth. It was writtenall over her face. "I love you! How could you think that I'm the same as Elizabeth?!" She had tears rolling ddown her face and eventually she let them go. Sarah fell to her knees and cried.
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He kneeled down, lifted her chin and kissed her deeply. "I love you so much. I just-" He stood up and said "I can't stand letting you be continuously hurt."
Kai looked at her and cocked her head to the side "I was used as a security system in Russia that'd as much as I can tell you I'm sorry."
Sarah smirked and kissed him back. She was happy he wasn't angry anymore.

Kasumi shifted. The vibration from his head bothered her in such a way that she was craving more of him. He did say he could preform most activities right? Kasumi slipped off the bed and got on her knees in front of Kia. "What else can you... preform? " She asked letting her fingertips wonder his skin while she leaned up and licked up his neck.
Kai stared at her blankly and stared for a moment as he processed her question. He couldn't read the situation so he replied like he would any other question. "I can preform a multitude of surgeries, massages, repairs, and I am capable of human entertainment."
"Do you know what i want Kia?" She asked and after he responded she whispered it in his ear. She pulled away and bit her lip gently as she looked in his eyes. "Can you give me what it want kia?"
Leon smiled at her and whispered "I'm just glad my brother didn't get to you." He was kissing her neck as hr muttered these things to her.
"Don't let me walk away from you again or he might try." She whispered back. She arched her back making her body press against his.
Later they arrived at some fancy Italian restaurant ( funny because they are in Germany) . Abel made his way around to Iras side and opened her door for her.

Raphael sat in the back, his emotions warring within. He really liked Lizzie, but didn't want to trust her with his feelings and all this somehow boiled down to whether or not he should be a gentleman. He heaved a sigh and almost begrudgingly got out and opened her door.

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Ira took Abel's and exited the car. She waited for him close her door before she took his arm. She loved being escorted. It made her feel safe and like royalty. "Why thank you kind sir."
Leon chuckled and went back to kiss her but then brought her over to his bed and laid her down. He smirked as he looked at her defenseless body. It was all his...

Lizzie walked out and said "you know you don't have to open the door for me, right?" She smiled as she walked past him. "Its all on Leon. I stole his credit card." She showed it to them.
Sarah blushed and looked away. "Don't look at me that way!" She gasped and crossed her arms over her chest to try and hide.

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