Helsing Academy [Inactive]

"So let's say we had a change of plans? Say we chose a different restaurant because Abel here isn't good around chatty humans- Never quite learned full control,?"Raphael said, crossing his arms.

" So we chose a different restaurant. One closer to the spa. Sorry for your luck, pal. But this triple date is exactly that, a date. A seventh wheel is just plain awkward and we don't want you killin' our intimate vibes."Abel added with a fake apologetic smile. "We'll be happy to accompany you to your workplace but we're leaving to continue with our date afterwards."

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"My only question is why are you hanging around some kid who killed our parents?" He laughed and said "Lizzie..." She came over to him and when he tried to kiss her, she pulled away." He grunted in disapproval. She whispered something to him. He said coldly "you didn't seem to have a problem with cheating on Leon. What makes him different? Last time I saw you, you were begging for more. Now you refuse me?" Leon pushed Adrian and demanded "what are you talking about?" Lizzie didn't know what to do so she said "l-lets go guys!!! Come on!" She grabbed Raphael's hand and dragged him off.
Raphael's eyebrow rose in amusement, a small smirk hiding the pang of hurt that hit him. Normally he would make some witty comment on how he would make her his officially tonight but instead he remained quiet, his hand clenched into a fist as he shoved it in his pocket.

Abel winced at the ongoings, giving kudos to his brother for keeping his cool. In that situation, he would have hardly been able to contain his emotions. He pulled Ira close and flashed his teeth and growled almost inaudibly at Adrian and slightly towards Elizabeth . He might be just sympathising with Raph, or he was just really protective of his brother or maybe both, but he didn't trust their relationship. He lead the way out the dorms and pulled out his car keys.

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"Sorry, hun... Just distracted." He said apologetically, wrapping his arm around her. "I got you a little surprise, "He said with a mischievous smirk."But its waiting at the spa."

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Adrian walked off, angry about being rejected. He hated when one of his girls rejected him. It was OK when he did it because in his head, girls got no say in anything.

When Lizzie got far enough away, she started to kiss Raphael. Adrian just glared at the two as he walked past them.
Raphael kissed her back, making sure to make it as much of a spectacle as possible by picking her up and wrapping her legs around his waist and supporting her by holding her butt firmly. He was possessive like Abel, but unlike Abel he wasn't able to express it through words, but instead through action.

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Ira pouted. "Well, what is it? I don't have to share right?" She asked. When they got to his car she pushed him against the door and leaned in letting the spikes poke at his chest while she kissed him.
Lizzie roughly kissed him but then pulled away and whispered "we should go meet them at the car... Don't want to keep them waiting."

Meanwhile, Leon was walking outside with Sarah. "Your the most magnificent girl I've ever met." He kissed her neck playfully.
"Of course not," Abel mumbled, deepening the kiss and pressing her closer to him, liking the feel of the spikes.

Raphael was panting slightly,his reigns on his self-control straining." That's probably the best thing to do. Or else I'd have you right here and now."He whispered the last part and with a wink he took hold of her hand.

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"What happened?" He asked her. "You seemed fine earlier." He kissed her gently. Adrian was watching with a smirk from afar.

Lizzie smiled as they walked outside. She noticed something wrong with Leon and Sarah and Abel and Ira making out. She giggled as she stayed close to Raphael.
Ira let her tongue explore his mouth like his had done many times. She somewhat plastered her body to his blocking even air from slipping between them. Her spikes were now leaving an imprint on his skin but she could care less.

Sarah smiled at Leons kisses but shook it of quickly. "I was fine until your rudely laid your hands on me!"
"A princess? Leaving me in the middle of the night then bruising my arm is princess to you? Man I'd hate to see what you call a servant. " she hissed back and stopped walking with him. "Go on without me. It's not worth it if you're gonna a jealous prick. What you didn't trust me around him?" She sighed and started walking back to the dorms.
Adrian followed her. He grabbed her arm and said "wait! I saw you fight with my brother! He's an ass, I know. I'm so sorry about that." He looked at her sincerly
"Don't touch me!" She snapped quickly turning and slapping him across the face "you can both go to hell!" She snapped and crossed her arms.
Adrian growled and snapped "I didn't do anything to you so there's no need for that." He got close to her and lifted her chin. "I may be his identical twin brother but I'm nothing like him. For one, I know how to treat a women."
Abel moaned/growled into the kiss, his hands moving over the curve of her body, inching towards the hem of her skirt. "Wait wait wait. This should be saved for tonight." He said, breaking the kiss.

Raphael frowned as he looked over at Leon and Sarah,"Looks like this might be a double date after all,"He said with a sigh.

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Lizzie smiled and told him "don't worry. It will be fine." She kissed him deeply. "I love you so much," she whispered against his lips.
Ira smirked looking up at him. "You'rethe one trying to cop a feel. Besides tonight is sspooning and shizz remember? " She said quoting him.

Sarah spat hin his face. "In my book, all you popular bastardsare the ssame! " she yelled back and shoved him angrily.
"I'm not popular. I work at a resturaunt to earn extra money while my uncle homeschools me. I'm not aloud out of the house often. Honest." He smiled softly trying to convince her.
Raph chuckled," Is that so?" He asked amused. He stroked her hair and drug his fingertip from her bottom lip, down to the v of her cleavage." Then you'll be swooning by the end of the night, my love." He said, leaning in for a kiss.

" I lied,"Abel said, showing no remorse. "Or well I had originally planned it that way but then I underestimated your seductive powers." He said with his hands resting on her hips.

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When he leaned in for a kiss, she teasingly pulled away. She winked at him and sais "not until tonight. I'll be all yours then." She walked off, giggling. She got to the car and said "come on lovebirds. Time to go."

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