Helsing Academy [Inactive]

Sarah glared at him angrily. "What do you want from me? I have already desided I dislike you both!" She crossed her arms and looked away.

Ira smirked at Abel. "You're one active monster huh? Is my body all you want from me?" She asked seductively as she removed his hands from her hips.
He sighed and said "if I wanted you, you'd already be mine. I just want to be friends. I mean I'm not a terrible person like my brother is. He only cares about himself." He was lying but he continued to have a poker face on so it was hard to tell.
Adrian held her close to him. He held her tightly. "It's OK. I'm here. I think... you should still go. Not with Leon of course but you need to relax and a spa is the perfect place for that. You need to forget about Leon and how much of an ass he was. A man who makes a women cry is no man at all."
Sarah shook her head. "I won't go with them.. I'll be a third weel but, i can't go alone." She said and looked up at him.
He hesitated before he said "I'll go with you. I mean just as friends. It will be a date without being a date." He grinned at her but then looked at her seriously and said "if that's OK with you."
"I don't know... Leon would get mad I'm sure... i just won't go. I'm sure we'llpatch things up llater. She moved away from him and wiped away her tears.
He looked at her sternly and asked "would you really like to patch things with a man who nearly got you killed? He killed our parents, what makes you think he can't do the same with you? Lizzie got sick of the way he treated her so she slept with me and then broke up with with him."
"But, he loves me. He'd never purposely harm me!" She huffed and turned away. "It's getting late. I should go home." She said even though it was only midday.
"He said he loved our parents..." he called after her before turning away and walking off. Dimitri soon followed him and helped him into the car. They drove off.
"Nahh, your heart would be a nice addition." Abel smiled and climbed in, starting the car up."Alright, who's ready for shitloads of good unsupervised fun?"He asked looking through the rearview mirror.

Raphael smirked," Let's get this show on the road," He said, complaining as he climbed in the back.

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Lizzie yells out "I am." She was cuddling with Raphael in the back and kissing his neck every so often. She grins and whispers to him "maybe tonight you'll see my true form. Its the reason why I'm so good at singing."
Ira smiled at Abel and watched him drive. "I live how you mentioned unsupervised like we fall the rules even while we are supervised. " She laughed looking at the other cars.

Sarah smiled to herself and looked down. She had slipped her number in his pocket before she left. Now it was up to him to find it.
Adrian smirked when he found her number. He decided to call her. Dimitri glanced at him and he smiled. Dimitri just said to him "be careful."
Sarah smiled at the ring of her phone. Unfortunately she didn't expect him to call but just text. She hopped out of the shower and answered lettingthe shower run in the bbackground. She put on a towel and laid on her bed. "Hello?" She asked trying to verify who he was.
Adrian just said "sneaky... I thought you hated me." He smirked. Dimitri glanced at him and pulled over. Adrian got out and lit a cigarette.
"I... I don't hate you but i don'tlove you either. You also said you don't get out much, so i thought... i don't know. Where do you work?" She asked brushing out her wet hair.
"I'll text you the address."Dimitri glared at him and he laughed slightly. "I have to go. Dimitri is yelling at me." He flicked his cigarette and walked into the resturaunt. "Bye." He hung up but texted her the address soon after. He went into the back and got into his uniform. A girl blushed when she saw him. He smirked as he kissed her lightly. "You were amazing last night..." He walked out and started to take peoples orders.
Sarah sighed and got dressed. She closed her eyes and imagined herself walking into the restaurant. When she opened her eyes she was at Leons door already kknocking on it.
"You have a choice. You can chase me off into your brothers arms or you can forgive my foolishness because i was curious about what Elizabeth had said about your brother." She seemed completely serious and was goingto that rrestaurant if he rejected her.
Leon said "my brother... Women are toys to him. They have no say in anything. If they try to talk back, he beats them. He dominates them. Once their of no use to him, he disposes of them."
"Maybe, but i know you love me regardless and don't want me hurt." She said and walked in without permission. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean what i said."

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