Helsing Academy [Inactive]

"No, I have to, even if I don't want to I can't help it,"Raphael explained." I can't help fallin' for you, despite knowing...."He stopped and gave a small embarrassed smile. "Sorry for the cheesiness." He wrapped his arm around her waist, his hand resting comfortably on her hip."Anyway, I can't let some other man pay for me and my woman's first date. Your criminal efforts are appreciated--"He leans in,"and very hot, but I got this." He smirks and flashes a platinum card which bore more money than could be imagine." Cash piles up when you've been around for a few millennia." He adds.

Abel grins and bows," Anything for you, milady," He smirks seductively and looks up, his eyes smoldering," Anything." He straightens up and takes her arm again. Overhearing Raphs conversation, he chimed in,"Being the big man down belows lackeys helps too,"

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Leon smirked and told her "I can't help. Your the most amazing girl I've ever met."

Lizzie laughed and said "Leon is wealthy but his money is all in his trust fund. Him and his brother got half of their parents wealth but his brother got the rights to the mansion." She rolled her eyes but then grinned at him. She slipped the card into her pocket and she told him "I'm a pro at stealing things!"
Ira noticed his distraction by his brother and took advantage of it. She slid her cold hand up his shirt when he looked away. She slid her hand back down and tugged at his pants before pulling away completely and smirked at him.
Abel jumped in surprise, his grip on his animalistic urges slipping slightly."Whoa there, I can't be getting all hot and bothered before dinner. I won't be able to enjoy my food properly."

Raphael chuckled," You stole my heart."He said,"And you walked right into that one." He grinned .

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"No, but you'll be able to enjoy desert." She said and walked into the restaurant. She looked back at Abel and smirked before she began to flirt with the host to tease Abel.
He sat on top of her and said mockingly "its naughty?" He chuckled and went to kissing her neck, completely ignoring her.
When she whimpered against him, he slid off of her right after kissing her cheek gently. "Fine fine!" He grinned at her. "I won't do anything your not comfortable with."
"Thank you!" She said with a soft pout as she sat up. She fixed her hair and walked over to him. "You're so mean! Teasing me like that." She said with a smirk.
Leon laughed as he went to the window. He lit a cigarette. "If I didn't tease you, then it would be boring. Plus, your so cute when your defenseless that its hard to control myself." He grinned at her.
Sarah smirked knowing how to get what she wanted. She followed him and smiled looking innocent and defenselessagain. "What do you mean? I'm not defenseless! Am I?"
He breathed out smoke out of the window before looking at her with a smirk on his face. "Your so easy to take advantage of. You shouldn't be proud of that fact." He kissed her cheek gently.
Sarah smirked and punched him.she took his cigarette and flick it out the window after putting it out. She swipped her leg behind his causing him to fall and she stabbed him just below his rib cage with a dagger hidden in her skirt.
"Ah damn it!" He coughed up a little blood but his body quickly healed his wound. "You made your point." He slowly got up. "You know, my body may be able to heal but it still hurts like a bitch." He spin kicked her to the floor. "Your precision needs work. If you were to kill me, you would have aimed for my heart. Disappointment." He loved a challenge.
"Very said i was perfect." She said and wiped blood away fromher lip. She growled slightly and slipped between his legs. She fflippedup to her feet and kicked him into a wall. She pressed up behind him and slit his neck open tasting the blood.
"D-Damn it." He fell unconscious from blood loss but his body started to stitch the wound close. Someone knocked on the door and Dimitri walked in. "What the hell?"
Sarah jumped back at the knock and hid her knife. "H-hi! Um we were just uh... playing...." she said with a timid smile and shrug.
Dimitri growled deeply and said "he doesn't look OK! I honestly don't give a shit about your relationship issues but he's my nephew!" Adrian came in from behind him. "Dad... I told you something was wrong." He had a smirk on his face.
"No! He was testing me on my skills! And i won..." she smiled a bit and looked at the brother. "Trust me! I wouldn't kill leon if i knewhe ccouldn't heal some how!"
Leon came up from behind her and with incredible speed he stabbed her deeply. "You forgot that you should never get distracted until your opponent is dead." He looked tos,we Dimitri and Adrian. "Oh hey guys. What's up?"
Abel and Raphael left the girls and delved into a hushed conversation with the employee behind the desk, occasionally looking over, their eyes blazing red. After a couple of minutes the two returned with cocky smirks on their faces and their eyes fading back to their warm brown color." Follow us,"They said in unison. They led the two up a grand spiraling staircase, humming along to the romantic Italian music playing in the back ground. Soon they arrived at a large dimly lit room with a few tables where couples sat in lush deep maroon and black love seats, the vibe going from middle class to the top of the top.

"You like?"Abel asked, Italian accent fully recognizable.

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