Helsing Academy [Inactive]

Ira gasped acting surprised. "I didn't think you were capable of spooning!" She teased and opened the door. "I should get ready. I have to look nice for our first date."
Elizabeth saw Leon waiting for her and she glared at him. She walked past him and he said "wait, Elizabeth! I need to speak with you! Without some asshole interrupting us." She laughed coldly. Elizabeth said "that asshole is my boyfriend... I think." Leon glared at her and said "you barely know him!" She pushed him into Abel's door. "Your the asshole. We broke up! I don't care about your petty little girlfriend. I only care about you. You lied to me! I trusted you and you lied about everything!" Leon slapped her across the face and said "you walked out on me!" Elizabeth pushed by him and stormed into her room. She yelled "I will make your life a living Hell. You will regret everything!" She slammed the door. Leon growled and punched a hole in the wall. "Damn it!!"
Ira jumped at the sudden bang against the door and back up beside Abel. "You don't think it's your brother right?" She asked looking up at him.
"No, I have a feeling he's a more kick-in-the-door kinda guy, not a bang on the door kind."Abel said. He had sprung up as soon as he heard the sound, probably not a good idea since he was still a bit dizzy from earlier. Regaining his balance he opened the door and peeked out in time to see the spat between Leon and the girl from earlier." Yo, domestic violence isn't cool. But coming from you, I guess it's to be expected." He said with a smirk."Anyway what's got your panties in a knot? Its impolite to interrupt another couples alone time with a lovers' quarrel of your own."It was a lie about the 'alone time' but Abel couldn't help but enjoy teasing this guy with what he had stolen from him.

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Leon glared at them and said "she's my ex girlfriend. Plus, she just hooked up with some guy who she just met. They seemed close as in they were almost identically the same. It was as if they've both made it their life goal to make someone's life Hell. But whatever..."
Abel frowned," Was he about my height, looks kinda like me but older with an annoyingly taunting smirk?"He asked,"If so, then that's my brother fer sure. And his goal is to make my life Hell."

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Ira looked at Abel and stood. "I need to go... but hey how about a double date?" She offered to the boys. "Come on! I know Sarah would love it!"
"Make that a triple date, can't have y'all having all the fun."Raphael said, making his appearance. He had heard voices and wondered out to see what the commotion was and saw Abel and that Leon guy/girl and Ira, the urge to wreck havoc over coming him."I mean, we can put down our differences for a single night can't we? I'll even pitch in. Maybe we can go to a hot spring? Do they even have those in Germany?"

Raphael's babbling made Abel anxious, causing him to shift from side to side. Although he hated to admit it, he liked the idea of spending time with his brother, all hate aside.

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Ira smiled happily. "Hey! That sounds like a great idea! Im sure you boys can find a spa or something. Then dinner after? I'll get ready." Ira kissed Abel happily and ruffled his hair. When she turned to Raphael she immediately turned and left.
Leon thought about it and said "yes actually. He was an asshole but Elizabeth... I don't know if she's manipulating him or what but... I don't trust him." He leaned against the wall. Leon spun around to see Raphael and he growled. He flipped his hair instead. Elizabeth soon walked out of her room. "Oh Raphael!"
"Well hello again, beautiful." He said with a casual half smile as he wrapped her up in a tight hug." Why don't you go play nice with Ira and whoever the unfort-"He stopped himself," And who ever Leons bringing." He said, glancing over. Raphael was somewhat genuinely excited about tonight but he also saw it as a chance to get back at Abel." Chill out, goth Barbie. I've got nothing against you, "He stated clearly.

Abel sighed, running his hand through his hair," The whole spooning thing might not work if I'm this stressed." He muttered.

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Elizabeth smiled a little and said "so were going to have a triple date?" Leon walked off calling Sarah to let her know. He didn't have any choice in the matter at this point. He really didn't want to go. Especially considering he just had a fight with Lizzie.
Ira offered Lizzie her hand. "Youwant to hang out with us? Maybe this will be a chance to aactually get to know eachother? " she asked giving a soft smile. "We can plot evil things against the boys if you'd like!" She giggled.
Lizzie shrugged and said "sounds fun... If you don't mind me shitting on Leon." She rolled her eyes. "This is going to be an awkward date then."
"I could care less. All he does is hurt the ones he supposedly loves." Ira linked arms with Lizzie and walked to her room. Sarah was already there and gave Liz a soft smile. "Hey.. we got off on a bad foot. I'm Sarah." She said and they walked inside. "I think I'm gonna dye my hair. Give it a new look." Ira said and looked at herself in the mirror.
Elizabeth smiled and sat on the bed. She smiled and said "want to borrow some of my hair dye?" She smiled a little. "By the way, I don't hate Leon. I just hate what he's become. I hate how he lied to me. I thought he was the one but obviously not since he can't tell me the truth." She sighed.
Abel stood there awkwardly, not seeing how three people who disliked each to such a degree as they could possibly come together and get along. He sighed," Alright so... Ahem, how bout this- there's a spa/inn downtownish. Its near downtown but secluded kinda. Its really nice and at a fairly reasonable price," He suggested, not that the price would pose a problem," We can let them enjoy the spa then we can catch a dinner and a movie and sleep at the inn and get back tomorrow in time for class,

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Sarah sat next to Liz. "I couldn't agree more. He just... He is a confused guy that isn't very good at love. He just doesn't understand us." Ira laughed at her comment. "I'd love to borrow your dye. Got any purple? And does any guy really understand? Take Abel. We do the dirty, twice. Then when i think tthat's the type of guy he is he just out of the blue onces to go out. On our first date! Why didn't he think about that two nights ago! We need to teach them who's in charge." Ira demanded and took out her make up kit. "You're welcome to raid my closet,make up, and hiar stuff. What's mine is yours!" She smiled and Sarah got up to search the closet.
Lizzie smirked and said "Raphael is very unlike Leon. He doesn't hide anything. Though I had to bribe him to tell me what happened with his brother." She started to fix her make up. "Have you met his twin brother(will make him when I get on the computer)? Damn. So much sexier than Leon."
"Really? I think Abel would get jealous. Oo! That's the one thing guys hate! Being jealous! Let's make em jealous! " Ira said with excitement as she fixed her hair. When she was done she got dressed then moved to her make up while Sarah took a simple approach and stayed clear of the make up.
"I might have slept with his twin brother. I mean that was when our relationship was going in a downward spiral but never tell Leon. They hate each other... I never knew why." She was straightening her hair and then braiding it. "Hey Ira, didn't you love Leon at one point?"
Ira shook her head. "Still do. Honestly i've had enough of his crap! I don't really like how he said he loved me then completely friend zones me and thinks it's ok to date my sister! " Ira growled angrily and looked at Sarah. "He's already gotten her hurt twice. I think leon's brother needs to take my sister away from him!"
Lizzie smiled and said "that's harsh." She stood up and said "when I saw him at the hospital, he seemed bothered by something but its probably completely unrelated.
Ira crossed her arms. "God forbid I'm harsh for once, but he really needs to get it together! " She huffed and checked herself. "So you think we're ready for the boys?" 
Ira walked down the hall to Abel's room and poked his side gently. "Hey babe! You like?" Sheasked posing for him.


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