Helsing Academy [Inactive]

Kai cocked his head at her when she made the chirping noise and was confused when she started blushing. He thought she was getting too hot but then she hugged him. He made no facial expression but looked at her with a confused face. "...Who are you?" Kai asked confused and looking down at her legs and feet.
"What do you mean?! You just spend half an hour licking my feet and now you don't know me?!" She hissed angrily and moved away with a scowl.
"My memory from the past 6 hours has been lost...this is most likely due to a sudden shut down. This is usually caused by sudden changes in temperature... If what you say is true it may be that you made my systems over heat then a sudden stop caused a sudden cool down..." He said in reply still staring at her feet "You let me preform this activity to your feet?"
"I made you overheat? How?" She asked and looked at her feet and blushed slightly. "Y-yeah... you were curious...." she said softly and looked back at him.
Kai looked at her feet "I'm not aware of how this can be achieved..." As he was looking he just touched one of her feet "Did it bring you much pleasure?" He asked curiously.
Kasumi blushed and moved her foot closer. "Y-yes... why? You.... you want to do it again?" She asked looking down at him. "I didn't think you were able to feel.... pleasure." She said getting more and more curious about him.
Abel scowled,"Yeah right, Stevie Wonder could see that you're a tease."He said, crossing his arms and pouting.

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"Hey!" She slowly walked over to him and gently kissed his lips. "Do you think you can be gentle? " She asked and pushed him onto the bed.
"I think I can try." He answered truthfully. Abel placed gentle kisses along her neck and shoulder," How's that?" He whispered, his breath tickling her neck.

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"I think you're ready..." She slowly slipped into his lap and smiled softly. "You're being such a good boy." She whispered placing soft kisses on his chest.
"I would like to do it again...however I want you to take control." Kai said still looking at her feet "Mental pleasure I'm incapable of but I can feel touch." He said in a flat matter.
Abel smiled," Good boys get rewarded good treats, right?" He murmured. He drug his fingertips along her spine, unhooking her bra on its way up.

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Kasumi smirked. "Only if you overheat again. " she stood and sat on her bed crossing her legs. "I've been walking. Lick my feet clean. No more no less and from now on you are not allowed on my bed. You will sit on the floor unless i tell you otherwise." She crossed her arms happily. The scientists never let her have control. Now was different though. She was going to enjoy this... "You will address me as ma'am, again unless i tell you otherwise. Imprint this in your memory! I don't want to do this all over again." 
Ira nodded. "They do... wanna claim yours?" She asked and allowed him to do as he wanted with her.

Hours later Ira snuggled up to Abel and sighed. "Did you get the reward you wanted?" She asked softly and nuzzled her head into his neck.
"More or less,"He joked, wrapping her tightly in his arms." This was much better than a'dream', "Abel smirked

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Kai cocked his head to the side after she had finished "I can set ma'am as your new name but it will take six hours for a permanent download." He said as he fell to his knees and took one of her feet in his hand. He started licking from her heel and up her sole. He continued licking until his scans no longer showed any sign of another substance besides his spit. He started cleaning her toes sucking on each one individually and looking up at her like a dog as he did so. He switched over to her other foot repeating the same process.
Ira laughed softly. 'That dream was pretty intense though..." she looked up and sucked on his neck nipping at it.

Kasumi watched him with a content smirk spread on her lips. she leaned forward and ran her fingers through his hair gripping it at the back of his head. She pulled his head back roughly, pushing her foot deeper in his mouth until her took in all of her toes. "Don't go so fast... take your time." She said redirecting him. She let his hair go and leaned back watching him.
"Considering how-intense is a no go, seems like that dream will remain a dream." Abel said with a heavy but content sigh." Oh well," He shrugged

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Ira sat up and crossed her arms. "I never said intense wasn't fun... i just said intense would'nt be the best for my body at the moment."
Kai listened to her commands and started doing slow...painfully slow. When all of her toes were in his mouth he wrapped his tongue around them and he could feel spit dripping from his mouth inevitably sliding down her foot. "How is it ma'am?"
His dripping saliva tickled slightly and she smiled at him. "Very good... hmm what should i call you? Do you have a name?" She asked slipping her other foot in his hands. "Message it."
ooc: Sorry I haven't been on. Got banned. Don't know how conaidering I'm pretty good with following the rules but whatevs.

Elizabeth smirked and said "you know... I haven't been in school for a month so I don't think I'll be much use to you but want me to show you around school?"
"Anything, as long as I'm with you, my love," Raphael replied, an over exaggerated goofy smile on his face as he stood.

Abel rose an eyebrow," Weren't you saying earlier that you could handle it?"He asked, thinking back.

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"No that was until you said you wanted to extend it by a few hours." She got up and got dressed again. "I should go." She smiled and looked over at him. "Maybe later we could have another dream... if you're up for it."
"Does that mean were official?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. She stood as well. She teasingly kissed him and told him "I have to get back to my dorm. Get ready for class tomorrow. Its going to be Hell." She left without another word.
Abel shrugged," Or I could treat you to a proper date," He suggested," And then we can sleep together. Like with cuddling and spooning and shizz,,"He smirked leaning down and kissing her sweetly on the cheek.

" Official, huh?"Raphael said, thinking." Guess I move fast."He chuckled and plopped back onto his bed and stared at the ceiling, unable to conceal the genuine excited grin on his face.

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