Helsing Academy [Inactive]

"You need better programs! " she huffed and crossed her arms. "You need one of them AI things." She said and poked at his head. "Or is that how you learn? Look up random things?"
"He killed our parents and instead of being punished he was given everything his heart desired, so I made it my goal to take everything he loves the most away." Raphael said, his eyes cold.

"Maybe I should enjoy my 'dream' to its full extent since I know now that this is real?"Abel suggested, crawling over to his bed and lacing his fingers over her legs and looked up at her.

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Ira trembled at the thought. "Will you go easier since I'm being a good girl." She asked moving closer to the edge of the bed hesitantly.
"Your heart rate is increasing are you in an acceptable condition?" He asked her as he analyzed her blood pressure. His eyes shot out a line of red that scanned up and down her body. "...The information your looking for is classified...Would you like to ask a different question?"
Abel pretended to think about it," Hell no. I can't be going soft on you, now can I?" He yanked her to the edge of the bed, her legs going over his shoulders.

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Elizabeth smirked and sais "I haven't seen my parents in almost ten years. I should go visit them but... I don't want to. I'm not going to spend life being feared and being chased out of town whenever someone finds out what we are. I couldn't even make friends because I was so scared of moving if I shifted." She looked into the distance. "But anyways... You deserve something for yourself." She sat on his stomach and leaned down, kissing him lightly.
Kasumi suddenly felt violated and pushed his head away. "What are you doing looking under my clothes?!" She asked blushing as her heartbeat quickened even more. She moved away ftom him and crossed her arms.
Raphael shrugged and casually wrapped his arms around her, resting his chin on her shoulder." Its ...different, sharing shit with other people who understand more or less." He said, breathing in her scent.

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"Then i have no reason to cooperate? " she moved up at place a foot on his shoulder using it to help he move on the opposite side of the bed. She didn't think about the fact that she was now cornered between him and the wall.
"Question processing...No...I was performing a vitals scan...I'm sorry was I suppose to be looking underneath your clothes?" He asked sincerely confused and looked at her blankly. "Your heart rate has raised even more are you feeling ill?"
He chuckled,"Cruel..."He lifted himself onto the bed and pressed her up against the wall."What if I saw I'll try?"Abel asked, the look in his eyes saying otherwise.

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Kasumi blushed deeply in embarrassment. "Yeah i am! And no! Don't look under my clothes! Wait, you can do that?!" Kasumi grabbed at her chest and coughed. She had never had so many emotions at once! She couldn't even tell what half of them were.She panted a bit trying to calm herself down. Her heart rate was at a dangerously high level but was slowly dropping. 
Ira smirked. She may have been blond but she knew better. "I'd say... i don't believe you." She looked down at his body. She traced a finger up his abs. "If I'm so cruel... why am i still here? If i was cruel I'd leave you here... all sweaty and..." she didn't finish her sentence and lookedat the door. "Wich reminds me i should pprobably go... I've been missing thanks to you." She said teasing him as she tried to move.
"Question processing...yes I am capable of this..." Then she she started gripping her chest. Kai's eyes went completely red and glowed as he looked in her eyes "Do you need emergency treatment?" He stood up.
(Oh thats... just uh... great... xD this is so funny and he doesn't even understand how creepy that is.)

Kasumi leaned away. "Not from you Mister!" She yelled looking in his slightly blinding eyes. "I'll be fine just... don't stare at me!"
Kai sat back down and blinked as his eyes went back to their usual color. "As you wish..." He said and went back to looking at her feet with curiosity. It was like something in his archives left them out. He was interested in them.
When Kasumi she noticed he was staring at her feet again. "Hey, why the intrest in my feet huh?" She asked and looked to make sure no one was around. She wasn't wearing a skirt she slipped off her shoes and propped her leg on his lap. "Just took a bath so you'refine to touch them. "She said and leaned back. She hated having contact with people but... not to say he wasn't a person he was just ddifferent.
"Oh no you don't, you're going to just have to take the day ...and night off ."Abel said, blocking her off." You know you want tooooo."

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Ira laughed. "I do, but i also fear for the state of my physical body once you're done... besides. It wouldn't be fun if i gave it to you..." she kissed him gently and jerked away trying to make a break for the door.
Abel caught her hand and jerked her back towards him,"Well how bout I show you just how gentle I can be."He whispered , nuzzling her neck and loosening his grip on her.

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Kai heard her question "Question Processing...I have no information about them...they do not appear in my archives..." When she put her bare feet in his lap he looked down at them. He took his hand and dragged his fingers around her ankles and the tops of her feet. Kai cocked his head to the side feeling her feet feeling her soles and toes.
Ira yelped when she was forcefully pulled back. She hit the bed tilted her head away when he nuzzled her. "I don't believe you'll keep it up though. " she said and pushed his head away.

Kasumi giggled a bit at his gentle touch. She bit her lip trying not to disturb him. "Do you like like them?" She asked looking at how curious he was. It was kinda cute...
Kai took her feet in his hands and started massaging them without knowing it still holding them in his lap. "Question processing...no they are not defined as cute...a better word choice may be attractive." He watched her toes and felt them in his hands. They felt soft and smooth as he dragged his fingers across.
Kasumi blushed. "My feet? Attractive? You're joking..." she looked at him and sighed relaxing. He was surprising good at messaging. He seemed to naturally target the tense spots. She wiggled her toes a bit at him and shifted getting comfortable.
Kai responded monotonously "I'm incapable of joking." He continued with her feet and watched her facial expressions as he massaged them in his lap. When she wiggled her toes he watched them with interest.
"So you're incapable of joking... but you can be attracted to things..." she smiled a bit and crossed her arms to keep warm. "I swear if i see you touching another girls feet like this I'll be angry with you. " she struggled to keep awake with how good her feet felt now. "I think... I should go to my dorm..." Kasumi rubbed her eyes tieredly as she sat up.

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