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Fandom Help!! I Have Lost My Mind!![Multi-Fandom Survival RP]

Donder172 said:
Kota ignites his lightsaber the moment the man shoots, letting the green blade come out with a hiss. "My name is Rahm Kota." He says while keeping his blade in a defensive stance.
Hamilton looked at the weapon "I don't know where I am from but I know we didn't have those. You think you could get me one in purple, with something written on the handle," he said before putting away the duel pistol and becoming more open.
[QUOTE="White Shamrock]Hamilton looked at the weapon "I don't know where I am from but I know we didn't have those. You think you could get me one in purple, with something written on the handle," he said before putting away the duel pistol and becoming more open.

Kota disignites his lightsaber and puts it back on his back "I don't think so. I can't remember where I'm from too or how I got here. No one here remembers that. Just their name..."
Donder172 said:
Kota disignites his lightsaber and puts it back on his back "I don't think so. I can't remember where I'm from too or how I got here. No one here remembers that. Just their name..."
Alex shrugged "I have some clues, I have two dueling pistols, a quill, and a shot glass. I believe I am a very aggressive, writing, drunk from a place with class," he said scanning his own green attire, he looked at the man, confused of how he had the saber.
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Donder172 said:
"I haven't, I am not sure if this is made ofnseveral pieces or just one piece of clothing." ((Self I am not sure xD ))
"I assume by the clasp that it is. Ulfric" he says before turning his attention towards the road. "So Jacket how much further?" Jacket looks to Solaire "we have arrived" he stopped by a bridge which was drenched in bloods from the zombies "Sorry i got a bit carried away with clearing out the Bungalows, i'll get rid of the corpses while you guys, are going to meet whoever you are meeting"
billthesomething said:
"I assume by the clasp that it is. Ulfric" he says before turning his attention towards the road. "So Jacket how much further?" Jacket looks to Solaire "we have arrived" he stopped by a bridge which was drenched in bloods from the zombies "Sorry i got a bit carried away with clearing out the Bungalows, i'll get rid of the corpses while you guys, are going to meet whoever you are meeting"
"Hmmm..." Ulfric takes another look at his clothes, noticing the cloak is removable and removes it. "Much better."
Lewis drifted after the group since they appeared non-hostile, perhaps they knew more about this place then he did. He urged Scar to follow him, after all it was safer in numbers. However for now he could stay out of the way from the others in case any of them were indeed hostile, or they were the ones who took his memory and put him in the middle of nowhere.

Scar growled before sprinting at full speed following Lewis, he vanished as only his foot prints could be seen. The foot prints led to the jungle, he made a low clicking sound before activating the gun on his shoulder. It followed Lewis and aimed a few feet in front of him, in case someone tried to attack him.
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"So whose going to stay and whose coming with us?" Solaire addressed the group, the boat could only hold four, so only two other could come with them on the boat @everyone
billthesomething said:
"So whose going to stay and whose coming with us?" Solaire addressed the group, the boat could only hold four, so only two other could come with them on the boat @everyone
"If possible, I wish to come." Ulfric says "I'm curious what we may find there." (Void ifnhe already came with them)
"I'd want to come with too," Amethyst said, volunteering herself, "I'd like to at least help get us one step closer to beating up whoever put us to here, if anything else. Come on, let me in this!"

Location: Beach

Form: Normal

Status: Normal

The fox saw a group of people a way away, on the outdoor deck of one of many bungalows. They were clearly talking about the boat docked below them.

It immediately grabbed the sword, which the prongs on began moving to the end of the blade before magically reappearing near the hilt, the hood, and the mask. Putting on the mask, and tossing the sword and the hood on its back, it began to run towards the bungalows, racing over the sand with astonishing speed.

It lifted its head up once close to the house over the water, and addressed the humanoids standing there. "Who are you, and where am I? I wish to know how I can return to my... my...," it trailed off, unable to finish its sentence, as the word escaped it.

"Nevermind. Wherever I am, I guess I'm gonna be stuck with you..."

@ everyone by the boat
Lewis shook his head knowing there was a chance he might accidently light the boat on fire, he would stay on land with the others and participate in those activities needed to be done instead. Lewis turned towards the fox that he'd seen earlier, he was semi-surprised it could talk "It seems we're all on an island, as for why I haven't a clue. All I know is my name..Lewis and you are?" he asked the fox rather casually. He made sure to keep out of range of the blade the creature had in case it turned its head and accidentaly took a swing or purposely.

The predator grabbed the fox by the fur on its neck. He studied the creature before pointing at it and looking at Lewis "Worthy?" Scar asked as he took out his claw hand and growled at the odd entity. He looked over at the boat but ignored it, he understood the fact that it could talk and asked "Prey, or Predator," his voice was rough and aggressive.

@ManyFaces @Shadowlugia711

Location: Beach

Form: Normal

Status: Normal

"I am..," it began, hesitating slightly, "Ninetails..." It looked back, staring at the single tail. "Um... give me a sec..." It murmured, before getting forcefully grabbed by an alien.

Completely calm, it began to speak again. "I'm sure there are better sources of food on this island than me. While I am large, my meat is stringy. You wouldn't want tough meat. And if you don't attack me, I won't attack you. Simple really. I could be at your services, as I know a few tricks or two."

@White Shamrock @ManyFaces
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Scar dropped the fox "Strong predator, knows when to not fight, name Scar," he said as he put away the claw. He looked at the fox before bringing out his shuriken and throwing it against a tree "Tricks?" he said ripping the weapon out of the tree. He kept it close in case the fox would attack him while he wasn't looking.

@ManyFaces @Shadowlugia711
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Location: Beach, near Bungalows

Form: Normal

Status: Normal

"Don't worry. The tricks mainly help us deter creatures who pose a threat, and lure in others who we could easily use as food. You needn't worry my friend," the fox said, swishing its tail. It grabbed the hood on its back, and put the cloth on its tail, cinching the red beads gathered around it.

At once the sound of eight voices laughing pierced through the air. The fox's red fur became golden yellow, and eight tails tipped with hoods and masks unfurled from nothingness. A brush dipped in red ink was on top of each.

A small cackle escaped from the fox's jaws, which quickly snapped shut. It instead smiled a toothed smile.

@White Shamrock

Form: Kitsune

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"I'll just float along instead of riding so that I don't take up space in the boat. I would like to join you guys here." Reimu said. She felt slightly crestfallen to the ones who couldn't ride the boat because of the small space it provided them. Reimu wondered who could be vital in this small adventure they seemed to about to have; Solaire said that it was mandatory for him and Jacket to come along, which was understandable. There's a woman with long golden hair, a purple girl who looks tough, a man who was wearing needlessly large clothing, and another one came with what looked like a sword. This could be a tough choice if all wanted to come inside the boat.

Fordo sat up with a start, shaking the sand off of his armor. Springing up, he raised his pistols, he spotted a few beings in the distance, and broke towards them. Two were... some kind of quadrupedal creatures. "Umm... hello?" He doubted their were capable of speech.

@White Shamrock

Location: Beach, near Bungalows

Form: Kitsune

Status: Normal

"And who are you?" the now kitsune rebounded sharply at the man in armor. Its eyes glowed gold, and it swung around to face this new person. It grabbed the nine-pronged sword on its back with its mouth, and growled, "It looks like you want to fight me. I hope you don't have death wish." Cackling, it reared up on its rear legs, grinning malevolently.

@White Shamrock
The predator put the fox behind him "No, don't hurt my pack," he said clicking as he did. He took out his claw hand and aimed it at the figure, he was ready to fight if necessary. He looked back at the others and said something in his native tongue, he then saw the mans pistol and studied him.

@ManyFaces @Lordvader59 @Shadowlugia711
Lewis didn't quite share the same hostile approach as the others, instead he strode over by Scar with his arms crossed "And you would be?" he asked making sure to be ready for a fight in case things went south. So far he'd avoided fighting and he'd like to keep it that way or not fight unless provoked. Now was most likely not the time to spill blood across the sand.

@White Shamrock

The Batter woke up in a palm tree on some sort of beach, his mind felt blank. He saw Alpha, Omega, and Epsilon circling him as if a reminder of his goal he also saw his baseball bat on the ground. The Batter quickly slid down the tree and grabbed his baseball bat, there was no doubt something unpure lurked about but he would purify it. The Batter stood still and listened for the cries of a soul in distress with a straight face.

Alex saw a man slide down a tree, he ignored the blind man and ran towards this new man. He stopped and skid picking up dust, he tilted his head "Who might you be, I am Alexander Hamilton," he extended his hand to the bat wielding man.

ManyFaces said:
Lewis didn't quite share the same hostile approach as the others, instead he strode over by Scar with his arms crossed "And you would be?" he asked making sure to be ready for a fight in case things went south. So far he'd avoided fighting and he'd like to keep it that way or not fight unless provoked. Now was most likely not the time to spill blood across the sand.
@White Shamrock

The Batter woke up in a palm tree on some sort of beach, his mind felt blank. He saw Alpha, Omega, and Epsilon circling him as if a reminder of his goal he also saw his baseball bat on the ground. The Batter quickly slid down the tree and grabbed his baseball bat, there was no doubt something unpure lurked about but he would purify it. The Batter stood still and listened for the cries of a soul in distress with a straight face.

The batter drops in front of al as he is walking. It surprises him and he jumps back."uh.. Hello there, do you have any memories? Or do you not have yours like everyone else here?" He asked, stepping back once. This person give al chills.
The batter turned around bat poised to swing, upon just being asked who he was he by Alexander and yet another person so he'd answered simply "The Batter, come to purify the unpure" he replied with no change in facial expression.

@White Shamrock

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