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Fandom Help!! I Have Lost My Mind!![Multi-Fandom Survival RP]

billthesomething said:
"Jacket, my name is Jacket. And it was no problem Reimu." Jacket who despite his calm voice which almost bordered on monotone, had a small smile. they continued to eat quietly. When jacket finished his bowl he let out slight groan as the iron scent that his clothing reeked of, had finally begun to bother him. "You wouldn't happen to know how to wash blood out of clothes?"
Reimu was done eating her spare of the headcrab too, though there were leftovers left on the bowl. She left it on the nearest table or any of the sort.

"Eh? I can wash clothes but blood... might take a long while. Maybe one or two days; give or take a few. I'll do that anyway though" Reimu replied. Since he helped her, she would be fine to go and see what she could do for Jacket but she wasn't the woman who does chores whenever they needed to be done and blood was not exactly easy to wash off. As she continued pondering what to do, however, maybe doing something could help her explore everywhere around the hut a bit. She might have to stay here for a while.
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[QUOTE="Computing Magus]Reimu was done eating her spare of the headcrab too, though there were leftovers left on the bowl. She left it on the nearest table or any of the sort.
"Eh? I can wash clothes but blood... might take a long while. Maybe one or two days; give or take a few. I'll do that anyway though" Reimu replied. Since he helped her, she would be fine to go and see what she could do for Jacket but she wasn't the woman who does chores whenever they needed to be done and blood was not exactly easy to wash off. As she continued pondering what to do, however, maybe doing something could help her explore everywhere around the hut a bit. She might have to stay here for a while.

Jacket grinned "Thanks Reimu. Then i guess you wouldn't mind washing my jacket later? Like after we move over to the Bungalows" he let out a slight chuckle "Who knew zombies had so much blood left in them?"
"Yeah, well, uh, I don't see a point to all this, so, I'm just gonna," Amethyst muttered before leaving to somewhere else, leaving the two men to fight over who gets leader or whatever. While she was slightly interested in who would get to be the leader, she didn't think a leader needed to argue or announce that their the leader. They just should be. So she went.

"Aw, yeah, nice, I'm starving," she grinned, seeing Rapunzel making the food. The gem wasn't really starving, she didn't need to eat. She merely hasn't been eating for a while. She took a large portion of the food into her bowl, and begin eating, food sticking around the edges of her mouth.
billthesomething said:
Jacket grinned "Thanks Reimu. Then i guess you wouldn't mind washing my jacket later? Like after we move over to the Bungalows" he let out a slight chuckle "Who knew zombies had so much blood left in them?"
"...zombies..." Reimu said under her breath. She didn't know what they were but the fact that Jacket had some blood of them over his jacket meant that these zombies were enemies. Maybe not, but that also meant that there was more danger than she thought.

"If you need me, I'll be going outside. Before I go; sure thing, I'll get that jacket when you need me to." Reimu said and she headed outside of the hut leaving Jacket there. Reimu decided to float again, this time with ease and calm knowing that she can use the ability properly. She stayed on the roof of the hut still slightly floating so that the roof wouldn't collapse under her weight, even though it felt sturdy. Better safe than sorry. Anyway, Reimu spotted the person she talked to earlier; the one with the armor. There seemed to be more people in the beach than Reimu thought, doing or talking about something that she could only guess what they were doing or talking about, respectively. Do they all really have no idea what's going on?
- Rapunzel -

After speaking with Alphonse, Rapunzel, strode back to the campfire where Amethyst was eating and smiled at her, "Hi."

She sat beside Squishy and Pascal, her chameleon climbed up to his place on Rapunzel's shoulder, his belly big. Pascal gave a satisfied squeak-burp.

"So, will you take me to the Gordo, Squishy?" she asked the pink blob.

(OOC: @MTchaos1134 (sorry, mate, gonna' go ahead), @billthesomething , @budgieboo)
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Zer0 said:
- Rapunzel -

After speaking with Alphonse, Rapunzel, strode back to the campfire where Amethyst was eating and smiled at her, "Hi."

She sat beside Squishy and Pascal, her chameleon, climbed up to his place on Rapunzel's shoulder, his belly big. Pascal gave a satisfied squeak-burp.

"So, will you take me to the Gordo, Squishy?" she asked the pink blob.

(OOC: @MTchaos1134 (sorry, mate, gonna' go ahead), @billthesomething , @budgieboo)
The slime shook as to say no. "i don't remember where he is. but he was surrounded by a lot of crystals" the slime gave Rapunzel a dopey yet apologetic smile then climbed into her lap, and began making a purring sound
She leaned forward, still chewing on the headcrab of the bowl as she ate it with just her hands, because she couldn't be bothered looking for utensils. "Oh, hey, sup," she spoke to Rapunzel, with food still in her mouth.
- Rapunzel -

Rapunzel gently caressed the pink blob to sleep.

"Amethyst," she said, turning to the tough-looking purple lady, "Squishy said that this place is called, Avasola, and that there is someone or something called, the Gordo, who might know who placed us here."

She poked the coals of the campfire to keep them from burning lower. "But Squishy doesn't remember where he lives, only that he was surrounded by a lot of crystals. Do you want to go together and look for this place with a lot of crystals?"

Zer0 said:
- Rapunzel -

Rapunzel gently caressed the pink blob to sleep.

"Amethyst," she said, turning to the tough-looking purple lady, "Squishy said that this place is called, Avasola, and that there is someone or something called, the Gordo, who might know who placed us here."

She poked the coals of the campfire to keep them from burning lower. "But Squishy doesn't remember where he lives, only that he was surrounded by a lot of crystals. Do you want to go together and look for this place with a lot of crystals?"

The pink blob suddenly remembered something and jumped out of Rapunzel's lap, Squishy began jumping around her while saying the man over and over again, Squishy finally stopped and looked at Rapunzel "You can talk to the big man, he knows where the Gordo. And i know where he is, he is over there" Squishy then look to the hut out in the distance "He's there" she kept saying over and over while jumping, before falling asleep having used up all her energy.
She looked over to the fire, listening in. She noticed the 'who' in 'who placed us here', rather than the what. "Heh, I was right in assuming there was someone that put us to this," she murmured, before basically pouring the crab into her mouth, and eating the bowl as well. She stood up, and said, "Well, if it'll get us closer to punching this dude or person, then I'm alright with that."
- Rapunzel -

Rapunzel picked up the sleeping Squishy in her arms and looked at Amethyst. "Let's go check the hut?"

She also called Solaire and told him all about this place being called Avasola, about the Gordo who might know who placed them here, and about The Big Man who was over yonder at a hut in the distance, and asked him if he'd like to accompany them.

@budgieboo, @billthesomething
Reimu watched the small group in the campfire quietly. In fact, that was the only people she was looking at since they were slightly eventful. They seemed to be up to something now as they started calling out to other people. She decided to check it out, even if it might not be any of her business. She floated down towards the group like an angel.

"Mind if I know what's happening here?" Reimu asked as she landed behind of them. It was a straightforward and almost seemed like a demanding question. She was only curious since there was, if anything, no other important job she could be doing right now.

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Zer0 said:
- Rapunzel -

Rapunzel picked up the sleeping Squishy in her arms and looked at Amethyst. "Let's go check the hut?"

She also called Solaire and told him all about this place being called Avasola, about the Gordo who might know who placed them here, and about The Big Man who was over yonder at a hut in the distance, and asked him if he'd like to accompany them.

@White Shamrock @Donder172
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- Rapunzel -

"Oh, wow! How are you doing that?" said Rapunzel gazing at Reimu in wonder. Everyone here was so unique. She wondered if she herself had any magic powers too other than having very, very, very, very, long golden hair.

"Squishy here told us that this place is called, Avisola," she said holding up the sleeping pink blob, "and that there is someone called the Gordo who was surrounded by crystals who might know who placed us here. Over there in that hut-" she pointed to the distance, "-is someone called The Big Man who knows where Gordo is. Want to come?-Oh, and my name is Rapunzel."

@Computing Magus
Reimu didn't take in the words Rapunzel said and noticed her extremely long golden hair first. She looked in awe but realized she must look a bit awkward.

"Oh, um, I can fly around like it was normal. Jacket helped me with that at first; he's the one with the blood-stained jacket, by the way. Anyway, I'd like to join you guys if it could be of any importance. Oh, and I'm Reimu Hakurei, nice meeting you Rapunzel." Reimu said and took a note in her mind that this group already proved to be interesting.

- Rapunzel -

Rapunzel smiled at Reimu and followed Solaire and Jacket to the bungalows, carrying Squishy. She was sad to leave her frying pan behind, but not everyone had finished eating yet.

She looked at the flying lady, the tough purple lady, the knight, and even the bloody ruffian named Jacket. At least they were there and she felt safe.

She sneaked a glance at Jacket. So he helped Reimu . . . hmm . . . maybe he wasn't a ruffian inside . . . everyone else seemed very comfortable around him. Maybe being covered in blood was normal to everyone around here since they were all warriors . . .

Maybe she was a warrior too? She gazed at her reflection on the back mirror of her durable hairbrush. She didn't look like a warrior at all with her big green eyes, very light complexion as if she never went outside, purple dress, and very soft delicate hands. But she had a sketchpad and a painting set, so maybe she was a painter?

Rapunzel would absentmindedly follow the group, lost in her thoughts, and then simply get on the boat.

(OOC: @billthesomething, @Computing Magus, @budgieboo, gonna' sleep)
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Zer0 said:
- Rapunzel -

After speaking with Alphonse, Rapunzel, strode back to the campfire where Amethyst was eating and smiled at her, "Hi."

She sat beside Squishy and Pascal, her chameleon climbed up to his place on Rapunzel's shoulder, his belly big. Pascal gave a satisfied squeak-burp.

"So, will you take me to the Gordo, Squishy?" she asked the pink blob.

(OOC: @MTchaos1134 (sorry, mate, gonna' go ahead), @billthesomething , @budgieboo)
(It's alright, I fell asleep, sorry for not responding before heading to bed)

Al sighs and starts walking into the forest, He needs time to think. And he wants to map out the forest in his mind, so he sets off, wondering what he will find in the forest. Hopefully nothing that Can break the seal.
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billthesomething said:
Solaire Of Astora

"Hmm, of course i'll join in. Though i believe we might be in need of a boat to reach it, I do believe Jacket mentioned seeing one near the shelter he cleared out. Didn't you?" who simply nodded in conformation "Then please show us the way" Jacket stood up and began leading the group towards the Bungalows

@White Shamrock @Donder172
Ulfric stood up and follows the group silently. His thoughts about where he might be from. He had a feeling from a cold place as it was very warm here for him. It bothered him that he could not remember, but tried to hide it.
Amethyst followed the group, and went along towards the boat. She looked over at the floating woman with slight amazement, grinning. "Woah, that's really awesome! How are you even doing that?" she said, looking around for a pair of wings, or anything that she might be using to float like that, "So cool."
billthesomething said:
Solaire looked over Ulfric and saw the discomfort on the Kings face "Have you thought off taking of your cloak, Ulfric?" Solaire raised an Eyebrow beneath his helmet @Donder172
"I haven't, I am not sure if this is made ofnseveral pieces or just one piece of clothing." ((Self I am not sure xD ))
Alex went through the forest and saw a beach. He ran to it and smiled "So quite, so peaceful, hmm maybe I can find someone here. Where am I, is this a vacation of some sort....am I dead." He pondered these questions as he walked along the beach, one of his guns in one hand, his other hand rested on his chin.
[QUOTE="White Shamrock]Alex went through the forest and saw a beach. He ran to it and smiled "So quite, so peaceful, hmm maybe I can find someone here. Where am I, is this a vacation of some sort....am I dead." He pondered these questions as he walked along the beach, one of his guns in one hand, his other hand rested on his chin.

Kota follows the man, seemingly not spotted yet, he takes his lightsaber from his back but keeps it unignited. "You are not the only one here. Who are you?"
Alex yells shooting a bullet that zooms by the mans ear, he sighed "Alexander Hamilton..I think, maybe then again I don't know. I am on edge since I killed a hell turkey," he said gripping his chest with his open hand. He looked down "What in the Constitution is that," he said as it felt right for him to say, he pointed to the inactive light saber.

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