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Fandom Help!! I Have Lost My Mind!![Multi-Fandom Survival RP]

[QUOTE="White Shamrock]Alexander jumped out of the water "What in the constitu- what is a constitution, who am I. My name, my name is Alexander Ham-, Alexander Hamilton." He shook of the water and reached in his pocket, he looked at the quill "Why do I have this, am I a writer. I don't have time to write when I am stranded on an island," he stared at the island and took a walk, hopping to find someone.

Rattling filled the air before something lunched itself from out of forest shrubs, the Headcrab missed the writer and ran away from the author. but was quickly followed by the loud screaming and moaning

"ho dog, pelh em. PELH EM!!" the zombie screeched as he threw one of the headcrabs at the author
Hamilton jumped "My word, you are a thing of hell," he took out his pistol and shot the thrown demon turkey. He then started to shoot and reload at the jockey throwing them at him "MY FUCK, WHY AM I HERE!" He yelled as he then grabbed a branch and swung at the demon.


(Is it possible to de-beak and keep these things)
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(Is it possible to de-beak and keep these things)
(Yes but that's the poison variety which delivers poison through several means, try finding the standard or fast variety) The zombie lumbered forward and swung one of it's arms snapping the branch in half " EEEMMM LLLLLLLLLLLLLLIK ,SSSTTRRRUUUUH TI EM PLEH ,DOG HO!!" it was clear that the author only had one option
Alex pointed his gun "un deux trois quatre cinq six sept huit neuf," he fired the gun as it went through the zombie. He used his foot to push him away and shot again, his eyes showing a burning anger. He growled at the beast "Go back to hell you spawn," was what he said dusting himself off.


(Never thought I would see the day when Hamilton was fighting a half-life 2 zombie on a island xD )
Lewis didn't know what to say to Scar since both people on the beach could be dangerous, but finding out would be much more interesting. Also the fox reminded him of someone but he couldn't quite grasp his thoughts. "I am Lewis, I think we can agree that there is more worthy...prey and we can ask people to find it instead of killing them." he suggested. He was already slowly approaching the knight and fox to ask directions or for information.

@White Shamrock
@Shadowlugia711 @billthesomething
Scar followed Lewis, he growled at the man before glaring down at the them "Unworthy prey," his voice was gravely but getting better. His claws extended in case they were hostile, he said something in clicking before looked at the fox. He wondered who these people where but decided not to attack unless provoked.

@Shadowlugia711 @billthesomething @ManyFaces
Alex growled "Hmm, okay so apparently thanksgiving turkey's have come to eat my soul. Maybe I was a turkey hunter who committed turkey slaughter....then why do I have the pen then," he walked the way the creature had come. He sang a song that sounded familiar to him "Rise up.....rise up....," he continued as he jumped and became more energetic as he sang the song that was in parts, some lyrics not sounding right.

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Reimu let Jacket get a hold of her wrist as he finds a way to bound her to Earth. As she waited for his part of the solution, she motioned both legs downwards so that she can keep a horizontal position and that her kimono won't fall. Suddenly, it felt really easy to do just that; both legs went downwards and stayed that way. Reimu had an idea.

"Wait a minute." Reimu said and removed Jacket's grasp of her. She slowly started to go upwards again since Jacket let go but she forced to fly forwards... and did. She flew slowly around the room, trying to get a hang of the flight ability and looked like a fish in an aquarium. It went around for less than minute and forgot there was someone in the room.

"Wow, this is extremely weird. You have any idea how could this have happened?" Reimu asked the only other person in the room. Now that she seemed to be taking control of this paranormal activity, she felt really great.

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Location: Beach

Form: Normal

Status: Normal


The fox began coughing and sputtering, and a small stream of seawater escaped its open jaws. On shaking, trembling legs it slowly got up, not immediately aware of the humanoids standing around it. A single red eye opened, and locked onto the palm tree arched over it.

A single question came to mind. "Where am I?"

@White Shamrock
Jacket had his armed crossed and was leaning against the wall. he shook his head at her question "Nope, Though i would be lying if didn't say i am a little jealous. Being able to fly like that, its most kids dreams" he said with a slight chuckle and a grin. Jacket reached into his pocket and drew out a cigarette, which he quickly lit then continued to watch Reimu. he walk out of the small, but quickly turned back towards shrine maiden "Wait here while i get Blondie, i have an idea"

"Oi Blondie, i need your help with something"
he shouted from the hut @Zer0
- Rapunzel -

"Avasola . . ." repeated Rapunzel, thinking. She had tied her very long hair in a braid while waiting for the sweet yams to cook.

With the food ready, she called everyone for the meal, then sat on the sand beside Squishy and Pascal, with two coconut shells full of the crabmeat, herbs and a yam, lathered with the sweet tangy sauce. One bowl she pushed between the two to share.

"Squishy, did you see the ones who placed us here and where they went?" asked Rapunzel, skewering a piece of hot yam with a stick and beginning to eat.

Pascal translated for Rapunzel.

Then the bloody ruffian called her, she froze again and glanced to where her frying pan was sitting on the coals of the campfire. She couldn't use it. As much as the ruffian scared her, she didn't want to actually hurt him.

"Um, I'm very busy!" she said back, then realized that she was just sitting, eating. "I'm busy eating!" she added hastily, "Yes. So . . ." she looked at the side awkwardly. "I cannot help you."

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Zer0 said:
- Rapunzel -

"Avasola . . ." repeated Rapunzel, thinking. She had tied her very long hair in a braid while waiting for the sweet yams to cook.

With the food ready, she called everyone for the meal, then sat on the sand beside Squishy and Pascal, with two coconut shells full of the crabmeat, herbs and a yam, lathered with the sweet tangy sauce. One bowl she pushed between the two to share.

"Squishy, did you see the ones who placed us here and where they went?" asked Rapunzel, skewering a piece of hot yam with a stick and beginning to eat.

Pascal translated for Rapunzel.

"Don't know you should ask the Gordo, he knows this junk better then i do. After all i am just a slime" Squishy said with shrug while also digging in

"Blondie, i need your help with something" Jacket said as he grabbed two bowls, one for him and one for Reimu
- Rapunzel -

"Will you take me to the Gordo?" Rapunzel asked Squishy.

Then the ruffian strode over and Rapunzel drew away from him, afraid, clutching sand as if to throw it at him.

"Um . . ." she glanced to where Solaire was and retreated to his direction, saying, "I-I'm busy, and . . . Okay," she said, exasperatedly, "the thing is, I don't trust you and you scare me, so I'm not going to go to wherever you're going." she said firmly, ready to throw the sand in his face and run away to the knight.

billthesomething said:
"Don't know you should ask the Gordo, he knows this junk better then i do. After all i am just a slime" Squishy said with shrug while also digging in
"Blondie, i need your help with something" Jacket said as he grabbed two bowls, one for him and one for Reimu
Zer0 said:
- Rapunzel -

"Will you take me to the Gordo?" Rapunzel asked Squishy.

Then the ruffian strode over and Rapunzel drew away from him, afraid, clutching sand as if to throw it at him.

"Um . . ." she glanced to where Solaire was and retreated to his direction, saying, "I-I'm busy, and . . . Okay," she said, exasperatedly, "the thing is, I don't trust you and you scare me, so I'm not going to go to wherever you're going." she said firmly, ready to throw the sand in his face and run away to the knight.

Alphonse approached the two of them after helping the elder."are you alright ma'am?" He faced the blonde woman. She seemed to not like jacket, he does the work of hunting and clearing but it does not mean they are evil. He waits for a response.
Reimu watched the fellow leave and she was asked to wait in the room. Despite his menacing appearance, he seemed nonchalant yet ready to help her. This lightly calmed Reimu's image of the person, since she thought she seemed...stubborn? No, but something...

Reimu landed on a chair slowly. It felt like she knew how to work the ability properly already. Reimu felt like there was more than just the flight ability, especially since she thought her dress(?) seemed really particular to something. Whatever, she needed to know many things but she needed to rest. Something about doing absolutely nothing but sit in a calm day was familiar but the memory was not obvious for her to remember. Reimu decided to examine the stick she kept absentmindedly holding. It felt rather light, and the two strands made it look ready for pummeling something with swift speed.

"I really need to know what's happening sooner or later..." Reimu muttered, looking at the fine rays of the sun outside. She sat comfortably with seemingly nothing to do just yet.
"Hmm, At least your honest about it." Jacket took a drag of his cigarette before continuing "Look Reimu is floating and i need something to keep her relatively to the ground, so i was thinking i cut a piece of your hair and use it as rope" he shrugged then looks to Alphonse "or do you think you could use her hair to create a rope?" @MTchaos1134 @Zer0
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billthesomething said:
"Hmm, At least your honest about it." Jacket took a drag of his cigarette before continuing "Look Reimu is floating and i need something to keep her relatively to the ground, so i was thinking i cut a piece of your hair and use it as rope" he shrugged then looks to Alphonse "or do you think you could use her hair to create a rope?"
@MTchaos1134 @Zer0
billthesomething said:
"Hmm, At least your honest about it." Jacket took a drag of his cigarette before continuing "Look Reimu is floating and i need something to keep her relatively to the ground, so i was thinking i cut a piece of your hair and use it as rope" he shrugged then looks to Alphonse "or do you think you could use her hair to create a rope?" @MTchaos1134 @Zer0
"I can, but we could use other materials. Such as striped wood, plants, or other things."al replied, looking around."we don't need to use her we have other things around us to use."he draws a transmutation circle ahead of time.
ManyFaces said:
Lewis didn't know what to say to Scar since both people on the beach could be dangerous, but finding out would be much more interesting. Also the fox reminded him of someone but he couldn't quite grasp his thoughts. "I am Lewis, I think we can agree that there is more worthy...prey and we can ask people to find it instead of killing them." he suggested. He was already slowly approaching the knight and fox to ask directions or for information.
@White Shamrock
@Shadowlugia711 @billthesomething
Solaire looked away from the strange fox to when he felt the temperature around him raise slightly, he quickly looked around and saw the skeletal ghost who was floating. Solaire found himself being reminded of a grove, but he also quietly muttered "Damn Necromancers" on instinct. and this instinct told him to draw his sword, which he was able to resist "Oh Hello. if you are looking for information then i am afraid that i can't help you for i know just as little about this situation as you" @ManyFaces @White Shamrock
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- Rapunzel -

Rapunzel's face turned indignant. "No," she said firmly to Jacket, drawing herself up to her full height, "my hair is not rope."

With that she coldly turned away from him and looked at Alphonse who was drawing something on the ground.

"My name is Rapunzel, and I'm fine, thank you." she said to him in a warmer tone. It surprised her that the big armored man with the glowing eyes had the voice of a child, and she became curious. "May I ask who you are?"

@billthesomething, @MTchaos1134
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Zer0 said:
- Rapunzel -

Rapunzel's face turned indignant. "No," she said firmly to Jacket, drawing herself up to her full height, "my hair is not rope."

With that she coldly turned away from him and looked at Alphonse who was drawing something on the ground.

"My name is Rapunzel, and I'm fine, thank you." she said to him in a warmer tone. It surprised her that the big armored man with the glowing eyes had the voice of a child, and she became curious. "May I ask who you are?"

@billthesomething, @MTchaos1134
Jacket dropped his cigarette and stomped it out "Okay then" Jacket said with a shrug and returned to the hut with bowls of food. he raised an eyebrow when saw that Reimu wasn't floating anymore, but didn't decided not to bring it up at the moment so he could instead hand her the bowl of headcrab @Computing Magus
Reimu heard Jacket come inside the room. He was holding out a bowl of something which Reimu couldn't identify for now. She gladly accepted the food that Jacket handed to her. She only took quite a few nibbles for now. The taste was peculiar but at least it was edible.

"Thanks for helping me out there. I think I got over the floating...ability? Anyway, you won't need to help me since I'm fine now. Oh, I forgot to thank you for your help there. Oh! I also don't know your name. I'm Reimu Hakurei. Mind if I know yours?" Reimu asked. She continued taking bits of food from the bowl.

"Jacket, my name is Jacket. And it was no problem Reimu." Jacket who despite his calm voice which almost bordered on monotone, had a small smile. they continued to eat quietly. When jacket finished his bowl he let out slight groan as the iron scent that his clothing reeked of, had finally begun to bother him. "You wouldn't happen to know how to wash blood out of clothes?"

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